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Kaninchenh&ouml;hle: 1989 RHR campsite
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<center><img src="../i/tbcamp.jpg" width=534 height=400></center>
<p>The 1989 campsite for the Right Hand Route in Kaninchenh&ouml;hle
was in this diminutive passage (The Toilet Block) directly across
Carrefour from the way in from Knossos. Camping didn't offer enough
advantages to really be useful, so was only used on the
<a href="../../../years/1989/log.htm#id1989-161-26">one trip</a>
by Wookey, Joe, Juliette, Del, Jeremy, Dave and Mike TA.
<br><font size=-1>Photo &copy; , 1989</font>
<!-- Photo scanned on Coolscan 800x600 at 675 dpi, 1997.08.12, AERW -->
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<li><a href="../pixrh.htm#tbcamp">Visual tour of 161</a></li>
<li><a href="../offkns.htm#toiletb">Back to cave description</a></li>