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1623: Gschwandt Alm area
<center><h1>Gschwandt - NW of the Loser-Br&auml;uning wall</h1></center>
This is a comparatively out-of-the-way area with few known caves. It lies NW
of the Loser to Br&auml;uning Zinken ridge, below the cliffs of these peaks
and above another steep drop, the St&ouml;ckl Wand, which falls to the head
of the Rettenbach - the stream which takes the Naglsteg water and flows WNW
to Bad Ischl.
<p>Three approaches are possible, though one is much longer than the others,
unless you are based at CUCC's <a href="../tcamps.htm#topcamp">Top Camp</a>,
in which case it is by far the shortest !
<p>From the <a href="../tollrd.htm">toll road</a>, starting at the Loser
H&uuml;tte, a path heads west, parallel to and just above the road. It is
joined by a track which leaves the road at Kehre 11, just above the ski area
parking and bus stop. Immediately beyond the junction is the small
resurgence of <a href="../noinfo/gschwand/6.htm">1623-6</a>, worth knowing
about if you boil your radiator going up the toll road ! The track continues
west, dropping slightly to reach the top of a big ski lift coming up from the
valley at Ramsau. A path now continues, following the contours round NW, then
N, and finally turns east below the wall of Loser. This leads above the top
of St&ouml;ckl Wand, and below the slopes and screes falling from Greimuth,
to reach a large group of huts situated just above a permanent spring. This
is Gschwandt Alm.
<p>From the Bergrestaurant, follow path 201, and take any of three left
turns, the first two leading over Sommersitz or Lackerbichl, but all
eventually reaching Br&auml;uning Alm. From here, the <i>voie normale</i> of
Br&auml;uning Zinken leads west as a clear path just above and NE of
Gschwandt Sattel. From this point, a much less used route zig-zags down steep
slopes directly to Gschwandt Alm.
<p>The third route starts by approaching CUCC's Top Camp (Camp 3) just to the
NW of Schwarzmoossattel, or, for the very intrepid, by crossing the steeper
Br&auml;uning Sattel, leading down directly to the camp. A cairned route
over karren and through dwarf pine leads roughly west until a better defined
path materialises and turns more southwest and descends gently to Gschwandt
<center><table border>
<tr><td><a name="5">5</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/5.htm">Holzknechtbr&uuml;nndlloch</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="6">6</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/6.htm">Quelle (Wasserloch)</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="10">10</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/10.htm">Spalth&ouml;hle</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="11">11</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/11.htm">H&ouml;hle in der Loserwestwand 1</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="12">12</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/12.htm">H&ouml;hle in der Loserwestwand 2</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="52">52</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/52.htm">Sennerkeller &amp; Sauloch</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="60">60</a></td>
<td><a href="../noinfo/gschwand/60.htm">Schacht I-IV bei Gschwandtalm</a></td></tr>
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