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synced 2025-01-29 14:42:32 +00:00
Photo model added. Logbook parser now puts mugshots in as photo models, and descriptions from the old folk html pages in as "blurbs" on the person model. Experimented with eye candy and a random logbook quote generator.
313 lines
13 KiB
313 lines
13 KiB
#.-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import settings
import expo.models as models
import csv
import re
import os
import datetime
persontab = open(os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "noinfo", "folk.csv"))
personreader = csv.reader(persontab)
headers = personreader.next()
header = dict(zip(headers, range(len(headers))))
def LoadExpos():
years = headers[5:]
for year in years:
y = models.Expedition(year = year, name = "CUCC expo%s" % year)
print "lll", years
def LoadPersons():
expoers2008 = """Edvin Deadman,Kathryn Hopkins,Djuke Veldhuis,Becka Lawson,Julian Todd,Natalie Uomini,Aaron Curtis,Tony Rooke,Ollie Stevens,Frank Tully,Martin Jahnke,Mark Shinwell,Jess Stirrups,Nial Peters,Serena Povia,Olly Madge,Steve Jones,Pete Harley,Eeva Makiranta,Keith Curtis""".split(",")
expomissing = set(expoers2008)
for person in personreader:
name = person[header["Name"]]
name = re.sub("<.*?>", "", name)
mname = re.match("(\w+)(?:\s((?:van |ten )?\w+))?(?:\s\(([^)]*)\))?", name)
if mname.group(3):
nickname = mname.group(3)
nickname = ""
firstname, lastname = mname.group(1), mname.group(2) or ""
#print firstname, lastname, "NNN", nickname
#assert lastname == person[header[""]], person
pObject = models.Person(first_name = firstname,
last_name = lastname,
is_vfho = person[header["VfHO member"]],
is_guest = person[header["Guest"]] == "1" # this is really a per-expo catagory; not a permanent state
#create mugshot Photo instance
mugShotPath = settings.EXPOWEB+"folk/"+person[header["Mugshot"]]
if mugShotPath[-3:]=='jpg': #if person just has an image, add it
mugShotObj = models.Photo(
caption="Mugshot for "+firstname+" "+lastname,
elif mugShotPath[-3:]=='htm': #if person has an html page, find the image(s) and add it. Also, add the text from the html page to the "blurb" field in his model instance.
pObject.blurb=re.search('<body>.*<hr',personPageOld,re.DOTALL).group() #this needs to be refined, take care of the HTML and make sure it doesn't match beyond the blurb
for photoFilename in re.findall('i/.*?jpg',personPageOld,re.DOTALL):
mugShotObj = models.Photo(
caption="Mugshot for "+firstname+" "+lastname,
for year, attended in zip(headers, person)[5:]:
yo = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year = year)[0]
if attended == "1" or attended == "-1":
pyo = models.PersonExpedition(person = pObject, expedition = yo, nickname=nickname, is_guest=is_guest)
# error
elif (firstname, lastname) == ("Mike", "Richardson") and year == "2001":
print "Mike Richardson(2001) error"
pyo = models.PersonExpedition(person = pObject, expedition = yo, nickname=nickname, is_guest=is_guest)
if name in expoers2008:
print "2008:", name
yo = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year = "2008")[0]
pyo = models.PersonExpedition(person = pObject, expedition = yo, is_guest=is_guest)
# this fills in those peopl for whom 2008 was their first expo
for name in expomissing:
firstname, lastname = name.split()
is_guest = name in ["Eeva Makiranta", "Keith Curtis"]
pObject = models.Person(first_name = firstname,
last_name = lastname,
is_vfho = False,
mug_shot = "")
yo = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year = "2008")[0]
pyo = models.PersonExpedition(person = pObject, expedition = yo, nickname="", is_guest=is_guest)
# the logbook loading section
def GetTripPersons(trippeople, expedition):
res = [ ]
author = None
for tripperson in re.split(",|\+|&|&(?!\w+;)| and ", trippeople):
tripperson = tripperson.strip()
mul = re.match("<u>(.*?)</u>$(?i)", tripperson)
if mul:
tripperson = mul.group(1).strip()
if tripperson and tripperson[0] != '*':
#assert tripperson in personyearmap, "'%s' << %s\n\n %s" % (tripperson, trippeople, personyearmap)
personyear = expedition.GetPersonExpedition(tripperson)
if not personyear:
print "NoMatchFor: '%s'" % tripperson
if mul:
author = personyear
if not author:
author = res[-1]
return res, author
def EnterLogIntoDbase(date, place, title, text, trippeople, expedition, tu):
trippersons, author = GetTripPersons(trippeople, expedition)
lbo = models.LogbookEntry(date=date, place=place, title=title[:50], text=text, author=author)
print "ttt", date, place
for tripperson in trippersons:
pto = models.PersonTrip(person_expedition = tripperson, place=place, date=date, time_underground=(tu or ""),
logbook_entry=lbo, is_logbook_entry_author=(tripperson == author))
def ParseDate(tripdate, year):
mdatestandard = re.match("(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)", tripdate)
mdategoof = re.match("(\d\d?)/0?(\d)/(20|19)?(\d\d)", tripdate)
if mdatestandard:
assert mdatestandard.group(1) == year, (tripdate, year)
year, month, day = int(mdatestandard.group(1)), int(mdatestandard.group(2)), int(mdatestandard.group(3))
elif mdategoof:
assert not mdategoof.group(3) or mdategoof.group(3) == year[:2]
yadd = int(year[:2]) * 100
day, month, year = int(mdategoof.group(1)), int(mdategoof.group(2)), int(mdategoof.group(4)) + yadd
assert False, tripdate
return datetime.date(year, month, day)
# 2007, 2008, 2006
def Parselogwikitxt(year, expedition, txt):
trippara = re.findall("===(.*?)===([\s\S]*?)(?====)", txt)
for triphead, triptext in trippara:
tripheadp = triphead.split("|")
assert len(tripheadp) == 3, (tripheadp, triptext)
tripdate, tripplace, trippeople = tripheadp
tripsplace = tripplace.split(" - ")
tripcave = tripsplace[0].strip()
tul = re.findall("T/?U:?\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|unknown)\s*(hrs|hours)?", triptext)
if tul:
#assert len(tul) <= 1, (triphead, triptext)
#assert tul[0][1] in ["hrs", "hours"], (triphead, triptext)
tu = tul[0][0]
tu = ""
#assert tripcave == "Journey", (triphead, triptext)
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
#print "\n", tripcave, "--- ppp", trippeople, len(triptext)
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = tripplace, text = triptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, tu=tu)
# 2002, 2004, 2005
def Parseloghtmltxt(year, expedition, txt):
tripparas = re.findall("<hr\s*/>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
for trippara in tripparas:
s = re.match('''(?x)\s*(?:<a\s+id="(.*?)"\s*/>)?
''', trippara)
assert s, trippara
tripid, tripid1, tripdate, trippeople, triptitle, triptext, tu = s.groups()
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
#assert tripid[:-1] == "t" + tripdate, (tripid, tripdate)
trippeople = re.sub("Ol(?!l)", "Olly", trippeople)
trippeople = re.sub("Wook(?!e)", "Wookey", trippeople)
triptitles = triptitle.split(" - ")
if len(triptitles) >= 2:
tripcave = triptitles[0]
tripcave = "UNKNOWN"
#print "\n", tripcave, "--- ppp", trippeople, len(triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</p>", "", triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("<p>", "\n\n", ltriptext).strip()
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = triptitle, text = ltriptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, tu=tu)
# main parser for pre-2001. simpler because the data has been hacked so much to fit it
def Parseloghtml01(year, expedition, txt):
tripparas = re.findall("<hr[\s/]*>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
for trippara in tripparas:
s = re.match(u"(?s)\s*(?:<p>)?(.*?)</?p>(.*)$(?i)", trippara)
assert s, trippara[:100]
tripheader, triptext = s.group(1), s.group(2)
mtripid = re.search('<a id="(.*?)"', tripheader)
tripid = mtripid and mtripid.group(1) or ""
tripheader = re.sub("</?(?:[ab]|span)[^>]*>", "", tripheader)
#print [tripheader]
tripdate, triptitle, trippeople = tripheader.split("|")
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
mtu = re.search('<p[^>]*>(T/?U.*)', triptext)
if mtu:
tu = mtu.group(1)
triptext = triptext[:mtu.start(0)] + triptext[mtu.end():]
tu = ""
triptitles = triptitle.split(" - ")
tripcave = triptitles[0].strip()
ltriptext = re.sub("</p>", "", triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("<p>", "\n\n", ltriptext).strip()
#ltriptext = re.sub("[^\s0-9a-zA-Z\-.,:;'!]", "NONASCII", ltriptext)
#print ldate, trippeople.strip()
# could includ the tripid (url link for cross referencing)
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = triptitle, text = ltriptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, tu=tu)
def Parseloghtml03(year, expedition, txt):
tripparas = re.findall("<hr\s*/>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
for trippara in tripparas:
s = re.match(u"(?s)\s*<p>(.*?)</p>(.*)$", trippara)
assert s, trippara
tripheader, triptext = s.group(1), s.group(2)
tripheader = re.sub(" ", " ", tripheader)
tripheader = re.sub("\s+", " ", tripheader).strip()
sheader = tripheader.split(" -- ")
tu = ""
if re.match("T/U|Time underwater", sheader[-1]):
tu = sheader.pop()
if len(sheader) != 3:
print sheader
# continue
tripdate, triptitle, trippeople = sheader
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
triptitles = triptitle.split(" , ")
if len(triptitles) >= 2:
tripcave = triptitles[0]
tripcave = "UNKNOWN"
#print tripcave, "--- ppp", triptitle, trippeople, len(triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</p>", "", triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("<p>", "\n\n", ltriptext).strip()
ltriptext = re.sub("[^\s0-9a-zA-Z\-.,:;'!&()\[\]<>?=+*%]", "_NONASCII_", ltriptext)
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = triptitle, text = ltriptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, tu=tu)
def LoadLogbooks():
expowebbase = os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "years")
yearlinks = [
("2008", "2008/logbook/2008logbook.txt", Parselogwikitxt),
("2007", "2007/logbook/2007logbook.txt", Parselogwikitxt),
("2006", "2006/logbook/logbook_06.txt", Parselogwikitxt),
("2005", "2005/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2004", "2004/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2003", "2003/logbook.html", Parseloghtml03),
("2002", "2002/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2001", "2001/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("2000", "2000/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1999", "1999/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1998", "1998/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1997", "1997/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
#yearlinks = [ ("2001", "2001/log.htm", Parseloghtml01), ] #overwrite
for year, lloc, parsefunc in yearlinks:
expedition = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year = year)[0]
fin = open(os.path.join(expowebbase, lloc))
txt = fin.read()
parsefunc(year, expedition, txt)
# command line run through the loading stages
# you can comment out these in turn to control what gets reloaded