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1987: Logbook
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<h1>AUSTRIA 1987</h1>
<li>Cambridge Underground Expo Report:
<li><a href="report.htm">Expedition description</a></li>
<li><a href="158gd.htm">Donner-und-Blitzen Höhle</a>, Mike Richardson</li>
<li><a href="ent113.htm">Entrance 113</a>, Mike Richardson</li>
<li><a href="geolog.htm">Geology of the Totengebirge</a>, Jared West<br>
<hr />
<a>1987-08-22 | journey - Journey out | Juliette, Jenny, Jared, Keith, Ian, Chris, Mike M, Mike R, Andrew and Dave</a>
[participant 'BKA' assumed to be Dave.]
<p>The first part of the log is traditionally taken up by the journey out.<br>
If this is of no interest, here is a link <a href="#start">to the caving</a>!
<p>1st intrepid explorers left on Thursday 20th, closely followed by those
taking more luxurious forms of transport (!) on Friday. The streak lightning
team Millers, xxxx and Jenny, arrived at the campsite first (17½ hours
after leaving Cambridge, despite xxxxting in incredible storm with
spectacular lightning before arriving at Dover, we managed to get an early
ferry (thus missing meeting Rover). There were absolutely no momentous
events (well, as far as I am aware, as I spent most of the journey in the
land of nod).
<p>The S.L. team arrived at about 2.00 and after spending an incredible
amount of time pitching our tents, a short walk was taken (the weather being
v hot) and then we decided to get 4 people into a two-person dinghy. Much fun
was had and the 10-person attempt must soon be made.
<p>The evening was rounded off with a pint and looking at surveys.
<p>PS. A Slow worm crapped on Ian when he picked it up.
<p>PPS. A short while after we had returned to the tents I (Jenny) was
awakened by a shadow (of a man !) kneeling down by my tent. When I opened up
the zip I saw someone running away - V. suspicious I'm sure. After a couple
of minutes a timid voice said 'Are you a caver ?'. The mysterious intruder
proved to be Juliette's boyfriend, Stonker.
Team 'Wet Sponge' left Cambridge on Friday at a caving 6 O'Clock (ie. 8
O'Clock). Chris took the wheel after leaving to see how to drive, and
managed to get to Dover without getting struck by lightning or even given a
breath test. They wouldn't let Jared on the ferry (in case the extra weight
made it roll over), so he had to get the ferry to Ostend a few hours later.
Got to Zeebrugge without mishap (they closed the doors this time) where Mike
drove to Ostend to pick up Jared (his ferry overtook ours). Mike drove a few
hours, then Chris slogged out the rest with an occasional prod whenever he
threatened to drive off the road. Easy drive (not as if we were going to
drive into the back of anything else on the road !) We had a small detour in
Germany when we took the wrong autobahn (foreign dignposts !) Got lost
driving around looking for petrol and got strange looks from the garage
attendant when the land-rover started urinating on his forecourt. No-one
stopped us at the customs (too smelly) so hit Bad Aussee, Austria by about
12.30 at night GMT. Arrived to see a mysterious furtive rustling from a
green tent at the site (who was groping whom is of course confidential).
Since the faster smoothie didn't buy us a crate, we had to go to bed
Grubby hitchers (Andrew and BKA) made it around 12.30 Sunday (3 days of
<u>variable</u> going) - Train London -> Dover, ferry 2 minutes later, got
amazinbg lift to beyond Köln - unfortunately the Geordie had already
been up well over 24 hours, had driven ~14 hours, and was definitely fading
by the time we met him. Embarassingly, he even gave us DM10, being as we had
no marks. Arrived salubrious service station 3.30 am. Good hitching on Friday
- Haydn's Firework music blasting through lorry cabin, two highly hirsute
types, furry car-seats and closed car-windows, sauna-style, excessively fast
Audi. Had Bournvitas, approached by stick-insect type hitcher, were evilly
snotty to him, and he turned out very nice, felt reet bastards. Service
station just outside München for the night, nearly trampled by horses,
eaten alive by midges. Found ourselves on local dogwalk as emerged next
morning. Blissful lake swim, then HELLISH day hitching - did ~15 km. Finally
get 5 min lift in open-top Merc (no leg space and <u>v</u> windy, but fun),
then sweltered in mid-Munich, getting <u>nowhere</u>. Finally got two buses
and a tram, to cross München. Approached by crippled lurching tramp
wanting food for his dog. Spoke English too, malheureusement. Andrew collared
poor Australian (complete with didgeredoo)(who'd just smashed in a car's door
$200 worth, was broke) who took us to a service station. <u>Bad</u> hitching
there, tried 'till 9 pm. Camped on filthy, slimy, smelly mat of grass, in
traffic island being lulled to sleep by 5000 cars per hour. Watched, in
amazement, as put in contact lenses in morning, by audience of 5 gaping
gypsies. <u>Finally</u> got amazing lift <u>all</u> the way to campsite car
park by V.V. kind Austrian couple (with appropriate slobbering grovels).
Devoured half of expedition food (after 4 days of stale bread and sweaty
cheese). Juliette arrived, after we'd 'swum' in river (v. necessary). Walked,
swum, washed clothes, walk, ate, ate, etc.
Its hard to envisage the raw courage of one lone feminist setting out into
the raw uncivilised wastes of Europe to get to .... sin city, Salzburg.
Actually, wasn't too bad - found someone on the train who'd been to
Peterhouse. Of course, ferry'd been deserted by the Townsend Thoresen
"Spirit of Commercial Consideration over Public Safety" disaster.
Same couldn't be said of train - spent night breathing Japanese feet. Didn't
wake up because hadn't slept (sulk). Saw alps rising suddenly and
majestically out of plain, blah, blah, poetry etc. Lots of cataracts,
forests, precipices and poets standing on hilltops. Out of train onto
Postbus (gosh ! isn't Salzburg pretty ?) SPEAKING GERMAN AND BEING
UNDERSTOOD. Lots of lakes etc. Changed onto train at Bad Ischl STILL JUST
ABOUT COMMUNICATING. Very pretty of course, gosh, wow. Found Bad Aussee and
bus immediately (good excuse not to walk) and Gasthof and NO CAVERS. Bloody
Hell, sulked in river and talked to local cats, flashed myself at car
drivers and eventually ate cold rice pudding. Don't want to cave - am going
to lie in river for 3 weeks.
<hr />
<a name="start">1987-08-23 | plateau - Exploring on plateau 8 hrs surface work | Mike R, Jenny, Ian, Keith, Dave, Jared, Chris, Mike M </a>
<p>Quick ? Stroll ? Swelter ? to Bunter's Bulge. Ate lunch. Looked at an
extensive area in the depression beyond. Very little of note except that the
area is very shattered and most shafts are broken. Exception being too tight
and presenting an impossible dig !
<p>Found "TC" but not 153, 154 & 155 - will have another look
later. Couple of shafts still to be looked at (have to return to collect
Jenny's glasses !!)
<p>Very schematic map ! grade 1 ish
<pre width="80">
down hill area looked at
^ /
| | L |
| |
| ----------------------------------------
| |
| /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯-------________ |
| / -------------------\--------------------
| / L__ |
| / \ |
|/ ---------------------|-------------------
X | |
/| / |
( | -----------------------/----------------------
\| / |
X / |
\ --------- | __---__
\ / Large \ | ( ) Bunter's
\__________/ Snow ___\/ ¯¯---¯¯ Bulge
¯--________- "TC" (¯¯¯) Hole
¯¯¯ Doesn't go -
Been explored previously
<p>Or a photo of the original sketch!</p>
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook01.jpg" /></div>
<hr />
<a>1987-08-24 | surface - survey - Team Silver Streak ! Or something like it (Streak Lightning) | Jenny, Keith, Ian, Chris, Mike M</a>
<p>Early start (11.30 am) and trip to ridge caves. Down Stogerweg to 32 for
brief stop and then on to P.2. Hacked up to 113 via several draughting holes
which were examined.
<p>Definitive guide to Austria refers to 109 as "hole stepped over on way
to 113" it is. This draughts excessively but unfortunately doesn't come
to anything significant.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook02.jpg" /></div>
<p>[ Plan ]
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook03.jpg" /></div>
<p>[ elevation ]
<p>Then continued up to 113 (P0). and surface surveyed back to P2 via P1.
Also looked at 87 which could be felt from the path. Tremendous draught and,
contrary to description, probably has got "some point" to bolting
into passage following draught. Examining survey, 87 could connect to Big
Chamber area of 115 at Futility series passage !
<p>Returned to camp stopping momentarily to see even more chamois and attempt
<p>The end, Mike M
<p>Mike sent Chris on a Bunde-bashing trip (Ah- there's a cave in that hill -
recognise that tree anywhere) and after much hardship found a wonderful
draughting cave which turned out to be 2 minutes from the path and had the
symbol 87 by it - what does this mean ?
<p>Surface time 8½ hours.
<hr />
<a>1987-08-24 | 153 - maybe | Animal</a>
Animal discovered what he thought was 153, even though it had no numbers,
was 1000m from the nipple (rather than the 60m expected), yet it had a
strong draught, had a panoramic view, as warned, and was beneath a boulder
(surprise indeed !) But he had no caving gear. All summoned and me, the only
one with gear, went down beyond the light and holes and pitches imagined.
Lots of huffing and general descent to a strong breeze and a tight tight
rift that I couldn't pass, backwards forwards, sideways or upside down. Wait
for Jenny or Chris with narrower chests.
<p>No particular climbs and the rift is parallel to a fault in the main rock.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook04.jpg" /></div>
<p>It wasn't 153.
<p>Next. (Look I'm the only one with caving gear today) Found various holes
that breezed but were blocked, so with expectant wandering through thick
bushes discovered a big entrance that tightened to a very small crawl (lots
of scratched until oversuit was donned). Right angle turn, change to stand
and change direction. This ran into a different passage heading left-right,
right silted up, left a fair hands and knees crawl with virgin mud that
again silted up (perhaps diggable, but to what I don't know). Half way back,
a draught and squeeze that I couldn't manage but is perhaps possible - soon
widens out ... go & see (and its harder coming back through the first
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook05.jpg" /></div>
<p>MEANWHILE back at the surface. David found a nice-looking hole v near the
Nipple but it blocked after 20 ft ish (Has been known for many years, Mike
M). Becca & Juliette found a _v_ drafty hole at the bottom of a little
cliff near big ice-sheet which was well-henried and blocked. (Looked at
yesterday by Keith and Mike). Jared crawled into it. David and Juliette
found a POTENTIAL SHAFT - seems v. deep with water at bottom between blasted
tree and ice sheet. Side of depression.
<p>Various other holes were found to be blocked or found to seem too cold and
left. One or two really ought to be revisited I suppose.
<p>Where are they ?!
<hr />
<a>1987-08-25 | plateau - rained again | chris, andy, dave, Becka, Ian, Keith, Jenny, Juliette, Animal, Jared</a>
<p>It rained in the morning, stopped - we went up to the plateau and it
rained again. We descended and everyone except MM went down the salt mines.
<p>Evening: Surface time 3 hrs
<p>Ian (team stupid sod !) + Mike M (Team cripple) went in search of the Holy
Grail (otherwise known as Jenny's glasses, which had been left at an
entrance somewhere on the ridge/ depression beyond the Nipple) 40 mins walk
from the car park to Nipple and collected Ian's gear. Light rapidly fading
and mist swirled around. Having found all other entrances looked at on
Sunday, we failed in our quest. In total darkness we retreated to the
footpath (found by chance) and retreated to the car park for a kip whilst
waiting for those down 87.
<hr />
<a>1987-08-25 | 87 - Hole 87 Reexploration | Jenny, Chris, Keith</a>
<p>The day before, while walking to 113, we felt a howling draught coming
from 87. The survey showed this as fully explored but we felt that they may
have overlooked something when they dismissed a couple of passages.
<p>We went underground at 8.45 pm. After a wonderful sledge/abseil down the
first pitch, an icy draught met us at the bottom and we put 2 new bolts in
while Chris retrieved the rope which he had left at the top.
<p>The second pitch proved to 25m (not 15) due to the snow at the bottom. The
draught seemed to disappear somewhere down this pitch, but this may have
been due to the cave widening.
<p>The third pitch was about 20m. There may have been a possible way off to
one side, landing on a loose slope.
<p>We got to the top of the next pitch, but due to the state of the rope and
the hang on the bolts we decided to abort the trip.
<p>We did a little bit of exploring on the way out. Chris thought a passage
at the bottom of the first pitch ought to be explored more thoroughly.
<p>We came out at about 2.00 am.
<p>Time underground 5¼ hours. Jenny.
<hr />
<a>1987-08-26? |113 - again - reexploration | Animal, Becka, Jared, Andrew</a>
<p>Down to the hading (?) rifts to try and find a lateral connection to
Stellerveg (?) [these damned vegetarians get everywhere] - 41 and perhaps
recover a stinky and helmet from the bottom of Perilous Ibbeth / Ibeeth
Perilous Pitch. Ages to find the actual entrance - yellow marks on
night-time rock not altogether visible. Mike A rigged, couldn't find the old
bolt so re-anchored to avoid the knife-sharp edges and three frozen cavers
soon descended to a snow slope and three foot ice-pool (wet feet for some).
Down the rifts, down and down - on a very rough calculation the slope was
90m long (through squeezes and climbs), 90° strike angle (dipping
right, angle taken) 25° downward (v approx). Some fabulous, truly so,
ice stalagmites and 'tites - forty feet at one stage and enormous ... found
abolt hole at the bottom of this rift way - we'd probably come off the main
route. Couldn't find any lateral rifts that went anywhere so back to
entrance pitch, foot of, and then down a different way - right and down
rather than straight on, trying to find Ibbeth Perilous and the Foxes
Glacier. Little glaciers and very steep slopes - Andrew went down to see
what was there. At bottom of slopes (70 ft down at 45°), hole off to
the left and a steep wet slope up (you'd need a handline or sticky boots,
grasshopper like, to get up). Another steep slope down, a fair way from the
sound of rocks. Animal and Jared found a pitch to the right of the first
slope but could see no bolts and felt no urge to descend. Which Andrew did:
on second descent of slope, a huge boulder gave way and he went shooting
down these 70 foot ridges to get a gashed hand, four stitches, and no more
caving. The official version is he fell down while descending the footpath
(official for other cavers/tourists etc.) ... Out at 3.30, back at dump at
5.30 (starting underground 10 pm ish)
<p>T/U 6½ ish hours
<p>Moral of the tale - seriously. WATCH OUT FOR LOOSE BOULDERS - nothing's
necessarily solid: no-one's ever been down before & frost damage means
everything's dodgy. And if you don't believe it, you may well find yourself
in plaster up to the elbow, if you're lucky (A's postscript).
<hr />
<a>1987-08-26 | 87 - impressive entrance | Keith, Ian, Juliette, Mike Martin</a>
<p>Mike (this is getting sillier all the
time 'cos of the knees) Martin.
<p>Time underground 4.5 hours.
<p>This is a truly impressive entrance. Bit chilly though. Descended to head
of last pitch, which was very black. Superb rig, figure of 8 on bight xxxx
beautiful freehang. Pitch head very intimidating so only MM descended. There
was no sensible way on. Did climb 15m up until xxxx it became silly. A drxxxx
cxxx down this. [ was this written in red ? it hasn't photcopied well...] The
draught steadily decreases the further down the gxxxxx. Facing down the
pitches there are a series of rifts at various levels off to the left - each
one takes part of the total draught until almost none is noticeable at the
<p>At head of third pitch a xxxx small tube follows aforementioned rift/fault
trending in a straight line with small deviations up and down. Continues to
a narrow slot - undescended, also a larger stream passage with gravel floor
~6m below with drip entering (noise). Appears to head straight into the hill
and is very reminiscent of the small tube from 142 to bottom of audible
connection in 143.
<p>See over for sketch of plan.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook06.jpg" /></div>
<p>[ this sketch is almost completely unintelligible, at least in photocopy]
<hr />
<a>1987-08-27 | 113 - surveying? | Becka, Jenny, Jared, Chris, Mike (Animal)</a>
<p>Went with intention of doing a bit of surveying (maybe) but descended next
ramp after Andy's and found only way on was through to bottom of Andy's
ramp. Rigged down pitch found last time then farted around swapping ropes
over. Becka and Jenny descended first and then wittered about whether it
would be possible to prussick up. Mike went down and went past and found a
_helmet_ - see Wadder's notes - this was on an ice/rock blockage which was
partially dismantled (care taken in case whole lot gave way). Descended
about 15' more, view round corner to chamber (probably) but too many rub
points to descend and no more hangers. On way up spotted alternative route
for next time (see "survey") which will avoid remaining hanging
death. Several bolts will be needed.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook07.jpg" /></div>
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook08.jpg" /></div>
<p>Mike (I'm slowly getting more crippled) M's bit !
<hr />
<a>1987-08-27 | surface - LASER RANGEFINDER | who</a>
<p>Surface time 11 hrs.
<p>Having got back from previous trip ~ 2 am then writing up findings, I then
discovered note on my tent that the others had volunteered me to go with the
Austrians to show them our caves (at 9 am):-
<p>Having warned them of my dicky knees he said the walk was easy and not
far, so 1 hour later I was hacking up to the peak between V & H
Schwarzmooskogel. The others went up to Hinterschwarzmooskogel to the fixed
measuring point. Using very flash LASER RANGEFINDER, a permanent station
(0/1) was made which gave a view of the plateau. The others moved their
equipment to the above point and we went in search of Steinschlagschaft ? We
couldn't find it ! Hence left a permanent marker (0/2) on a pavement of rock
near one of our cairns and two deep shafts. See over for how to find this
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook09.jpg" /></div>
<p>[ diagram which shows not how to find it, but how to know when you have
found it ]
<p>Then proceeded to make another mark on prominent outcrop of rock near
large depression with snow plug and a number of deep shafts. (slightly (~10m)
above path marked with cairns).
<p>0/4 is the first survey point of Wolfhöhle. Then off into the
plateau. Found 107, 83. If you follow gully up until you can see the peak
between V & H Schwarzmooskogel, 0/5 is on a slab of rock above a gully to
right. The edge of the gully also has a red paint marker !
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook10.jpg" /></div>
<p>Next to 106, which has been renumbered 76. Permanent marker placed on slab
above 76A.
<p>The Austrians have reallocated 88 to the Germans who have an extensive
cave of over 6 km with several pitches which drops into one of our caves.
They don't know which one - we shall have to visit them to discuss.
<hr />
<a>1987-08-29 | 113 - in the mist | Jared, Ian, Jenny, Keith</a>
<p>Left camp at 7.15 am and walked up to 113 in the mist. The entrance was
descended without incident. Andy's ramp was descended and Ibbeth Perilous.
Ibbeth Perilous was rerigged and new bolts installed to avoid some of the
many rub points. At the base of Ibbeth Perilous, the next pitch was rigged
and came out into a large chamber with several passages off. These were all
blocked except for one. This is a traverse over a large rift which comes out
into (Opera House ?) we think, due to the presence of two naf bolts.
<p>An uneventful exit was made with Ian taking some pictures on the entrance
pitch. Group sleepy arrived as we were ascending the entrance pitch.
<p>Time underground 6½ hours.
<hr />
<a>1987-08-29 | 109 - bones | Jared, Ian</a>
<p>Went down entrance free climb to find short pitch. At the bottom I (Ian)
collected bones from small passage blocked after about 2 feet. Most bones
were there, including skull, lower jaws, vertebræ, ribs, legs etc.
with some brown fur and a hoof which I think is from a small Chamois or Roe
Deer. All bones in arm's reach were removed. The Austrians will be given at
least the skull and lower jaws.
<p>Time underground ½ hour. Ian
<hr />
<a>1987-08-29 | 113 - group sensible | Animal, Juliette, Becka, Chris</a>
<p>Group sensible left base camp at 12 (a disturbed night due to group
insanity leaving in the early hours rather noisily). Walked up to entrance
pitch and met others coming up. We descended at 3 pm & Mike & Chris
did the first (easy) bit of surveying up to the top of Ibbeth Perilous. Left
the two others to do the more entertaining vertical bits, while M C
descended to the bottom of the chamber rigged by others. Saw rusted bolts of
previous generation sticking out of rock. Chris tried freeclimbing down the
side but wimped out over what sounded like pitch at bottom. Many small
passages leading off around entire chamber, after investigation, all got too
tight or headed back up rift.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook11.jpg" /></div>
<p>Animal leaned on a boulder 4 ft cubed, which rolled off down the passage
giving him a nice surprise. Boiled up some meaty soup with dig bix, then
some vege stuff for the vegys, just as Becka and Juliette descended
(overtaken on way down by Mikes torch). Detackled on the way out. Becka
showed her appreciation of Mike's cooking & Marathon bar in a glorious
technicolour yawn - the ledge above the iced-in rocks above the pitch to the
chamber shall henceforth be known as Marathon Ledge. The ice holding in the
rocks had cleared a bit since last time - rather tenuously attached. Got out
of cave around 11-30, trudged back & got to camp around 2-30 am.
<p>Chris. T/U 9 hrs
<hr />
<a>1987-08-30 | surface - Team surface prospecting (cripples) | Keith, Ian, Jenny, Andy, Jared, Mike M</a>
<p>Walk to Braüning col then follow cairns up toward Vd Schwarzmoos
kogel - First explored holes near 0/2 which didn't amount to anything (short
thru trip) and required no gear - considered too low and close to
<p>Climbed up to area near 0/1 - Shaft ~40m deep explored by Ian and numbered
156. For sketch see survey data at back giving location of cave.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook12.jpg" /></div>
<p>[ misleading diagram referred to 0/2 with no north arrow ]
<p>Tumbling Boulder Hall was first explored by Jared and then by Mike M. The
latter fully appreciating the looseness of the rocks ! Consisted of phreatic
uplift passage, 3m diameter, ~45°, ~60m.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook13.jpg" /></div>
<p>[ a sketch ]
<p>Met German/French cavers
<p>We have a problem ! Their survey suggests that they have joined at the Big
Pitch in Stellerweg. The description of the passages matches. Unfortunately
they have surveyed to 113 and their position of this doesn't correspond to
ours. Tomorrow we will have to survey from 144 to
Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle to their cave 88 and then if time permits to
113 and 152 - some hope !?!!
<p>Mike M
<p>Surface time 7 hrs.
<p>Time underground Ian ¾ hrs<br>
Jared ¼ hrs<br>
Mike M ¼ hrs - Stopped to graze !
<hr />
<a>1987-08-31 | surface - prospecting | Keith, Ian</a>
<p>Prospecting area around survey point 0/5 (Austrian). Two caves were found.
The cave just above 0/5 survey point, about 20 foot. The other about 100m
away slightly up the hill to the left.
<p>157 near survey point.
<p>50 metre shaft with ice plug with way on down between ice and rock. Shaft
still going at -50 metres but got too dangerous due to size of slot and
loose snow. Bottom could not be seen.
<p>On way out, spotted passage off halfway out, rift like. Went along this to
head of pitch of unknown depth. Bolts were spotted and expected to be from
Manchester Caving Club. So exit was made.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook14.jpg" /></div>
<p>Keith. Time underground ½ hour.
<p>The other cave had a passage going into the side of the hill. To our left
the passage went a short way then a shaft (daylight) was seen, the passage
continued but not explored. Straight ahead the passage went about 50 foot to
a 30 foot pitch. This was bolted and descended into a large chamber. To the
left was another pitch about 30 foot deep, undescended. To the right was a
rift, further to the right was another rift with an ice-covered stone floor.
There was also another passage next to this which is passed just before you
get to the entrance passage - this also looked like it continued. A number
was not allocated due to the fact that a car inner tube was found just
outside the entrance containing a large quantity of carbide. This is
presumed to be from the Manchester University Caving Club. [This is
believed to be completely disinformational, Ed.]
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook15.jpg" /></div>
<p>Ian. Time underground ½ hour.
<hr />
<a>1987-08-31 | 153 - voice connection | Chris, Becka, Jared</a>
<p></p> (Juliette was there by 'voice connection')
<p>Had found entrance previous day while looking for another cave. Donned
oversuit over shorts and free climbed entrance shaft. Found amazingly small
'letter-box' slit and squeezed through to find pitch which seemed at least
15m, placed bolt and handed over to Chris and Becka who had changed into
full gear.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook16.jpg" /></div>
<p>Chris descended into unknown - a rift around 6 ft wide or less, went down
60 ft vertically with a break half-way down and ended up on floor where it
went on, drafting slightly. Becka came down while I (Chris) plucked up
courage for the squeeze - I knocked off some chips and went over boulder down
squeeze. It went down another 30 feet and then ended in another squeeze
(section Y-Y). Jared and Becka stayed at top squeeze while I rigged bottom
squeeze (8 inches wide) and went down it with a little trepidation (my helmet
would not fit down it). Becka (& Juliette and Andy at the top) were
wingeing and left Jared and me down the cave. Beyond the second squeeze did
not go (rather it did, but too narrow, 4 inches wide or so downwards). So
tried prussicking up squeeze - got chest through & then MR and chest
jammer stuck in rock. Descended with difficulty and tried alternative routes
to no avail. So Jared heroically came through top squeezes to come to Chris's
help. Chris had taken off his SRT gear (modern-fangled stuff) & Jared,
after trying to move a rock, eventually put down his hand & hauled Chris
out of the squeeze like a champagne cork (though not so bubbly). Then Jared,
having performed his rescue mission, left first - he had some difficulty with
the rock at the top squeeze so shoved it out of the way and got through OK.
Chris followed and derigged on the way out, having been stuck down beyond the
end squeeze for about an hour. Got out of cave about 3 hours after we'd said
½ an hour more, & left back for car-park, expecting either to have
set off a rescue, or a bout of drinking down the bar. Got back to
Bergrestaurant (only got lost a few times) & found one car waiting for us
- full rescue gear ready, & the Rover halfway down run out of petrol. So
got back in end with only some wounded pride and dented enthusiasm for
caving !
<p>Chris. T/U Becka 3 hrs, Jared and Chris 6 hrs.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-01 | 87 - return | MikeTA and Juliette</a>
<p>Return match with the very cold cave to find MM's legendary passage.
Juliette played around rigging - very exciting. Then the fun started. We
found a possible passage which we decided looked FAR too nasty - very
exposed 60 ft drop. "Can't be that" it was decided. Tried
everything else and decided MM was out of his tree. So discretion being the
better part of valour, we retreated, dropping a hanger and MR down 3rd
pitch. Left it rigged for some other poor suckers.
<p>T/U 4
<hr />
<a>1987-08-31 | Surface - surveying | Mike R, Jenny, Mike M</a>
<p>144 to Larchenhöhle (88) - Problems with condensation on the clino
severely delayed progress. Having successfully completed above, then
surveyed from 113 (p0) to 88, then back for other things !!!
<p>Time on surface 9 hours.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-01 | Surface - surveying | Jenny, Keith, Mike M, Ian</a>
<p>(+ occasional assistance by Ian)</p> Survey from 152 to
113 route ( MM - point - station 4 on previous survey)) completing loop and
enabling errors to be assessed on return to UK.
<p>Met French who said that they hve connected 88 to SWEishöhle. so they
now have the highest entrance 1705 (but have found others) and the combined
system now has 11 entrances !!
<hr />
<a>1987-09-02 | 87 - attack | Mike M, Keith, Becka</a>
<p>Yet another attack on 87. In about 11, quite rapidly down to 2nd pitch.
Keith life-lined Mike over traverse to passage to left. (over 60 ft or so
drop). Mike then put bolt in, Keith and Becka crossed. Pleasant sandy crawl
over some holes, eventually to biggish rift, with 30 ft climb. Mike
freeclimbed (up OK, but getting back down decidedly for headcases only) then
put bolt in for a ladder, for we lesser mortals. Continued up. Another
thrutching scramble later, Mike and Keith both getting shoulders to stand
on, Muggins had a merry time trying to get up. On, until came to a <u>big</u>
aven, ~30m up, us at the bottom. Mild expletives - would have to bolt it all
to get up. Couple of small passages off, one passage right at top, from
which small stream came out, but too high up. Surveyed it going back, not
<u>too</u> cold. Becka prussicked out first, and coming up first pitch as
Animal, Ian and Juliette were about to start descending to see what we were
up to. Left first 2 pitches tackled.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook17.jpg" /></div>
<p>T/U 7 hours.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-02 | 154 - Hole 154 | Jared, Jenny, Chris, Andy</a>
<p>(+ Andy as 'supervisor' and head sherpa)
<p>By the time everyone was up, food bought, & the injured were tended,
it was raining. With great reluctance, people were persuaded to go down holes
rather than the bar at the first lull in the rainstorm. Andy led us to the
cave which we descended at 4pm. Jared went down pitch first, trying not to
dislodge the precarious boulders (especially the one providing the backup
belay). Pitch only 15 ft - rift led off but not far before it choked, blocked
off according to Jared. Jenny found a drafting slot which she dug out, until
rocks started falling on her head. Probably carries on, but too suicidal.
Chris found a 1985 vintage Mars Bar wrapper under a rock. Detackled, got a
little lost on the way back, & got to the Loser Hut to meet the others,
about to start rescuing us (again) at 9. Bar closed, so everyone scoffed
Chris' gluhwein in the tent instead, just to annoy the German couple in the
caravan next door.
<p>Chris. T/U 2 hrs.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-03 | basecap - toboggan | Juliette, Jenny, Jared, Keith, Ian, Chris, Mike M, Mike R, Andrew and Dave</a>
3/9/87 - Keith + Ian decided to go to the toboggan run at Strobl and
everyone else decided to join them and jack. Time underground relative to
speed through 5 ft tunnel.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-04 | plateau - new holes | Keith, Ian, Jenny, Jared, Mike M</a>
<p>Went in search of new holes ! Up to col then across pavement to obvious
hole in distance - veering left. Found lots of holes but nothing of note.
Hacked across to 76 and then up to holes previously located by the Millars.
Jared descended, but all choked. Finally went in search for 148 again + found
it half buried behind a pile of snow. The route is now prominently marked
with cairns.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-04 | surface - above Nipple| Becka, Juliette, Chris, Mike R</a>
<p>Carried on poking around on the ridge above the Nipple. Mike found his
massively developed chest was a bit big for the rift in the cave which was
formerly thought to be 153 so thin-man Chris was sent in and reported a 5m
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook18.jpg" /></div>
<p>Juliette found 140 again and a huge well-hidden entrance (thoughts of
fame) but it turned out to be 138. Chris and Becka went down a hole Mike
<p>Twas a snow slope going down a rift at around 60°-70°. Chris
went down first & traversed across, about 30m down, to look at a pitch
(nearly filled with ice). Then carried on 10m down to bottom of snow slope,
where the rift was - yes, you've guessed it - boulder choked. Becka came down
& tried pulling rocks out since rift did carry on, but one rock was
jammed making it to tight, & there was no sign of a draught. Becka fought
her way up the snow slope first, while Chris had a poke at the pitch at the
30m level. He descended 10 ft down the 30ft hole beside the vertical
ice/snow, but the rope was slicing like a cheesewire through a large chunk
above him, & the pitch appeared choked at the bottom, so he prussicked
out before the half-ton of snow could fall on him.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook19.jpg" /></div>
<p>T/U about 2 hrs (Becka & Chris)
<hr />
<a>1987-09-05 | Chris hole - undescended | Chris, Juliette, Mike R </a>
<p>Back at Chris's hole - it goes: pushed on down 12m climb to pitches of
~15m and ~20m followed by as yet undescended pitch of about 20m. Got sodden
with sweat on the way up, and caught by thunderstorm on the way back.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook20.jpg" /></div>
<p>"Descend entrance rift for about 5m at 45° to cross-rift. Right
blocks after about 2m. Left descends for further 2m. Enter squeeze on right,
about 2m long to 12m free climb down steep tube. At the bottom, from a small
chamber, way on is left to pitch of 15m to large ledge, then 20m to jammed
boulders in shaft."
<p>T/U 3 hrs
<hr />
<a>1987-09-04? | 148 - Marilyn Munroe Hole | Andrew</a>
<p>"On the plateau discovered by its draught, but not really
pushed", the guidebook says. and then the hole was lost for two years,
rediscovered yesterday by MM etc... Awkward crawl over boulders 5m to a
freeclimbable little pitch after a boulder squeeze. Reaches a phreatic tube:
right silts up in boulders; left goes slowly along + down over snow & big
big rocks to reach a huge chamber (is it perhaps 82 ?) + pitch of, say, 20m.
Down through the boulders for 10ft to reach lower in the pitch, very loose
boulder slope with worrying angles toward the drop... Along that for another
drop, 10ft pitch to a rift with pitch on left. Right the roof comes down, big
boulders, a little ice chamber with frozen streamway. A squeezish down to a
narrow rift of 5m (?) down to what looks like an earthy passage - perhaps a
bypass for the big pitch, perhaps another bit... Looks interesting, this
draughting entrance and chambers...
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook21.jpg" /></div>
<p>T/U 2 hrs
<hr />
<a>1987-09-05 | plateau - Big shaft ~300m from Marilyn Munroe Hole | Becka, Jared</a>
<p>Jared put bolt in, backup bolt from 2nd nearby shaft that MM etc. put in
yesterday. Down, say 30m, to ledge, down another say 15m. Rather blocked
here, draughting a little. Hole, which I excavated rather a lot, looked
<u>maybe</u> squeezable. Stuck a bolt in (v. badly, lovely 3mm sticking out,
despite taking <u>hours</u> over it) not time to really squeeze through (only
one tight bit to get through). Looked like there was another 15 or 20m to
bottom of pitch, q-few boulders at bottom. V. possibly blocked but worth
looking at, still rigged. T/U 2½ hrs
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook22.jpg" /></div>
<p>Also, I got struck by lightning on the way down in a huge thunderstorm.
<u>Not</u> nice, went purple.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-06 | 158 - continued | Chris, Becka, Mike R</a>
<p>It was going to be Chris, Juliette, Mike R, but ¾ the way up the
Panoramastrasse, Juliette realised that she had left her rucksack so that
was that. Zipped down the two pitches rigged yesterday and bolted the next
20m pitch which landed on a huge boulder in a rather large chamber. Way on
appeared to be down a narrow rift which had Chris worried but then Becka
found a climb down into a lower part of the chamber. This was descended with
a ladder. Then rigged another rift pitch which Becka and Mike descended but
became too tight with water going down narrow slot. However, found an
alternative way over a climb: bolted and half-descended to ledge with view
into large wet canyon.
<p>Main chamber slopes up for ~25m over loose choss.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook23.jpg" /></div>
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook24.jpg" /></div>
<p>T/U 7 hrs.
<hr />
<a>1987-09-06 | 148 - Marilyn Munroe Hole | Andy, Jared</a>
<p>Andy arrived at entrance to find his light had failed due to being left on
pilot all night. Quickly reached the boulder slope which Andy had rigged
yesterday considering we were carrying so much. Andy placed bolt at head of
15m pitch while Jared explored upper level - finding second pitch which was
later found to connect with bottom of first lot of ice caves. Low crawl half
filled with icy water was not explored.
<p>14m rope was just long enough for the pitch, hanging 1 ft from the ground.
Landed on the floor of a truly magnificent chamber - 20m high, with 3 ways
leading off. Facing away from pitch, Andy explored righthand rift. This led
to a wonderful flat-out crawl which seemed to be hewn from pure ice rather
than rock and decorated with unbelievable ice curtains & stals. Emerging
from this, he was confronted by the Ice Castle - a stalagmite ice formation.
Then he returned to the main chamber - the way on straightforwards was a 3m
climb which was rigged with braidline - Jared descended, followed a huge
phreatic passage around a 90° bend and was confronted with a solid wall
of boulders. Attempting to enter a hole in the boulder wall, his hand was
struck by a large boulder which unexpectedly tried to roll - yet another
warning to those who boldly go etc. Having temporarily lost his bottle, he
returned to the main chamber. Both then tried way on number 3 - this went
steeply upwards and became tight - Andy ascended past a large loose boulder
& thought it would be safer to try to push it down. It wedged in the
rift though, making his return difficult. Further progress was halted by a
steep ice climb.
<p>Both returned to way on no. 1 and pushed it to its limit - this turned out
to be only a few metres past the Ice Castle. Then both tried no. 2 again -
Andy ascended the phreatic ptube over the boulders only to find the way
<p>After discussing the possibility of an after life, Jared reentered the
boulder-choke only to find the way on too tight - however the passage was
still drafting and a large chamber was visible through a small hole. With
this, both retreated, leaving behind them a packet of crushed Digbics &
two tins of Mackerel fillets, some soup, a stove, & a badly dented
saucepan for the survey trip.
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook25.jpg" /></div>
<hr />
<a>1987-09-07 | 158 - survey and detackle | Andrew, Jared, Animal, Juliette, Chris, Becka</a>
<p>Jared (surveying), Becka (pushing)
<p>All of us in around 2pm. Andrew and Jared as far as bottom of ladder climb
below Big Bertha, then surveyed back up to surface, getting very cold. Rest
of us started bolted down ledges. Many rebelays later, got to the bttom of a
big chamber (or continuation of other chamber) with a boulder-choked floor.
Mike had a good nose round, could find no sensible way on, though seems to
continue further down, and drafts (q.strongly in places) through boulder
chokes - could chuck stones down, but too tight and all v. loose. Chris
& Becka descended the final small (~4m) pitch to small pool of water.
Looked blind, but _thin_ rift off to right. Hammered it a bit. Becka down
(without SRT gear, not too bright) then Chris down (MR jammed, so with SRT,
awkward). Rift along ~3m, then Chris abseiled down to small chamber (Becka
as a pained belay point !). Rift continued, xxxx width, but did an S-bend in
~3ft, so not physically possible. Also, a diddy hole off, looked like it
widened later, but would need blasting - ie. a dead end. Out, getting cold
and wet. Soup on way out. Tired trog back
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook26.jpg" /></div>
<div class="centre"><img src="logbook27.jpg" /></div>
<p>T/U Andrew, Jared 8 hrs<br>
Rest 10 hrs
<hr />
<a>1987-09-09 | 158 - finish | Jared, Juliette, Chris, Mike R</a>
<p>Finished surveying and detackled 158. Need we say more ? T/U 8½
except Chris 7½
<hr />
<a>1987-09-10 | 148 - detackle and survey | Juliette, Chris, Jared</a>
<p>Jared detackled a hole while Juliette and Chris detackled and surveyed
(with a naff compass) Marilyn Munroe Hole. Chris took some pictures of ice,
then Juliette found an ancient horde of food, but there was no time to (h)eat
it. Jared appeared to lug the tackle out.
<p>T/U Juliette & Chris 5½ hrs<br>
Jared 2 hrs
<p>* Chris
<hr />
<a>1987-09-11 | basecamp - yodelaaaiiooiiii | Jared, Animal, Chris</a>
11th Sep Down to the dregs of the expedition - Jared, Animal, Chris.<br>
Hilda invited us to the celebrations of the local potato club - a few merry
hours of yodelaaaiiooiiii - hic
<hr />
<a>1987-09-12 | basecamp - Detackled | Jared, Animal, Chris</a>
12th Sep '87 Detackled campsite and dug the beer-bottle tops out of the mud.
<p>mileage for Rover: Austria 74675, Cam 75615
<p>* Animal wants to say he walked to Nipple and back with gear, went to 87
to detackle and back, then to Marilyn & back with more gear. Wow, what a
hero ! T/U ½ hour
<p>The weather started to deteriorate so we made for home.
<p>I now look like a bloody zebra crossing. Burnt leg above and below knee
bandage - burn hands, arms, neck and face !
<p>Several beers were consumed and the following items of note were made:
<p>1) Someone in the Austrian club is acquiring our journals before they reach
the appropriate person. In future copies should be sent to either:
<p>Sepp Steinberger or Alfred Auer
<p>at their Club: Verein für Höhlenkunde in Obersteier,<br>
Postfach 39,<br>
A-8983 Bad Mitterndorf.
<p>They want copies of 1985 CU (send 3)
<p>They want copies of Andy Waddington's catalogue (send 3)
<p>Also send 1 copy of above to
<p>Günther Stummer,<br>
Institut für Höhlenkunde,<br>
Messeplatz 1, Stiege 10/1,<br>
A-1070 WIEN
<p>It is important that Günther gets copies of everything <u>as soon</u>
as it is published.
<p>They want the bones (skull + jaws + teeth only) found in 109, Sepp will
call back to collect.
<p>88 will have to be renumbered 87A and 87 to 87B
<hr />