mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 12:41:56 +00:00
Update signup page so it actually displays. It does not yet work however. Fix quoting in signup form so it actually appears
610 lines
20 KiB
610 lines
20 KiB
global $vars;
function initVars ()
global $vars;
$vars = array(
"name" => "",
"address" => "",
"kinname" => "",
"kinaddress" => "",
"phone" => "",
"kinphone" => "",
"email" => "",
"kinemail" => "",
"relation" => "",
"veggie" => "no",
"student" => "yes",
"insurance" => "BCRA",
"bcranum" => "",
"leave_uk" => "",
"length_of_stay" => "",
"transport_ok" => "yes",
"transport_out" => "need",
"transport_back" => "need",
"from_uk" => "",
"returning_uk" => "",
"tent" => "no",
"top_tent_cap" => "",
"btent" => "no",
"base_tent_cap" => "",
"tent_share" => "yes",
"share_condition" => "",
"medic_info" => "",
"extra_info" => "",
"aims" => "",
"lifts_out" => "yes",
"lifts_back" => "yes",
"no_out" => "2",
"no_back" => "2",
"take_out" => "",
"take_back" => "",
"transport_info" => "",
"medication" => "",
"allergies" => "",
"bivvy" => ""
function fillVars ()
initVars ();
global $vars;
$vars[name] = stripslashes($_POST[name]);
$vars[address] = stripslashes($_POST[address]);
$vars[phone] = stripslashes($_POST[phone]);
$vars[kinname] = stripslashes($_POST[kinname]);
$vars[kinaddress] = stripslashes($_POST[kinaddress]);
$vars[phone] = stripslashes($_POST[phone]);
$vars[kinphone] = stripslashes($_POST[kinphone]);
$vars[email] = stripslashes($_POST[email]);
$vars[kinemail] = stripslashes($_POST[kinemail]);
$vars[relation] = stripslashes($_POST[relation]);
$vars[veggie] = stripslashes($_POST[veggie]);
$vars[student] = stripslashes($_POST[student]);
$vars[transport_ok] = stripslashes($_POST[transport_ok]);
$vars[from_uk] = stripslashes($_POST[from_uk]);
$vars[returning_uk] = stripslashes($_POST[returning_uk]);
$vars[tent] = stripslashes($_POST[tent]);
$vars[top_tent_cap] = stripslashes($_POST[top_tent_cap]);
$vars[btent] = stripslashes($_POST[btent]);
$vars[base_tent_cap] = stripslashes($_POST[base_tent_cap]);
$vars[medic_info] = stripslashes($_POST[medic_info]);
$vars[extra_info] = stripslashes($_POST[extra_info]);
$vars[aims] = stripslashes($_POST[aims]);
$vars[transport_info] = stripslashes($_POST[transport_info]);
$vars[medication] = stripslashes($_POST[medication]);
$vars[allergies] = stripslashes($_POST[allergies]);
$vars[bivvy] = stripslashes($_POST[bivvy]);
function errorPage ($err)
echo <<<END
echo <<<END
function securityChecks ()
global $vars;
$error = "";
if ($vars[name] == "") $error = "You must specify your full name.";
elseif ($vars[address] == "") $error = "You must specify your address.";
elseif ($vars[kinname] == "") $error = "You must specify the name of your next-of-kin.";
elseif ($vars[kinaddress] == "") $error = "You must specify your next-of-kin's address.";
elseif ($vars[kinphone] == "") $error = "You must specify your next-of-kin's phone number.";
elseif ($vars[email] != "" && !ereg( '^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'. '@'. '[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.' . '[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$', $vars[email])) $error = "Invalid email address (leave blank if you don't have one).";
elseif ($vars[kinemail] != "" && !ereg( '^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'. '@'. '[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.' . '[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$', $vars[kinemail])) $error = "Invalid next-of-kin email address (leave blank if they don't have one).";
elseif ($vars[veggie] != "yes" && $vars[veggie] != "no" && $vars[veggie] != "mostly") $error = "Invalid veggie specification.";
elseif ($vars[student] != "yes" && $vars[student] != "no") $error = "Invalid student specification.";
elseif ($vars[transport_ok] != "yes" && $vars[transport_ok] != "no") $error = "Invalid transport specification given.";
elseif ($vars[bivvy] != "" && $vars[bivvy] != "yes") $error = "Invalid bivvy specification.";
elseif ($vars[tent] != "" && $vars[tent] != "yes") $error = "Invalid Top Camp tent specification.";
elseif ($vars[btent] != "" && $vars[btent] != "yes") $error = "Invalid Base Camp tent specification.";
elseif ($vars[tent] == "yes" && ($vars[top_tent_cap] < 1 || $vars[top_tent_cap] > 9)) $error = "Invalid Top Camp tent capacity given.";
elseif ($vars[btent] == "yes" && ($vars[base_tent_cap] < 1 || $vars[base_tent_cap] > 9)) $error = "Invalid Base Camp tent capacity given.";
if ($error != "") {
echo "<title>Expo 2024 Application Form Error -- Cambridge University Caving Club</title>";
echo "</head>";
echo "<FORM ACTION=\"http://expo.survex.com/signup/submit.php?action=commit\" METHOD=\"POST\">";
printHidden ();
echo <<<END
<h1>Expo 2004 Application Form Error</h1>
<p><b>Sorry, but you have made a mistake on your form:</b><center>
<p>Please click the button below and try again.
<center><INPUT TYPE="submit" name="submit" VALUE="Modify form."></center>
return false;
return true;
function showForm ()
global $vars;
echo <<<END
<title>Expo 2024 Application Form -- Cambridge University Caving Club</title>
echo <<<END
<h1>Expo 2024 Signup Form</h1>
<p>This is the official signup form for Expo 2024, which runs from 6th July until 17th August.
<p>This form is not secure and by submitting
this form you consent to its contents being used for Expo purposes and
being included in the Bier Book on Expo.</p>
<p>You also give permission for any information you collect on expo (survey data, photos, trip writeups, etc) to be used in perpetuity for expo-related purposes.</p>
<form ACTION="http://expo.survex.com/signup/submit.php?action=preview" METHOD="POST">
<h2>Section A: Personal information<h2>
<table border=0>
<tr><td colspan=2><b>Your details:</b></td><td colspan=2>
<b>Next of kin:</b></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right><i>Full</i> name:</td><td><input name="name" value="$vars[name]" tabindex=1></td>
<td align=right>Name:</td><td><input name="kinname" value="$vars[kinname]" tabindex=4></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Address:</td><td>
<textarea name="address" rows=7 cols=20 tabindex=1>$vars[address]</textarea></td>
<td align=right>Address:</td><td>
<textarea name="kinaddress" rows=7 cols=20 tabindex=5>$vars[kinaddress]</textarea></td>
<td align=right>Phone:</td><td><input name="phone" tabindex=2 value="$vars[phone]"></td>
<td align=right>Phone:</td><td><input name="kinphone" tabindex=6 value="$vars[kinphone]"></td>
<td align=right>Email:</td><td><input name=email tabindex=3 value="$vars[email]"></td>
<td align=right>Email:</td><td><input name=kinemail tabindex=7 value="$vars[kinemail]"></td>
<td colspan=2></td>
<td align=right>Relation to you:</td><td><input name=relation tabindex=8 value="$vars[relation]"></td>
<table width=100%>
<tr><td><b>Are you a vegetarian?</b></td>
<td><b>Are you a student/unwaged?</b></td></tr>
<tr><td><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="veggie" VALUE="yes" tabindex=9
if ($vars[veggie] == "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
>Yes</td><td><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="student" VALUE="yes" tabindex=12
if ($vars[student] == "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
<tr><td><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="veggie" VALUE="mostly" tabindex=10
if ($vars[veggie] == "mostly") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
>Mostly</td><td><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="student" VALUE="no" tabindex=13
if ($vars[student] <> "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
>No</td></tr><tr><td><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="veggie" VALUE="no" tabindex=11
if ($vars[veggie] <> "yes" && $vars[veggie] <> "mostly") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
<p>Please look now at the <a target="_blank" href="http://expo.survex.com/years/2024/travel.html">transport arrangements page</a> (will open in a new window). Then select one of the following.
<p><input type="radio" name="transport_ok" value="yes" tabindex=38
if ($vars[transport_ok] == "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
>The transport page shows my arrangements correctly.</input>
<br><input type="radio" name="transport_ok" value="no" tabindex=39
if ($vars[transport_ok] == "no") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
>The transport page does not show my arrangements correctly.</input>
<p>If your arrangements are shown incorrectly, then please state the
corrected version in the box below. This will automatically be
emailed to the transport co-ordinator.
<br><TEXTAREA NAME="transport_info" ROWS=6 COLS=80 tabindex=40>$vars[transport_info]</TEXTAREA></p>
<p>There will be two high camps in 2024:
<ul><li>the stone bridge bivvy site;
<li>the old Top Camp site, to be used for exploration of
<p>There is space for three people in a Club tent at Base Camp.
There is space for five or six people in a Club tent at Top Camp.
At the stone bridge, a bivvy bag is not essential but useful if
you have one.
<p>Will you be taking any of the following (please tick/complete as appropriate):<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="bivvy" VALUE="yes" tabindex=53
if ($vars[bivvy] == "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
> A bivvy bag suitable for the stone bridge.<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="tent" VALUE="yes" tabindex=50
if ($vars[tent] == "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
> A <INPUT NAME="top_tent_cap" SIZE=1 MAXSIZE=1 value="$vars[top_tent_cap]" tabindex=51> person
tent for the Top Camp site.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="btent" VALUE="yes" tabindex=52
if ($vars[btent] == "yes") echo " checked";
echo <<<END
> A <INPUT NAME="base_tent_cap" SIZE=1 MAXSIZE=1 value="$vars[base_tent_cap]" tabindex=53> person
tent for Base Camp.<br>
<p>Leave the boxes unchecked if you require Club tent space at a
particular site.
<p>The medical information entered here will appear in the Bier Book.
Extra medical information may be communicated to
<a href="mailto:mjg54@cam.ac.uk">Martin Green</a>; this will be
placed in sealed envelopes inside the large first aid kits for use in
case of emergency. Please ensure that you communicate such information
in good time.
<p>Please list any allergies which you have:
<TEXTAREA NAME="allergies" ROWS=2 COLS=80 tabindex=68>$vars[allergies]</TEXTAREA></p>
<p>Please list any medication which you may be taking in Austria:
<TEXTAREA NAME="medication" ROWS=2 COLS=80 tabindex=69>$vars[medication]</TEXTAREA></p>
<p>Please list any other medical conditions you have that the expedition should be aware of:<BR>
<TEXTAREA NAME="medic_info" ROWS=5 COLS=80 tabindex=70>$vars[medic_info]</TEXTAREA></p>
<p>Any other information, including any skills e.g. first aid, languages, etc. that you have:<BR>
<TEXTAREA NAME="extra_info" ROWS=15 COLS=80 tabindex=71>$vars[extra_info]</TEXTAREA></p>
<h2>Section B - Caving/surface work projects</h2>
<p>To assist organisation of gear, it would be helpful to know
people's possible aims on Expo. Thus if you have a particular project in
mind, please state it below:
<textarea name="aims" rows=15 cols=80 tabindex=77>$vars[aims]</textarea>
<h2>All done?</h2>
<p>Click the <b>Preview</b> button below to review your submission.
<p><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Preview form submission">
<p>Please report any problems with this form to the
<a href="mailto:Mark.Shinwell@cl.cam.ac.uk">webmaster</a>.</p>
function insertSlashes ()
function printHidden ()
global $vars;
while (list ($key, $value) = each($vars))
echo "<input type=hidden name=$key value=\"$value\">";
function previewForm ()
global $vars;
echo <<<END
<title>Expo 2024 Application Form Preview -- Cambridge University Caving Club</title>
echo <<<END
<h1>Expo 2024 Application Form Preview</h1>
<p><b>Please check the details below and then select one of the options at the
bottom of the page.</b>
<h2>Contact details</h2>
<h3>Your details</h3>
<FORM ACTION="http://expo.survex.com/signup/submit.php?action=commit" METHOD="POST">
printHidden ();
$address1 = rtrim(ereg_replace(",,", ",", ereg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", ", ", $vars[address])), " \t\n\r\0\x0b.,");
$kinaddress1 = rtrim(ereg_replace(",,", ",", ereg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", ", ", $vars[kinaddress])), " \t\n\r\0\x0b.,");
echo "<b>Full name: </b>$vars[name]. <br><b>Address: </b> $address1.<br>";
echo "<b>Phone: </b> $vars[phone].<br><b>Email: </b> ";
if ($vars[email] == "") echo "none"; else echo $vars[email];
echo "<h3>Details for your $vars[relation]</h3><p>";
echo "<b>Full name: </b>$vars[kinname]. <br><b>Address: </b> $kinaddress1.<br>";
echo "<b>Phone: </b> $vars[kinphone].<br><b>Email: </b> ";
if ($vars[kinemail] == "") echo "none"; else echo $vars[kinemail];
echo "<h2>Miscellany</h2> <p><ul><li>";
echo "You are";
switch ($vars[veggie]) {
case "no": echo "n't"; break;
case "mostly": echo " mostly"; break;
default: break;
echo " a vegetarian.<li>You are";
if ($vars[student] == "no") echo "n't";
echo " a student/unwaged person.";
if ($vars[bivvy] == "yes")
echo "<li>You're taking a bivvy bag suitable for the stone bridge.";
if ($vars[tent] == "yes")
echo "<li>You're taking a $vars[top_tent_cap] person tent suitable for Top Camp.";
if ($vars[btent] == "yes")
echo "<li>You're taking a $vars[base_tent_cap] person tent suitable for Base Camp.";
echo "</ul><h2>Medical conditions</h2><ul>";
echo "<li>Allergies: ";
if ($vars[allergies] == "")
echo "None.";
echo nl2br($vars[allergies]);
echo "<li>Medication to be taken in Austria: ";
if ($vars[medication] == "")
echo "None.";
echo nl2br($vars[medication]);
echo "<li>Other medical conditions: ";
if ($vars[medic_info] == "")
echo "None.";
echo nl2br($vars[medic_info]);
echo "</ul>";
if ($vars[aims] != "") {
echo "<h2>Your aims for Expo</h3><p>";
echo nl2br($vars[aims]);
echo <<<END
if ($vars[extra_info] != "") {
echo "<h2>Other information</h2><p>";
echo nl2br($vars[extra_info]);
echo "<h2>Transport</h2><ul>";
if ($vars[transport_ok] == "yes")
echo "<li>The transport page shows your arrangements correctly.";
else {
echo "<li>The transport page does not show your arrangements correctly.<br>";
echo "The corrected version is: ";
echo nl2br($vars[transport_info]);
echo "</ul>";
if ($vars[transport_info] != "") {
echo <<<END
echo "<h3>Other transport information</h3><p>";
echo nl2br($vars[transport_info]);
echo <<<END
<h2>If the above details are correct...</h2>
<p><b>Only click once to avoid submitting duplicate forms.</b>
<center><INPUT TYPE="submit" name="submit" VALUE="I confirm that all details are correct."></center>
<h2>If you want to change something...</h2>
<p>If there is an error in the above details, press the button below to change them.
echo <<<END
<center><INPUT TYPE="submit" name="submit" VALUE="Modify form."></center>
function updateDatabase ()
global $vars;
$temp = "";
$address1 = rtrim(ereg_replace(",,", ",", ereg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", ", ", $vars[address])), " \t\n\r\0\x0b.,");
$kinaddress1 = rtrim(ereg_replace(",,", ",", ereg_replace("(\r\n|\n|\r)", ", ", $vars[kinaddress])), " \t\n\r\0\x0b.,");
$temp = $temp . "Form submission from:\n";
$temp = $temp . " $vars[name]\n";
$temp = $temp . " $address1\n";
$temp = $temp . " Phone: $vars[phone]\n";
$temp = $temp . " Email: ";
if ($vars[email] == "") $temp = $temp . "none";
else $temp = $temp . "$vars[email]";
$temp = $temp . "\n\n";
$temp = $temp . "Next of kin:\n";
$temp = $temp . " $vars[kinname]\n";
$temp = $temp . " $kinaddress1\n";
$temp = $temp . " Phone: $vars[kinphone]\n";
$temp = $temp . " Email: ";
if ($vars[kinemail] == "") $temp = $temp . "none";
else $temp = $temp . "$vars[kinemail]";
$temp = $temp . "\n\n";
$temp = $temp . "Vegetarian? $vars[veggie]\n";
$temp = $temp . "Student/unwaged? $vars[student]\n\n";
if ($vars[transport_ok] == "yes") {
$temp = $temp . "Transport arrangements page is correct for this person.\n";
else {
$temp = $temp . "Transport arrangements need changing to:\n";
$temp = $temp . "$vars[transport_info]\n";
$temp = $temp . "(Mark has been emailed and will update the page.)\n";
$temp = $temp . "\nTaking a bivvy bag? $vars[bivvy]\n";
$temp = $temp . "\nTaking a Top Camp tent? $vars[tent]";
if ($vars[tent] == "yes")
$temp = $temp . " (capacity $vars[top_tent_cap])\n";
else $temp = $temp . "\n";
$temp = $temp . "\nTaking a Base Camp tent? $vars[btent]";
if ($vars[btent] == "yes")
$temp = $temp . " (capacity $vars[base_tent_cap])\n";
else $temp = $temp . "\n";
$temp = $temp . "\nAllergies: $vars[allergies]\n";
$temp = $temp . "Medication to be taken in Austria: $vars[medication]\n";
$temp = $temp . "Other medical conditions: $vars[medic_info]\n\n";
$temp = $temp . "Aims for Expo: $vars[aims]\n\n";
$temp = $temp . "Other information: $vars[extra_info]\n";
mail ("David Loeffler <dl267@cam.ac.uk>\n",
"Expo form from $vars[name]", $temp,
"From: Expo forms <mark@three-tuns.net>\n");
if ($vars[transport_ok] == "no") {
$temp = "Transport page needs updating for $vars[name]:\n\n";
$temp = $temp . $vars[transport_info] . "\n";
mail ("Mark Shinwell <mark@three-tuns.net>",
"Transport update from $vars[name]", $temp,
"From: Expo forms <mark@three-tuns.net>\n");
function submitForm ()
echo <<<END
global $vars;
updateDatabase ();
echo <<<END
<title>Submission successful!</title>
echo <<<END
<h1>Expo 2024 Application</h1>
<p><b>Submission successful!</b>
<p>Thank you for your application. Please address any questions
to the Expo Leader, <a href="mailto:jonathanlester88@hotmail.co.uk">Jono Lester</a>.
<p><a href="http://expo.survex.com/">Return to the main Expo page</a>.
switch ($_GET["action"]) {
case "blank":
initVars ();
showForm ();
case "edit":
fillVars ();
showForm ();
case "preview":
fillVars ();
if (securityChecks ()) {
previewForm ();
case "commit":
switch ($_POST[submit]) {
case "I confirm that all details are correct.":
fillVars ();
if (securityChecks ()) {
insertSlashes ();
submitForm ();
case "Modify form.";
fillVars ();
showForm ();
errorPage ("Invalid script action.");
errorPage ("Invalid script action.");