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<title>Expo Systems - To-Do List</title>
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<h1>Expo Systems To-Do List</h1>
<h2>How this works</h2>
<p><b>Click on the solid triangle in a sub-heading to reveal</b> the individual to-do items. Click again to hide.<br />
<p>Printing this page uses a much smaller font. Complain to <a href="mailto:expo-tech@lists.wookware.org">the nerd list</a> if you don't like this behaviour.
<p>Edit this page by using the same "Edit this page" function that you may have used before.
<p>To see the "data maintenance" and "survey data-entry" to-do lists, go to <a href="todo-data.html">the other TO-DO list</a>
<h3>Module to-do texts</h3>
<p>These are extracted directly from the <var>todo = '''Thing to do '''</var> string at the top of each file of troggle code:</p>
<a href="/todo/anything"><div>
<embed type='text/html' height='100px' width='800px' src="/todo/anything"><br>
Click here if no todo list appears here (because 'frames' have been disabled).</div></a> This list is generated directly from the troggle python code files.
<h3>Other coding To Do things</h3>
<p>See also these long-running issues which have their own 'to do' implications:
<li class="todo"><a href="/handbook/troggle/trogdesign.html">What Troggle Does Badly - Design Decisions</a>
<li class="todo"><a href="/handbook/troggle/menudesign.html">New Menu System</a>
<li class="todo"><a href="/handbook/troggle/trog2030.html">Troggle in 2025-2030</a>
<h3>Process Documentation</h3>
<details><summary><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Wallets and new-cave</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Explain how to link a new cave into the other caves in
troggle filesystem
<li class="todo"><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Explain how to add photos with the correct URL format to sub-HTML files attached to New Caves
<li class="todo">explain how to put stuff in the wallet folder and how to look at expofiles/photos/xml/
<details><summary><!--2021-10-31 psargent-->Scans and Drawings Uploads</summary>
<li class="todo">Add to user data manual how to upload to expofiles - in the "survey manual"
<li class="todo">Add in description of *where* to put the drawings files
<details><summary><!--2020-04-13 psargent-->svx check</summary>
<li class="todo">explain command line to run on newly typed survex file to check for format errors '$cavern xxxx.svx'
<li class="todo">explain when to use svxtrace.py <a href="troggle/scriptscurrent.html">current scripts</a>
<li class="todo">Making an svx - explain how to make link to *ref to wallet folder
<h3>Wallets re-programming</h3>
<details><summary><!--2021-05-21 psargent-->Things wallets.py might do in future </summary>
<li class="todo">- integrate into troggle, remove as a distinct script
<li class="todo">- relates to conversion of the XRF shell script into python/troggle too
<li class="todo">- checking the cave number specified matches the folder for the .svx file,
<li class="todo">- checking that the *ref: filed in the survex file is the same as the wallet nameS
<li class="todo">- detecting whether there is a description or a list of QMs in the survex file,
<li class="todo">- checking the name of the cave against the cave number,
<li class="todo">- checking whether the website page even exists for this cave,
<li class="todo">- being more intelligent about .topo files and thus the lack of scan files,
<li class="todo">- checking the date is in the recent past etc.
<h3>Surveys data entry documentation</h3>
<details><summary>Write code to automatically extract ref info about wallets from tunnel xml files</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->This will replace :drawings:chk-xml.txt as used by :drawings:check-xml.sh
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->Do similar for Therion files when people start using #REF comments
<details><summary><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->2019 surveyscans</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->edit all the content.json files
<li class="todo"><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->try to autocomplete the content.json by parsing .svx files
<li class="todo"><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Put personal names into canonical form
<details><summary>2014 contents.json</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->parse all the svx files to extract people, dates & svx references
<details><summary><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->Navigation - Context, Situational Awareness</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->No overall view of what there is: need a user-friendly diagrammatic overview <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Site_map">sitemap</a>. There are 4,869 files in :expoweb:
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->Not fixed by menus - breadcrumbs needed?
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->Diagrams of major sections: survey handbook, rigging handbook, computing handbook, Areas, cave data..
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->Chase Airoa to help fix <a href="../troggle/menudesign.html">the menus for phones</a>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->Look at <a href="https://www.gov.uk/guidance/government-design-principles">gov.uk guidelines</a> for inspiration</details>
<h3>Areas and prospecting guides</h3>
<details><summary>Areas (these are the sub-areas)</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-05-01 psargent-->Downgrade the "areas" aspect of the documentation as we don't use these now
<details><summary><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->Fix the BINS package (Wookey is looking for replacement)</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->set up git on the BINS software? Fix base url sautret.org
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->set up a cron / Makefile job to run BINS
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->why is 'updatephotos' script in expofiles?
<li class="todo">Document the ~expo/webphotos/ directory and how it works
<li class="todo">Why does expofiles/photos/xml/ get created containing all the generated xml files? Fix this.
<details><summary>galley thumbs etc.</summary>
<li class="todo">:expoweb:/galley/0.htm thumbnails not loading
<h3>Laptop config.</h3>
<details><summary><!-- 2020-04-11 psargent --> imagemagick convert</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-03 psargent-->Not working for PDFs on current version of xubuntu ! Fix & document. Also not working on WSL ubuntu. Needed to work with logbook images easily & to extract PDFs, JPEGs. Need to edit /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
<a href="https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/pdf-not-authorized.html">cromwell-intl.com/open-source/pdf-not-authorized.html</a>
<h3>System Documentation</h3>
<details><summary><!--2020-04-11 psargent-->Document how we generate the SMK overall lengths and stats</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-20 psargent-->scripts and manual actions in cavern
<li class="todo">smklengths.sh script
<li class="todo">smklengsths.odt
<details><summary><!--2020-04-20 psargent-->:loser:/docs/ files</summary>
<li class="todo">Questions.txt
<li class="todo">SMKlog.txt
<details><summary><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Troggle architecture</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-10 psargent-->Regenerate the diagram of the tables in the database & document
<li class="todo"><!--2020-04-10 psargent-->Describe the parsing/import procedures so non-nerds can do it
<details><summary><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->Surveyscans</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-03-26 psargent-->explain where the image files are referenced from: svx, tunnel/therion, and
<li class="todo">Be exhaustive in checking all the broken links between svx & wallets
<li class="todo">Get it working ! How many of <a href="../troggle/scriptsother.html">other scripts</a> should be in it ? Should we do data imports to schedule too ?
<details><summary><!--2022-02-15 psargent--> Expo log parsing</summary>
<li class="todo">Parsing broken on several old expo logs, excluded in the source code
<details><summary><!--2021-11-06 psargent--> CaveView fixing</summary>
<li class="todo">re-enable CaveView
<details><summary><!--2021-11-04 psargent--> non-server, non-Apache links to Cave HTML i/t/l pages ALL BROKEN</summary>
<li class="todo">http://expo.survex.com/1623/others/l/113day.htm works but, and
<li class="todo">http://localhost:8000/1623/others/l/113day.htm works but
<li class="todo">http://localhost:8000/cave/others/l/purple.htm is a 404 as troggle urls.py doesn't do it at all
<li class="todo">Ah it is because of the 'cave' page being at /cave/ instead of sent to /1623/ which is the problem..
<details><summary><!-- 2020-04-11 psargent -->Troggle parser/viewer </summary>
<li class="todo">Explain how expopages (formerly flatpages) work. refer to computing/hbmanual1.html
<details><summary><!--2020-07-24 psargent--> Completely new design of QM management needed</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->see <a href="../troggle/scriptsqms.html">QM status and redesign needed document</a>
<h3>Troggle Refactoring</h3>
<details><summary><!--2022-02-15 psargent-->MIME types and filename extensions</summary>
<li class="todo">We should use standard <a href="https://docs.python.org/3/library/mimetypes.html">https://docs.python.org/3/library/mimetypes.html</a>
to convert between mimetypes and filenames, not our own hacks
<li class="todo">We should not be relying on filenames to accurately describe the format of the files. This is not robus and may also be a bit insecure.
We should use <a href="https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic">python-magic</a> or some other wrapper around Linux libmagic1 C library.
But note that there are TWO packages called python-magic, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/436220/how-to-determine-the-encoding-of-text/16203777#16203777
<details><summary><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->Make parsers use generators to yield one line at a time</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->Both recursive load and linear load parsers/survex could do this.
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->In the logbooks parsing and cache loading.
<details><summary><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->Enhance some exceptions with dataIssue [NOTIFICATION pattern], not just in parsers</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->https://martinfowler.com/articles/replaceThrowWithNotification.html
<details><summary><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->Python documentation: Django's use of modern unobvious idioms</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->[DECORATOR] pattern used for login-required pages
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->Get all trogglistas to read https://ebookscart.com/effective-python-by-brett-slatkin-pdf-download/ - downloded to /expofiles/
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->Get all trogglistas to read https://martinfowler.com/tags/refactoring.html
<details><summary><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->expopages is used to deliver CSS and JS for django admin pages,</summary>
<details><summary><!--2022-02-19 psargent-->gardening our main model files for unused things</summary>
<li class="todo">get rid of 'expeditionday' as a concept everywhere ?
<details><summary><!--2022-02-19 psargent-->Make QM a first-class 'thing' and manage them explicitly in troggle</summary>
<li class="todo">after fixing the display of QMs from the existing hodge-podge
<h3>Expo Server</h3>
<details><summary><!--2020-07-24 psargent--> document cgit installation and config</summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2020-07-24 psargent-->as per Wookey on Debian 10
<details><summary>MySQL configuration </summary>
<li class="todo"><!--2022-02-18 psargent-->robots.txt completely missing from /home/expo/static or troggle:/media
<li class="todo"><!--2020-05-14 psargent-->Document "anacron" / cron system on server
<h3>The To Do pages</h3>
<p>We were working on a more capable and easier-to-use to-do system which would mimic
how <a href="https://github.com/CaveSurveying/CUCCexposurveyissues/issues">GitHub Issues</a> do this sort of thing,
but now we are just going to use standard HTML5 tags.
See also <a href="todo-data.html">Data maintenance to-do list</a><br />
Back to <a href="onlinesystems.html">Online Systems manual</a>
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