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<title>Essential GPS information</title>
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<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
<h1>Essential GPS information</h1>
<h2>GPS basics for safety</h2>
<p><b>SAFETY</b>. Everyone <a href="/guidebook/plateau.html">gets lost on the plateau</a>.
<p>Don't get lost for long as this causes rescue plans to be initiated.
<h3>What EVERYONE needs to do</h3>
<li>Install a GPS app on your phone.</li>
<li>Download the locations of key cave entrances, camps and other landmarks and the paths between them.</li>
<li>When walking on the plateau, turn on <b>location tracking</b> in Google Maps, or your GPS app, before you leave the car park and share your location with someone you know at base camp and/or top camp.</li>
<p><b>Don't be misled by the apparent simplicity</b> of the tracks. The plateau is very broken and is an unremitting extent of cliffs, holes and impassable dwarf-larch scrub ("bunde" as it is known on expo). You can be 5m from the route and have lost it entirely. The <a href="/guidebook/walkin.htm">walk to and from</a>
col leading to the plateau is comparatively easy is it is an obvious path, and marked and signposted in the earlier section.</p>
<a href="http://expo.survex.com/expofiles/gpslogs/essentials/"><img width=60% src="gps-essentials/essentials2024divert.jpg" alt="screenshot of the GPS file"></a>
<h3>Quick start for Android devices, 2024</h3>
<li>Install OsmAnd from the Play Store (recommended GPS app)</li>
<li>In the settings in OsmAnd, go to Maps & Resources -> Europe -> Austria -> Upper Austria and download the standard map.</li>
<li>Download the essential tracks and waypoints by long pressing on <a download href="gps-essentials/essentials2024divert.gpx">this link</a>. You should be presented with the option to open the file with OsmAnd - do this.</li>
<li>OsmAnd defaults to not displaying labels on the waypoints (caves and camps). Tap on a point to reveal what it represents. To override this behavior, go to 'configure map', and turn on 'Point Labels (POI, Favourites)'.</li>
<h3>Quick start for iPhones</h3>
<p>There is no such thing as a quick installation procedure for iPhones. The prefered app is gaia GPS.</p>
<p><b>If the quick start doesn't work for you, go to the <a href="#general">general instructions</a> further down this page.</b></p>
<h2>GPS for prospecting</h2>
<p>When using your phone for prospecting for new caves, or refinding old entrances, there are two further useful files that you should consider downloading:</p>
<li><a download href="gps-essentials/entrances2024.gpx">entrances2024</a> - location of all known cave entrances.</li>
<li><a download href="gps-essentials/kataster-boundaries-as-tracks.gpx">kataster-boundaries-as-tracks</a> - these are <b>not paths</b> but separate areas with
different mapping designations.
These are the smooth, curved lines. They are used by prospectors when naming new caves.</li>
<p>If you are looking for how to upload one of your own GPS tracks, go to <a href="/handbook/computing/gpxupload.html">gpxupload</a>.
<p>The OsmAnd documentation says:
<li>"The simplest way to view a track you've downloaded is to tap on it in your device's file manager and choose to open it in OsmAnd. After that, you'll see the track in My places - My tracks or in the Dashboard - My tracks."
More documentation on this to follow...
<h2 id="general">General instructions</h2>
<p>Install a GPS app (e.g. OSMand) <em>first</em>.
<p>Do one of</p>
<li><a href="#down">Download the GPX file from the expo server direct to computer/phone/GPS</a> - recommended
<li><a href="#up">Upload the GPX file to phone/GPS from computer</a>
<p>or, if you can't get those to work</p>
<li><a href="#sideways">Download the data to your phone from an online GPS app</a>
{border: solid 1px #ccc; border-radius: 4px; text-align: center;}
<table style="width: 100%;">
<tr><th>GPX format</th> <th>KML format</th> <th>ZIP of both</th> </tr>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/essentials2024divert.gpx">essentials2024</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/essentials2024divert.kml">essentials2024.kml</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/essentials2024divert.zip">essentials2024.zip</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/entrances2024.gpx">entrances2024</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/entrances2024.kml">-</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/entrances2024.zip">-</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/kataster-boundaries-as-tracks.gpx">kataster-boundaries-as-tracks</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/kataster-boundaries-as-tracks.kml">-</a></td>
<td><a download href="gps-essentials/kataster-boundaries-as-tracks.zip">-</a></td>
<!--NOTE downloads from the handbook are from /expoweb/ repo and are managed by troggle and the correct "Content type" is set,
whereas files downloaded from /expofiles/ are just managed by apache and so Chrome on Android munges the filename
So DO NOT store gpx files for download on /expofiles/ -->
<td><a download href="/expofiles/gpslogs/essentials/essentials.gpx">essentials</a> (downloads as XML)</td>
<td><a download href="/expofiles/gpslogs/essentials/essentials.kml">essentials.kml</a></td>
<td><a download href="/expofiles/gpslogs/essentials/essentials.zip">essentials.zip</a></td>
<h4 id="down">Download the GPS essentials file from the expo server</h4>
<p><b>BEFORE</b> you download the gpx file, install OSMand on your phone. Then, when the download happens, you will be prompted
as to which app you want to use to veiw the file and you can select OSMand - but only if you installed OSMand first.
<p>Use the links in the table at the top of the page.
This is easy on a laptop, but phone browsers make it difficult to download a simple link like that - just clicking will usually (unhelpfully) display it in the browser.</p>
<p>You need to long-click and pick 'download file' or 'download link' (chrome). Then either:
<li>Go to your 'Downloads' folder and tap on the GPX file, which should offer to load it in OSMand, or whatever other map software you use, or</li>
<li>Go into OSMand, select 'My places' and 'IMPORT', then select the file.</li>
<h4 id="up">Upload the GPS essentials file to your device</h4>
This is where it gets tricky because every device and phone app does this differently.</p>
<h4>GPS phone apps</h4>
This should work the same way whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone.
<p>We recommended <a href="https://osmand.net/">OsmAnd</a> as it is very capable, but you can use others.
<p>On android phones, this may be best achieved by installing from <a href="https://f-droid.org/">F-Droid</a> rather than the plan store</p>
<h3>"Modern" Garmin handheld GPS devices</h3>
Connect the GPS device to your laptop (or the expo laptop) using the USB cable. A folder will open on the laptop showing the contents
of the device.
You will see a subfolder called "GARMIN". Open the folder "GARMIN" and copy the file essentials.gpx which you
downloaded into that folder.
<p>Even modern (2019) Garmin GPS devices use this old style mini-USB socket. So you will need the special cable that comes with the device. An ordinary phone USB cable won't work.
<img src="t/usb-minib-5pin-m-c.jpg" alt="mini-USB socket" />
<figcaption><em>mini-USB b socket</em></figcaption>
<h3>Very Old Garmin handheld GPS devices</h3>
These need the Garmin communication protocol to import cave entrance locations (waypoints) and paths (tracks).
You can't do it by simply copying files.
This means that you need special software on your laptop in addition to a USB cable that
connects your laptop to the Garmin device.
<p>Once you have the right cable and connected your handheld to your laptop:
<li>On a Windows machine, use "GPSbabel for Windows" which has an easy to use graphical user interface:
<a href="https://www.gpsbabel.org/download.html">download GPS Babel</a>
<li>On a Linux machine the core gpsbabel command line utility is probably already installed;
but there is no simple, easy to use graphical interface.
Instead you must use other software such as QGIS or Viking (download using your usual Linux software installer)
which uses gpsbabel to talk to your device.
If this doesn't work then there are no useful error messages from Viking.
<h2 id="down">Nerds only: getting the <i>very latest</i> GPS essentials file </h2>
We create a new version of this essential GPS data during expo and as expoers discover new entrances and
devise new routes to reach them.
To regenerate the <i>most recent version</i> which contains the cave entrances discovered during expo
you will need to ask someone who is competent in logging into the server and running scripts.
<p>The data is in the version control system <a href="computing/repos.html">repository</a> <var>:loser:</var> in
and is generated from the survex data by a script. It is best to do this on a laptop which has the entire <var>:loser:</var>
repo downloaded onto it (e.g. the <i>expo laptop</i>) rather than on the server itself as the server can run out of memory doing this.
<p>The most recent track data will have been uploaded by an expoer into e.g.
<p>and this will need to be hand-edited into script-generated essentials.gpx file.
<h3>Regenerating the essentials.gpx file</h3>
<p>There are two scripts needed for this:
<a href="troggle/scriptscurrent.html#gps">make_essentials.sh</a> and
<a href="troggle/scriptscurrent.html#surface">make_svx.sh</a>
both of which are stored in the <var>:loser:</var> repository in :loser:/gpx/ .
<p>Read the <a href="troggle/make-essentialsREADME.txt">README</a> file in that directory.
<p>They are documented in the long list of <a href="troggle/scriptsother.html">Other scripts</a>.
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