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synced 2025-03-03 08:59:42 +00:00
1556 lines
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1556 lines
41 KiB
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: 258 "Tunnockschacht"
; This is a pruned version of the 258 survey as of the end of expo 2016 which only includes the route taken to reach the bottom of Dont Stop Me Now, at the time the lowest point of the cave at -903m
*equate 258.258 p258
*equate 258.258a p258a
*equate 258.258b p258b
*entrance p258a
*entrance p258b
*begin 258
*title "Tunnockschacht"
*export 258 258a 258b
; surface connections
*flags surface
*begin tagbolta
*export 1 2
*title "258A tag bolt survey"
*date 2006.07.24
*team Insts Tom Handford
*team Notes Mark Shinwell
2 1 3.69 163 -07
*end tagbolta
*begin tagboltb
*export 1 3
*title "258B tag bolt survey"
*date 2006.07.26
*team Insts Tom Handford
*team Notes Mark Shinwell
2 1 4.74 130 00
2 3 17.36 124 +16
*end tagboltb
*equate tagbolta.1 258a
*equate tagbolta.2 1.4
*equate tagboltb.3 258b
*equate tagboltb.1 1.4
*begin 1
*export 1 4 5
*title "258 part 1"
*date 2006.07.23
*team Insts Aaron Curtis
*team Tape Dave Loeffler / Aaron Curtis
*team Notes Mark Shinwell
; reference 2006 #05
; calibration the same as caves/204/trunk/goesser.svx.
2 1 29.50 153 -57
3 2 12.45 099 -60
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
1 0 2.5 3 1.3 RP LW (looking up) marked with cross
2 1 0 10 10 RP RW 1m above rebelay bolt
3 1 1 2 0 RP nose of rock at drip line
*data default
*flags surface
4 3 5.60 124 -23 ; RP on rock
4 5 10.17 346 +01 ; RP on rock = 200604 in Dave's GPS
*end 1
*equate 1.5 258
*begin 2
*export 24 20
*title "258 part 2"
*date 2006.07.26
*team Insts Aaron Curtis
*team Tape Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell
*team Notes Tom Handford
; Calibration: stone bridge
; compass: 325 152 336
; clino: -22 +24 -22
19 20 29.23 143 -53
19 21 4.55 227 -24
22 21 6.69 194 -47
24 23 3.28 125 -57 ; reversed
23 22 4.67 142 -50
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
19 2 3 10 2 RP wall of pitch (below col)
20 0 1 8 1.5 RP on left looking up pitch
21 0 6 10 2 bolt
;22 - - - - RP opposite bolt on col
;23 - - - - RP on boulder above col
;24 - - - - =1.1 (red cross on wall)
*end 2
*equate 1.1 2.24
*begin ducksonice
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnocks
*export 14 16x 7
*title "Ducks on Ice - below entrance pitch"
*date 2014.08.01
*team Notes Becka Lawson
*team Insts Becka Lawson
*instrument Becka's old DistoX
;ref.: 2014#17
*calibrate tape 0.00 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino remarks
8 7 3.12 162 +25
8 9 1.52 294 -17
9 10 1.06 300 -53
11 10 0.65 348 -25
11 12 21.60 321 -49
12 14 5.86 350 -02
;final connection leg on 04/08/2014 by becka
16x 14 0.99 338 -26
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
7 4 0 11 2 first bolt of traverse rhw
8 5 0 13 4 rhw near bolt
9 5 0.5 13 4 rhw down to ice
10 4.5 1 15 4 bolt for pitch
11 - - - - ice wall
12 1 4 4 1 base of pitch (snowball!)
14 0 4 2 4 bolt, end of traverse
*end ducksonice
*equate ducksonice.7 2.20
*begin bouldersurfer
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: 258 "Tunnockschacht"
*export 1 16
*title "258: Boulder Surfer"
*date 2008.08.03
*team Insts Olly Madge
*team Notes Djuke Veldhuis
*team Tape Martin Jahnke
*instrument Pony
*instrument Disto small
; ref 2008#17
*calibrate tape +0.08
; from to tape comp clino remarks
1 2 3.46 340 -13
3 2 2.34 277 -13
3 4 7.52 053 +18
5 4 10.57 272 -46
; started measuring from correct end of disto
*calibrate tape 0
; from to tape comp clino remarks
5 8 2.48 357 -24
8 9 3.91 080 +23
9 10 9.82 120 +37
10 11 3.19 074 +27
12 11 10.99 271 -40
13 12 3.78 005 -19
13 14 11.50 110 +41
14 15 2.27 055 +28
15 16 4.28 103 +44
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
1 4 0 2 1 ;existing survey station Ribs Knoedel RHW marked "1"
2 4 0.7 0 1.5 ;bottom of hanging rock flake
3 1.2 1.2 0 1 ;flake below arch
4 0.45 0.75 0.5 0 ;point on floor opposite C lead on right (small tube on RHS)
5 2 1.5 0.7 1 ;on roof
8 0 5 0.4 1.5 ;
9 0 0.5 1 0.8 ;LHW PP (marked as "9" just short of steep tube C lead)
10 1.2 0 0.3 1.5 ;PP on RHW
11 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.5 ;on roof
12 0 1.5 0.4 0.2 ;PP on LHW (near/opposite? small tube LHW)
13 3.6 0 0.8 1.2 ;
14 2.0 2.0 2 0.2 ;middle of junction with rock jutting out
15 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 ;LHW on boulder slope
16 2.5 1.5 0 1.5 ;on archway/roof
*end bouldersurfer
*equate ducksonice.16x bouldersurfer.16
*begin ribsknodel2
*export 1 2
*title "258: Ribs and Knoedel part 2"
*date 2006.08.02
*team Insts Tom Handford
*team Notes Mark Shinwell
*instrument Set 1
; 2006 #23
*calibrate tape +0.10
2 1 19.74 151 +33
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
; LRUDs looking up the passage (towards ribsknodel part 1)
2 0.8 5 4 1 RP marked, pointed boulder before drop
1 0 4 3 0.5 RP marked, LW
*end ribsknodel2
*equate bouldersurfer.1 ribsknodel2.1
*begin literalnorth
*export 2
*export 12
*title "258: Literal North (Ribs and Knoedel part 3)"
*date 2007.08.07
*team Insts Pete Harley
*team Notes Frank Tully
*instrument Set ??
; 2007#45
*calibrate tape +0.00
*data normal from to tape compass clino
2 3 4.79 327 -36
3 4 6.97 304 -49
4 5 2.17 325 -02
5 6 16.92 238 -49 ;not sure if this bearing is correct, it feels wrong
7 6 26.95 140 -03
7 8 8.45 314 -23
9 8 5.32 168 +15
9 10 11.44 325 -03
11 10 1.72 258 -40
11 12 3.82 350 -25
;Possible compass error due to interference between compass and light!! Looks ok though.
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
; LRUDs looking up the passage (towards ribsknodel part 1)
2 5 0.5 2 1 pt on boulder in floor, part of existing survey from 2006
3 8 0 3 1 pt on wall below QM C
4 8 2 6 1 spike near drafting passage
5 8 1.2 3 0.6 edge of spike out of wall near drafting QM
6 0.8 7 10 0.7 pt on edge of chamber
7 2.5 2.5 0 2 pt on ceil
8 2.5 4.5 0 1.5 pt ceil near jct
9 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.3 pt spike on floor
10 3 3 8 0.3 pt wall
11 0 0.5 8 3 pt wall below boulder
12 0 3 9 3 pt wall
*end literalnorth
*equate literalnorth.2 ribsknodel2.2
*begin literalnorth3
;ref.: 2007 #54
*export y 6
*title "Literal North 3"
*date 2007.08.08
*team Insts Wookey
*team Notes Becka Lawson
*team Tape both
;calib 1>2 326 -23 pony horizontal
;calib 1>2 325 -23 pony vertical
;calib 2>1 144 +22 pony vertical
;calib 2>1 146 +23 pony horizontal
;disto (bosch DLE50)
*calibrate tape 0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino remarks
3 y 9.19 128 +10
3 4 5.13 272 -24
5 4 15.90 116 +13
5 6 4.08 264 -21
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
;stn L R U D Desc
y 1 2 5 4 RP previous survey top of climb down before cobble pile
3 3 0.2 6 4 RP RW above climb
4 0.5 2 4 1 RP LW
5 2.5 0.7 2.5 1.8 RP RW
6 2 2.4 3 2.1 RP number '6' on pillar at pitch head
*end literalnorth3
*equate literalnorth3.y literalnorth.12
*begin usualsuspects
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnockschacht 258
*title "Usual Suspects"
*export 1.6x 1.2
*begin 1
*date 2009.07.30
*team Insts Becka Lawson
*team Tape Gareth Phillips ; for first two legs only then Steve Jones
*team Notes Becka Lawson
*instrument Yellow tape with 40cm missing for first two legs only then red 50m tape; Black compass with light bar for compass (only used on a few legs so I've entered pony data for survex) and Becka's pony for clino and second compass readings
; Calibration: AtoB 146, +22, 145 +22; BtoA 326 -23, 326 -23
;ref.: 2009#27
; ====== stations refindable to link to other surveys: ======
*export 2 6x
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
*data normal from to tape compass clino
1 6x 0.93 120 +69 ;126 compass, 40cm too short tape for this leg so changed from 1.33m in original notes
1 2 5.68 268 -37 ;265 compass, 40cm too short tape for this leg so changed from 6.08m in original notes
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
6x 0 2.5 3 1.8 rp l wall numbered from old survey
1 0 2.4 4 1.5 rp l wall at corner
2 2 8 10 75 main hang spit (lower of two spits)
*end 1
*end usualsuspects
*equate usualsuspects.1.6x literalnorth3.6
*begin goodygoody
*export 39 47
*title "Goody Goody"
*date 2009.08.04
*team Insts Holly
*team Dog Becka
*team Notes Andrew A
*instrument Tony Boycott's DistoX
;ref.: 2009#39
*data normal from to tape compass clino
37 38 6.177 183.99 -12.19
38 39 11.752 170.48 -10.54
37 41 8.883 233.45 -13.33
41 43 1.980 143.68 -10.21
43 44 5.679 211.71 -15.45
44 45 9.313 297.94 15.87
45 46 11.536 198.70 32.67
46 47 21.438 142.86 -26.70
*end goodygoody
*equate usualsuspects.1.2 goodygoody.39
*begin stringtheory
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnocks
*export x 13
*title "String Theory"
*date 2010.08.05
*team Insts Julian
*team Notes Becka
*instrument Wookey's DistoX
; calibrate - atob at top camp set 5 147/+22, set 1 147/+22, set 6 147 +22, Wookey distox 144, +24
; calibrate - atob at top camp set 5 326/-24, set 1 328/-23, set 6 327 -23, Wookey distox 328, -23
;ref.: 2010#04
*calibrate tape 0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino remarks
x 2 12.80 169 -39
2 3 23.03 179 -74
3 4 26.98 133 -85
4 5 14.40 093 -75
5 6 10.46 231 -80
11 12 6.49 080 +08
11 13 13.40 056 +14
6 12 25.63 140 -10
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
6 7 0 - 1.4
12 - - - 3
11 - - 29 2.5
13 0.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 pencil numbered
*end stringtheory
*equate stringtheory.x goodygoody.47
*begin procrastination
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnocks
*export 1 13x
*title "Procrastination Pot"
*date 2011.08.15
*team Insts Noel Snape
*team Notes Noel Snape
*instrument Wookey's DistoX
;ref.: 2011#49
;from to tape compass clino remarks
1 2 6.15 159 -18.5
2 3 6.63 173.3 -26.1
3 4 3.41 148.6 5.7
6 4 6.43 74.5 -1.8
7 6 5.64 48.5 -41.1
8 7 12.64 60.9 -53.9
9 8 7.8 307 -83.7
10 9 10.7 250 -87
10 11 3.8 136 70
12 11 20.35 68.2 -75
12 13 8.96 219.3 83.2
13 14 2.46 244.9 56.1
14 15 14.93 87.4 86.1
15 16 2.21 276.1 11.6
16 13x 5.02 256.6 11.8
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
1 4 3 12 1.8
2 4.5 6 41 0
3 2.5 6 10 0
4 0 2 5 3
6 4 1 87 13.5
7 2 1.5 87 2
8 2 3 0 0
15 0.4 0.4 2 87
16 0.5 0.3 0 87
*end procrastination
*equate procrastination.13x stringtheory.13
*begin bringontheclowns
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnocks
*export 1x 4 9
*title "Bring On The Clowns - below Procrastination Pot"
*date 2013.07.31
*team Insts Chris Densham
*team Notes Becka Lawson
*instrument Chris's DistoX
;ref.: 2013#01
;from to tape compass clino remarks
2 1x 0.30 - up
3 2 12.34 210 +49
4 3 6.39 219 +50
4 5 7.86 175.5 +32
5 6 3.46 071.5 +13.5
6 7 8.84 226 +19
7 8 17.54 069 -11
8 9 7.65 112.5 +55.5
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
1x - - - - old station from Noel's Procrastination Pot survey
2 3 5 15 2 Vertically above 1x, top of boulder
3 1 0.8 9 2.7 base of p[itch, left wall
4 0 4 13 1 slope above next pitch, numbered 4
5 1.2 10 4 0 sandy bank between the two chambers
6 0 9 14 1.8 l wall chamber, numbered
7 0 2 4 2 top end of chamber
8 0 2 9 2.7 l wall before climb
9 1.5 0 5 1.8 top of pitch before blind pit
*end bringontheclowns
*equate procrastination.1 bringontheclowns.1x
*begin BringOnTheClowns2
*export y 3
*title "Bring On The Clowns below Procrastination Pot in deeper level of Tunnocks"
*date 2013.08.04
*team Instruments Chris Densham
*team Notes Becka Lawson
*instrument Chris's distox calibrated in China
; Calibration at Top Camp in the morning
; 5.99 326.6 -24.0 distox held upright
; 5.99 327.3 -23.8 held right
; 5.99 326.6 -23.4 upsidedown
; 6.02 326.6 -23.9 left
; 5.97 145.7 +22.3 up
; - 144.9 +22.4 right
; - 144.5 +22.4 upsidedown
; - 145.8 +22.3 left
*calibrate tape 0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino remarks
;y x 7.66 288 -57 duplicate leg from bringontheclowns
y 1 9.53 081 +26.5
2 1 3.23 296.5 -70
3 2 3.00 238 +12
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
;x - - - - old numbered station at base of pitch
y 1.4 0 5 1.7 by r bolt y hang, old station by top of y-hang
1 0.3 1 5 10 near top of climb
2 1.2 1 0 1.6 ceiling over pitch
3 1.1 0 2 1.7 numbered before wall
*end BringOnTheClowns2
*equate bringontheclowns.9 BringOnTheClowns2.y
*begin numberofthebeast
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnocks
*export 01
*export 3x
*title "Number of the Beast?"
*date 2013.08.06
*team Insts Chris Densham
*team Notes Anthony Day
*instrument Chris's DistoX
;ref.: 2013#10
;from to tape compass clino remarks
01 02 10.08 285 +56
02 03 06.60 281 +66
03 04 03.33 009.5 +09.5
04 05 08.85 066.5 +30.5
05 06 09.68 006.5 +50
06 07 04.01 308.5 +33.5 ; notes say clino +83.5 - +33.5 inferred from elevation
07 08 11.13 337 +57
08 09 20.16 301 +80
09 10 28.14 280 +83
10 11 03.35 263 +02
11 12 01.02 233 -04.5
12 13 03.15 269 -18
3x 13 00.76 133 +53.5
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
01 1.5 1.0 - 1.0 numbered PM boulder
02 1.5 1.0 3.0 1.8 PM wall
03 0.0 1.0 0.3 3.0 numbered PM wall
04 0.5 2.0 10.0 0.5 PM boulder
05 4.0 0.0 7.0 2.0 PM back wall
06 3.0 1.3 11.0 - PM boulder
07 1.5 4.0 - 1.0 numbered PM boulder
08 - - - - PM at rebelay
09 - - - - PM above rebelay
10 0.0 1.0 - - PM Y-hang
11 1.0 0.0 - 1.5 PM wall
12 0.0 0.8 - 1.0 PM wall
13 0.8 0.0 1.2 2.5 PM by grovel
*end numberofthebeast
*equate numberofthebeast.3x BringOnTheClowns2.3
*begin numberofthebeast2
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Tunnocks 1623/258
*export 5 1
*title "Number of the Beast? part 2"
*date 2014.08.13
*team Insts Andy Chapman
*team Notes Chris Densham
*instrument Wookey's DistoX
;ref.: 2014#34
;from to tape compass clino remarks
2 1 9.53 167.4 -75.5
3 2 3.44 182.5 -06
4 3 9.40 047.2 -62
5 4 3.13 336 +45
; *data passage station left right up down ignoreall
; L = 270 deg bearing
; R = 90 deg bearing
; U = zero deg bearing
; D = 180 deg bearing
; 1 5 14 - 1
; 2 0 3 2 2
; 3 3.5 2 4 3.5
; 4 0 4 7 3
; 5 1.5 2 3 3
*end numberofthebeast2
*equate numberofthebeast2.5 numberofthebeast.01
*begin inferno
; Cave: Tunnockschacht (258)
; Continuing down Number of the Beast pitch series to Kraken chamber
; ====== stations refindable to link to other surveys: ======
*export 1 14
*title "Inferno"
*date 2015.07.22
*team Insts Anthony Day
*team Notes Wookey
*instrument Wookey
; Calibration: No
; Reference: 2015#10
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino ; remarks
; survey in
2 1 4.913 268.9 -11.2
;4 2 - 308 +76 ; leg undistoable due to mist
; data kept to confirm 2-3+4-3 with trig
;2 3 19.093 - down ; This leg took many attempts. May not be right
; really needs a proper tape measure!
2 3 19.44 - down ; measured with tape measure 2015.07.27
4 3 13.038 310.6 +61.2
4 5 4.115 258.9 -04.3
6 5 6.369 238.1 +13.6
7 6 6.582 270.5 +13.1
8 7 20.226 264.9 +81.4
9 8 2.039 335.4 +21.3
10 9 2.403 255.4 +52.8
11 10 8.321 293.1 +38.4
; survey out to join up at stn 11
15 14 7.413 180.2 -19.0
15 16 3.453 319.5 -12.2
17 16 12.322 175.2 +37.7
17 21 20.234 313.0 +56.5
21 11 16.632 257.0 +85.8
;station details
; RP = Red point, RHW LHW = left/right hand wall
;stn L R U D Desc
;2 0.9 1.4 - - ; deviation crab!
;1 - - - - ; '|' blue on rock
;3 - - - - ; RP '3' @ plumb pt
;4 2.2 1.6 - 1.3 ; RP '4' RHW
;5 1.7 0 - 1.2 ; RP RHW @ lead
;6 0 1.7 - 1.2 ; RP LHW
;7 0.4 0.3 2.3 ~20 ; Y-hang knot loaded 0.7m below RH bolt
;8 0.5 2.7 ~26 1.4 ; RP LHW
;9 1.3 0.3 - 0.4 ; RP wedged boulder
;10 0.3 0.5 - - ; RP LHW
;11 1.4 0.1 7.1 - ; RP '11' RHW
; survey out to join up (LHW and RHW are for survey out)
;13 - 0 - - ; RP '13' RHW
;14 0 - - - ; RP '14' LHW
;12 - - - - ; Not marked, back of pitch
;15 7.3 22 7.6 1.3 ; RP on boulder, top of pile
;16 6 22 6 0.9 ; RP boulder tip
;17 4.2 8.8 14.1 0.9 ; RP '17' boulder tip
;18 - 0.1 - - ; RP RHW
;19 2.3 0.7 - 1.7 ; RP RHW
;20 3 2 - 1.5 ; RP on wall near rope landing
;21 - - - - ; RP 1.5m above reblay bolt RHW
*data passage station left right up down
1 1.5 1.5 10 0.5
2 0.9 1.4 20 3
3 2 2 20 8
4 2.2 1.6 10 1.3
5 1.7 0 4 1.2
6 0 1.7 8 1.2
7 0.4 0.3 2.3 20
8 0.5 2.7 26 1.4
9 1.3 0.3 10 0.4
10 0.3 0.5 9 6
11 1.4 0.1 7.1 8
*data passage station left right up down description
14 0 30 10 1.8
15 7.3 22 7.6 1.3
16 6 22 6 0.9
17 4.2 8.8 14.1 0.9
21 1.5 3 17 27
11 1.4 0.1 7.1 8
;Question Mark List
;(leave commented-out)
;grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
; A inferno.5 Phreatic passage with floor trench at foot of Magic Glue. Little draught.
; C inferno.6 Climb up to window - may simply connect to pitch below
; A inferno.14 Arch visible in the far SE corner of Kraken chamber [Kraken lower level]
; X inferno.14 Aven entering Kraken chamber
;Cave description
; From the end of the airy traverse, Magic Glue descends 32m via a deviation. The
; pitch is drippy in dry weather. At the foot, there are two ways on. A phreatic
; passage with a floor trench (traverse line needed) heads west (QM A). To the
; east is a further drop with a very cold and draughty pitch head - the start
; of Inferno. A window to the north, accessible via a climb, may connect to this
; pitch (QM C).
; Inferno descends in three steps of 25, 15 and 25m to land at the bottom of a large
; chamber - Kraken. The chamber is approximately 75 x 30m and 15m high, and contains
; a ridge formed of large boulders covered in black mud across its centre. Ascending
; the boulder pile a continuation is visible in the SE corner, accessible via a pitch
; - this is the lower level of Kraken chamber. At the northeast end of the ridge, a
; traverse leads off to Anthemusa chamber. A second aven enters at the eastern end of
; the chamber (QM X).
*end inferno
*equate inferno.1 numberofthebeast2.1
*begin kraken
; Cave: Tunnockschacht (258)
; Continuation of survey of Kraken pitch / chamber
; ====== stations refindable to link to other surveys: ======
*export 3 15
*title "Kraken"
*date 2015.07.29
*team Insts Andy Kuszyk
*team Notes Anthony Day
;*instrument Wookey's disto, blue pony
; Calibration: No
; Reference: 2015#21
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino ; remarks
; survey out
3 2 12.649 158 -10
2 4 19.991 069 +39
5 4 13.024 296 -12
5 6 23.202 211 -03
5 7 05.888 343 +24
10 7 34.690 211 -75
11 10 10.321 310 -85
12 11 09.723 094 -75
13 12 11.779 129 -62
14 13 03.702 121 -30
15 14 04.791 067 -60
;station details
; stations marked with purple nail varnish
; PM = paint mark; RHW LHW = left/right hand wall; (N) = numbered
;stn L R U D Desc
;1 3.6 4.0 - 6.3 PM boulder (N)
;2 7.6 7.4 14.4 1.5 PM boulder
;3 0.5 - - 1.5 PM boulder (N)
;4 9.3 11.4 8.7 1.5 PM boulder
;5 - 2.0 22.3 3.1 PM rock
;6 3.5 5.0 5.0 0.5 Unmarked
;7 11.5 2.6 - 0.5 PM rock
;8 3.4 3.7 - 0.7 PM rock
;9 0.0 6.8 - 1.8 PM wall (N)
;10 - - - - PM lip
;11 - - - - PM above y hang
;12 - - - - Rebelay bolt
;13 - - - - PM wall 0.5m below y hang
;14 1.5 - - 1.7 PM wall end traverse
;15 0.0 - - - Station 14 from Inferno survey
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
2 7.6 7.4 14.4 1.5 PM boulder
3 0.5 - - 1.5 PM boulder (N)
4 9.3 11.4 8.7 1.5 PM boulder
5 - 2.0 22.3 3.1 PM rock
6 3.5 5.0 5.0 0.5 Unmarked
7 11.5 2.6 - 0.5 PM rock
10 - - - - PM lip
11 - - - - PM above y hang
12 - - - - Rebelay bolt
13 - - - - PM wall 0.5m below y hang
14 1.5 - - 1.7 PM wall end traverse
15 0.0 - - - Station 14 from Inferno survey
;Question Mark List
;(leave commented-out)
;grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;B 9 ~10m pitch [downgraded from A after coming back with a better light]
;A 3 Rift passage to mud slope (needs rope) with continuing rift [Tentacle traverse]
;X 3 Aven entering high in roof
; [B lead near station 1 removed after coming back with better light - presumed
; passage appears not to exist ]
; Cave description
; From the choss bridge in Kraken chamber, a descent is rigged from the southern wall.
; The first part is a scrappy descent down the mud slope via a traverse to a y-hang, a
; large swing to a y-hang rebelay and two further rebelays to clear the mud slope.
; After descending a total of 25m in this manner, a duck under an overhang reaches a
; y hang from where there is a fine 40m free hanging descent to the floor. THE UPPER
; The landing is in a further breakdown chamber at the top of a boulder slope heading
; west. East of the landing point there is a further short (~10m) pitch to a clean
; rock floor with a drip (QM B). The boulder slope descends at about 40deg for ~50m.
; In the north wall of the chamber a rift passage heads west to a mud slope where a
; traverse has been rigged - Tentacle Traverse. An aven enters at the start
; of this rift (QM X). In the southern wall of the chamber is an area of black mud
; containing hexagonal cracks - no way on here but a viable site for a campsite.
*end kraken
*equate kraken.15 inferno.14
*begin tentacle
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 1 9
; Cave: 258
; Area in cave/QM: Kraken chamber, lower
*title "Tentacle Traverse"
*date 2015.08.05
*team Insts Anthony Day
*team Notes Chris Densham
*team Pics Chris Densham
*team Tape DistoX
*instrument DistoX ; Chris Densham's
; Calibration: [Where, readings]
; Survey folder reference: 2015#42
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
; Centreline data
*data normal from to tape compass clino
1 2 20.56 112.7 +36.3
2 3 18.76 099.4 +41.1
4 3 09.03 352.7 -36.2
5 4 03.56 283.8 +06.5
6 5 05.94 232.6 +03.8
7 6 05.93 246.4 -48.5
8 7 06.02 246.2 +12.1
9 8 03.74 247.1 +08.0
;recorded station details
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station left right up down description
;(leave commented-out)
;Red nail varnish markings
;1 5 3 4.5 0.5 Right bank at corner, pebble on bank
;2 3.5 2.5 3 0.8 Right bank (looking up)
;3 5 4 5 0.5 Bolt
;4 3.1 1.6 3 1.8 RHW
;5 1.3 0.3 3.2 3.2 RHW on traverse
;6 0.4 2.4 7.4 3.3 LHW on traverse
;7 1.0 0.2 2.1 2.4 RHW top of short pitch
;8 0 1.4 2.1 4.5 LHW on traverse
;9 0.6 - 3 4 Station 3 of Kraken survey
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
;*data passage station left right up down
;[ 1 0.8 0 5.3 1.6 ]
;[ 2 0.3 1.2 6 1.2 ]
;*data passage station left right up down
;[ 1 1.3 1.5 5.3 1.6 ]
;[ 3 2.4 0 3.4 0.2 ]
;Question Mark List
;(leave commented-out)
;grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
; A 1 Draughting 5m round phreatic tube continues down dip
; Cave description
; A bolt traverse is rigged over a muddy floor trench, to a short drop followed by a further
; traverse over a slot to reach solid ground. To the left here is a window into the lower
; level of Kraken chamber. To the right a passage continues to a left hand bend where a
; 5m round phreatic ramp with a mud floor descends at ~30deg. There is a draught heading
; downhill. The ramp has been followed for 40m and continues (QM A).
*end tentacle
*equate tentacle.9 kraken.3
*begin livingthedream
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 30 15
; Cave: 258 (Tunnocks)
; Area in cave/QM: Continuation of Octopussy
*title "Live the Dream"
*date 2016.06.30
*team Insts Chris Densham
*team Notes Anthony Day
*team Pics Anthony Day
*team Dog Nathan Walker
*instrument Chris Densham's DistoX
; Calibration: None
; Survey folder reference: 2016#01
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
; Centreline data
*data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall
01 02 12.04 171.3 -01.4
02 03 20.02 211.8 -29.2
04 03 19.33 287.3 -25.7
04 05 26.16 129.3 +17.8
10 05 17.58 120.6 +13.9
10 11 09.90 267.5 -39.3
11 12 08.25 231.9 -19.2
12 13 04.59 163.4 -08.3
13 14 06.82 196.5 -00.7
14 15 06.96 162.4 -17.3
01 29 40.68 106.6 +28.6
29 30 23.77 093.3 +36.3
;recorded station details (leave commented out)
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station Left Right Up Down Description
;Slapper pink nail varnish markings
;01 11.60 0 02.23 01.29 ; Numbered
;02 0 12.70 03.00 01.80
;03 10.00 05.50 04.50 00.50 ; Numbered
;04 05.00 02.70 09.00 00.50
;05 02.50 09.50 08.00 05.50
;06 - - 15.50 01.50 ; Numbered
;07 03.00 01.00 12.50 01.00
;08 0 05.40 14.00 02.00 ; Numbered
;09 - - - -
;10 02.20 01.70 00.50 02.00 ; Numbered
;11 03.50 0 01.00 01.00
;12 02.30 00.30 01.00 00.50
;13 00.30 03.40 01.00 00.80
;14 01.70 00.30 02.50 01.00
;15 03.30 03.00 06.00 01.00 ; Numbered
;16 0 02.80 02.30 01.20
;17 06.00 0 02.50 01.20
;18 0 01.80 01.00 01.00
;19 00.30 01.30 01.50 00.50
;20 01.00 02.00 00.80 00.50
;21 01.40 03.00 01.60 01.00 ; Numbered
;22 02.30 03.30 01.60 00.80 ; Numbered
;23 03.80 00.00 00.60 00.50
;24 04.50 0 0 01.60
;25 00.30 01.50 00.60 00.20
;26 01.70 01.80 0 01.00
;27 03.50 03.00 0 01.30
;28 03.00 01.00 01.80 01.00 ; Numbered
;29 03.50 02.50 04.00 0
;30 04.50 02.00 04.00 0
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
*data passage station left right up down
01 11.60 0 02.23 01.29
02 0 12.70 03.00 01.80
03 10.00 05.50 04.50 00.50
04 05.00 02.70 09.00 00.50
05 02.50 09.50 08.00 05.50
*data passage station left right up down
10 02.20 01.70 00.50 02.00
11 03.50 0 01.00 01.00
12 02.30 00.30 01.00 00.50
13 00.30 03.40 01.00 00.80
14 01.70 00.30 02.50 01.00
15 03.30 03.00 06.00 01.00
*data passage station left right up down
01 03.50 02.50 02.23 01.29 ; LR are guesses to make the tube look sensible
29 03.50 02.50 04.00 0
30 04.50 02.00 04.00 0
;Question Mark List ;(leave commented-out)
;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;1 A livethedream.01 Phreatic ramp parallelling Octopussy
;2 C livethedream.01 Pile of rocks near bottom of Octopussy ramp - probably choked but should be checked
;3 B livethedream.03 Tube heading downhill, fairly small
;4 A livethedream.06 Pitch, 20/30m, sound of water
;5 C livethedream.06 Small hole, rocks thrown down QM 6 connect to here
;6 C livethedream.08 Short pitch at top of climb
;7 B livethedream.08 Continuation of rift across pitch head (rope required), sound of water, probably ends up above QM 8
;8 A livethedream.15 32m pitch, sound of water
;9 C livethedream.21 Two small holes very close together, presumed to join up, probably choked
;10 C livethedream.28 Tight inlet crawl
;11 A livethedream.28 Walking sized continuation
;12 C livethedream.11 Tight crawl, likely to connect to other C leads
;Cave description ;(leave commented-out)
;Octopussy and Living the Dream
;"Octopussy" is a 5m diameter, 100m long phreatic tunnel that ramps
;down-dip to the west at an angle of around 30deg. It drops into
;"Living the Dream", a series of phreatic tunnels. To the north is
;ongoing unexplored, with a phreatic ramp heading up east parallel
;to Octopussy [QM1-A] and a possible choke to the NW [QM2-C]. To the
;south, Living the Dream is initially 10m diameter and reaches a
;crossroads after 30m. The main passage heads east up a ramp to a
;horizontal dry cracked mud-floored passage. This ends at a junction
;with a climb down and ramp east to the head of a 20-30m pitch
;[QM4-A] or a climb up a steep gully to the west which leads to a
;potential 25m traverse over a pitch (rope required) to a continuing
;rift [QM7-B] and a hole down [QM6-C]. Rocks thrown down this hole
;are heard in a small hole at the foot of the climb [QM5-C].
;Back at the crossroads 30m south of the junction between Octopussy
;and Living the Dream, a dry sand floored passage meander south for
;50m past several passages to the east (the first connects in a
;loop, the second is unexplored but unpromising [QM12-C] and the
;third appears too tight). At the southern end of the passage ends
;in a 32m pitch [QM8-A], "Psychospeleogenesis" in a rift heading
;The third passage from the crossroads heads initially west with an
;unexplored passage heading off SW downhill [QM3-B] and the main
;passage meandering in a generally northerly direction. The passage
;is generally horizontal with two dry U-bends according to the angle
;of dip. Two passages head off to the east, probably connecting
;[QM9-C]. After a short crawl, the passage continues northwards,
;walking sized [QM11-A]. There is a tight inlet crawl to the right
*end livingthedream
*equate livingthedream.30 tentacle.1
*begin indianropetrick
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 01 06
; Cave: 258
; Area in cave/QM: Hydra
*title "Indian Rope Trick"
*date 2016.07.09
*team Insts Luke Stangroom
*team Notes Anthony Day
*team Pics Anthony Day
*instrument Chris Densham's DistoX
; Calibration: [Where, readings]
; Survey folder reference: 2016#25
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
; Centreline data
*data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall
01 03 08.21 251.9 -18.4
*flags splay
*flags not splay
03 04 24.00 226.6 +66.3
04 05 04.53 239.6 +77.5
06 05 01.62 208.6 -52.1
;recorded station details (leave commented out)
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station Left Right Up Down Description
;Pink nail varnish markings
;01 02.6 02.7 12.0 00.5 Boulder, numbered
;02 00.9 05.6 26.8 01.2 LH wall, numbered
;03 07.6 02.5 - 02.0 Boulder point, numbered
;04 - - - - 3m above rebelay
;05 01.5 01.0 02.0 -
;06 - - - - Station 15 from Living the Dream
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
*data passage station left right up down
03 2.5 7.6 28 02.0
01 02.6 02.7 12 00.5
;Question Mark List ;(leave commented-out)
;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;1 A indianropetrick.02 Continuing steeply sloping uphill phreatic ramp (rope required),
;Cave description ;(leave commented-out)
; 25m pitch in a rift lands on a boulder pile. A further 5m descent to the floor at the point
; gains access to Song of the Earth to the west. To the east, a steeply ascending phreatic ramp
; can be followed for 20m, from where the continuation would require a rope [QM-1 A]. This area
; is close to QM-4 in Living the Dream which might provide easier access.
*end indianropetrick
*equate livingthedream.15 indianropetrick.06
*begin songoftheearth
*export part1.1x
*export part3.13
; internal connections within songoftheearth
*equate part1.9 part3.9x
*equate part1.10 part3.10x
*equate part1.14 part2.14
*equate part1.1 part2.1
*begin part1
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 1 1x 9 10 13 14
; Cave: Tunnockschacht
; Area in cave/QM: Hydra
*title "Song of the Earth Part 1"
*date 2016.07.11
*team Insts Chris Densham
*team Notes Rob Watson
*instrument trad
; Survey folder reference: 2016#32
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
; Centreline data
*data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall
6 1x 16.89 057.0 +22
7 6 4.50 050.0 +83.0
8 7 3.40 262.0 +28.0
1 8 2.63 303 -27
10 9 7.25 310 -30.0
11 10 5.98 275 -48.0
12 11 6.12 272 -40.0
13 12 25.64 292 -43.5
14 13 8.87 296 -21.5
;recorded station details (leave commented out)
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station Left Right Up Down Description
;Red nail varnish markings
;1 3.5 1 2 2
;2 4 7 3 1
;3 8 6 1.5 1
;4 5 1 4 2
;5 1 10 3 1.5
;6 3 4 25 5
;7 1 2 30 2
;8 3 2 3 5
;9 1 6 12 4
;10 5 7 15 5
;11 4 9 11 2
;12 3.5 7 8 1
;13 5 6 7 1
;14 5 15 7 3
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
*data passage station left right up down
1 3.5 1 2 2
6 3 4 25 5
7 1 2 30 2
*data passage station left right up down
9 1 6 12 4
10 5 7 15 5
11 4 9 11 2
12 3.5 7 8 1
13 5 6 7 1
14 5 15 7 3
;Question Mark List ;(leave commented-out)
;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;[1 A surveyname.3 description of QM ]
;[2 B surveyname.5 description of QM ]
*end part1
*begin part2
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 1 14
; Cave: Tunnockschacht
; Area in cave/QM: Hydra
*title "Song of the Earth Part 2"
*date 2016.07.11
*team Insts Ian Peachey
*team Notes Katey Bender
*instrument Frank's DistoX2
; Survey folder reference: 2016#32
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
; Centreline data
*data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall
2 1 6.50 068.4 +50.4
3 2 8.94 056.9 +7.9
4 3 9.68 143.0 +3.9
5 4 20.99 086.0 +29.0
6 5 14.48 067.8 +19.2
7 6 19.99 070.4 -0.6
8 7 7.35 061.4 +10.6
9 8 16.01 123.5 +18.4
10 9 17.45 040.5 +6.3
11 10 6.06 357.9 +3.4
12 11 6.44 055 -10.6
13 12 1.34 329 -9.4
14 13 5.24 034 -5.2
;recorded station details (leave commented out)
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station Left Right Up Down Description
;blue nail varnish markings
;L and R reversed in passage groupings to plot correctly
;1 1 3.5 2 2
;2 3 1.2 2.8 2.3 ;on overhanging boulder
;3 7.8 1.8 1.3 .9
;4 5 4.3 4 3.4
;5 1.5 4.9 7.2 0 ;on pinnacle of boulder, 3m above floor
;6 3.7 2.8 3.1 3
;7 0.4 2.1 3.1 1.7
;8 2 0.1 2.2 1
;9 10.5 22.14 0 1.6
;10 0.5 8 1.7 0.3
;11 4 .7 7.2 1.7
;12 0 .9 4.7 .6
;13 .7 0 0 .5
;14 23 2.5 5.3 1.6
;15 0 4 .2 1.7
;16 4.3 1.6 23.9 1.2
;17 3 3.6 8.1 3.4
;18 7.2 2 54 0 ;boulder on floor
;19 2.4 2.1 16.4 .7
;20 4 6 3 .6
;21 0 .5 4.3 1.5
;22 5.9 0 14.3 1.4
;23 3.6 1.3 2.4 1
;24 4.3 0 4.5 1.3
;25 0 3.5 6.6 1.5
;26 2.2 1.3 3.6 1.3
;27 3.2 7.8 2.4 1.5 ;on really cool boulder
;28 2.2 4.5 .8 1.3
;29 3.6 2.2 2.4 1.2
;30 2.2 4.8 4.2 .3
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
*data passage station left right up down
1 3.5 1 2 2
2 1.2 3 2.8 2.3
3 1.8 7.8 1.3 .9
4 4.3 5 4 3.4
5 4.9 1.5 7.2 0
6 2.8 3.7 3.1 3
7 2.1 0.4 3.1 1.7
8 0.1 2 2.2 1
9 22.14 10.5 0 1.6
10 8 0.5 1.7 0.3
11 0.7 4 7.2 1.7
12 0.9 0 4.7 .6
13 0 .7 0 .5
14 2.5 23 5.3 1.6
;Question Mark List
;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;1 A songoftheearth.part2.17 opening of rift approx 5m up in wall, 2m wide by 8m tall
;2 A songoftheearth.part2.30 phreatic borehole 21m up on wall/slope, approx 5m diameter
*end part2
*begin part3
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 9x 10x 13
; Cave: Tunnockshacht
; Area in cave/QM: Hydra
*title "Song of the Earth Part 3"
*date 2016.07.12
*team Insts Chris Densham
*team Notes Rob Watson
*instrument Frank's DistoX2
; Survey folder reference: 2016#32
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
; Centreline data
*data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall
10x 9x 7.42 308.8 -31.5
1 9x 12.16 140.4 +23.4
2 1 3.59 113.3 +28.7
3 2 3.27 166.6 +50.6
4 3 8.15 152.6 +66.6
5 4 18.95 158.3 +33.4
6 5 8.84 117.0 +31.5
7 6 15.94 117.1 +37.9
8 7 17.10 133.7 +25.9
9 8 12.04 038.6 +13.2
10 9 19.03 035.0 -12.4
11 10 6.24 039.6 +19.4
12 11 6.90 044.0 -6.3
13 12 10.00 094.4 +15.4
;recorded station details (leave commented out)
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station Left Right Up Down Description
;Red nail varnish markings
;9x 8.3 1 9 6.5
;1 9.5 3.5 8.5 1
;2 8 4.5 8 9
;3 8 4.5 10 5.5
;4 7 10 16 .5
;5 8 10 12 1.5
;6 10 3 19 5
;7 3 3.5 10 3
;8 2.5 1 2 2.5
;9 2.7 1.5 1.5 1
;10 2.5 2 2.3 3.5
;11 2 3 4 2
;12 1.5 3 6 2
;13 2.8 1.7 5 0
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
*data passage station left right up down
9x 8.3 1 9 6.5
1 9.5 3.5 8.5 1
2 8 4.5 8 9
3 8 4.5 10 5.5
4 7 10 16 .5
5 8 10 12 1.5
6 10 3 19 5
7 3 3.5 10 3
8 2.5 1 2 2.5
9 2.7 1.5 1.5 1
10 2.5 2 2.3 3.5
11 2 3 4 2
12 1.5 3 6 2
13 2.8 1.7 5 0
;Question Mark List ;(leave commented-out)
;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;[1 A surveyname.3 description of QM ]
;[2 B surveyname.5 description of QM ]
*end part3
;Cave description ;(leave commented-out)
;freeform text describing this section of the cave
*end songoftheearth
*equate indianropetrick.01 songoftheearth.part1.1x
*begin dontstopmenow
; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to)
*export 1
; Cave: 258
; Area in cave/QM: following on from songoftheearth
*title "Dont Stop Me Now"
*date 2016.07.16
*team Insts Elliott Smith
*team Notes Michael Sargent
;*team Pics none
*team Tape Elliott Smith
*instrument UBSS DistoX no 3
; Calibration: unknown
; Survey folder reference: 2016#36
; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
; Centreline data
*data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall
2 1 10.08 083.2 18.2
2 7 11.75 298.8 -34.3
7 8 20.35 319.1 -38.0
8 9 9.17 293.4 -49.3
9 10 9.01 240.5 -13.6
10 11 24.18 244.3 -24.3
11 12 27.53 240.6 -14.9
12 13 19.92 257.3 -26.1
13 14 14.07 276.1 -15.7
14 15 6.23 231.4 -36.7
15 16 13.54 280.3 -20.1
;recorded station details (leave commented out)
;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall)
;Station Left Right Up Down Description
;[Red] nail varnish markings
;1 3.2 1.9 4.0 0.0 ;number 13 from previous survey
;2 0.8 3.2 0.8 2.5 ;pp lhw
;3 7.1 7.0 0 3.0 ;pp rhw
;4 1.5 1.5 1.8 0.6 ;pp rock on floor
;5 0.5 0.0 0.3 2.0 ;pp rhw above hole
;6 3.9 3.7 6.0 1.0 ;pp rock in middle
;7 0.0 4.5 4.0 2.0 ;pp lhw
;8 3.1 1.4 2.0 4.0 ;pp big rock rhs
;9 2.0 5.3 6.2 1.0 ;pp rock
;10 1.8 4.0 4.7 0.8 ;pp rock mid side
;11 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 ;pp rhw jutting rock
;12 2.8 9.0 7.0 1.5 ;pp rock
;13 4.4 14.0 10.4 2.6 ;pp obvious point rock
;14 4.7 0.0 7.6 0.5 ;pp rhw by large barrier, numbered
;15 1.6 3.7 0.7 0.7 ;pp narrow section
;16 5.0 5.0 3.5 1.0 ;unmarked
;17 0.0 3.2 0.9 1.6 ;pp lhw
;18 2.8 0.0 1.3 1.5 ;pp rhw
;19 1.0 0.7 0.3 0.0 ;temporary rock
;20 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.0 ;temporary rock
;21 3.6 0.0 2.3 1.5 ;pp rhw
;22 0.0 1.7 0.3 0.2 ;pp lhw of arch
;23 0.0 2.4 1.2 1.9 ;pp lhw
;24 3.4 0.0 3.8 1.5 ;pp rhw numbered
;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes
;new *data command for each 'passage',
;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed
*data passage station left right up down
1 3.2 1.9 4.0 0.0 ;number 13 from previous survey
2 0.8 3.2 0.8 2.5 ;pp lhw
7 0.0 4.5 4.0 2.0 ;pp lhw
8 3.1 1.4 2.0 4.0 ;pp big rock rhs
9 2.0 5.3 6.2 1.0 ;pp rock
10 1.8 4.0 4.7 0.8 ;pp rock mid side
11 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 ;pp rhw jutting rock
12 2.8 9.0 7.0 1.5 ;pp rock
13 4.4 14.0 10.4 2.6 ;pp obvious point rock
14 4.7 0.0 7.6 0.5 ;pp rhw by large barrier, numbered
15 1.6 3.7 0.7 0.7 ;pp narrow section
16 5.0 5.0 3.5 1.0 ;unmarked
;Question Mark List ;(leave commented-out)
;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station description
;1 A dontstopmenow.24 continuation of rift passage
;Cave description ;(leave commented-out)
;Continuing the downward sloping passage of songoftheearth, a large phreatic tube filled with loose boulders which are covered with black mud. Towards the end a large chamber opens out. In the middle is a large (~15m) boulder pile next to the filled-in floor hole. The way on is to go left round the large pile, over a large barrier like boulder, and into some smaller phreas. A short gravel dig leads into another passage heading upward and bearing right, which is the A lead onward.
*end dontstopmenow
*equate dontstopmenow.1 songoftheearth.part3.13
*end 258