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<title>Handbook - Expo Server</title>
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<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook: Server</h2>
<h1>The Expo server</h1>
<p>Troggle is the software which runs the the expo cave survey data management and website. It is not the only thing running on the expo server.
<h3 id="what">Server configuration: directory structure</a></h3>
<p>This is the folder structure of the repo <var>:expoweb:</var> which is also the root
of the website. Note that the webserver (apache) presents many more apparent folders, such as <var>expofiles</var>, than there are folders because that's what it and troggle do.
<p>In the list below only the <var>handbook</var> folder has been expanded. The <var>years</var> folder includes
42 subfolders from <var>1976</var> to <var>2019</var>.
<code><textarea id="folders" rows="30" cols="30">
expoweb (repo)
├── 1623
├── 1626
├── cave_data
├── css
├── documents
├── entrance_data
├── folk
├── gallery
├── handbook
│   ├── computing
│   ├── festering
│   ├── i
│   ├── l
│   ├── putty
│   ├── rig
│   ├── survey
│   ├── t
│   └── troggle
├── images
├── map
├── maps
├── noinfo
├── others
├── pending
├── photos
├── piclinks
├── scripts
├── signup
├── templates
├── tinypix
├── topos
└── years</textarea></code>
<p>The handbook illustrates the i/t/l idiom whereby an image file (i) is displayed with a paragraph of text as an HTML file (l) and there is a thumbnail image (t) which is included in another document, e.g. see <a href="../../1623/walkin.htm">the photographic guide to the walk from the toll road car park</a>.
<h4 id="css">CSS and HTML</a></h4>
<p>The <var>expoweb</var> repo contains all the HTML files and basic CSS files. The <var>troggle</var> repo contains the HTML templates, CSS for the troggle report pages generated dynamically and a copy of the CSS, thumbnail images and javascript for the Django admin package which has to be available under the url '/site_media/' (which resolves to expo/troggle/media/) for the admin system to work.
See the live report on which urls resolve to which actual folders at <a href="/pathsreport">pathsreport</a>.
<h3 id="what">Server configuration: software</a></h3>
<li><b>apache webserver *</b>
<li><b>expofiles *</b>
<li><b>MySQL/MariaDB database *</b>
<li><a href="#xapian">xapian</a> (search function) - <a href="https://xapian.org/">xapian.org</a>. Wookey did this in 2020.
<li><a href="#kanboard">kanboard</a> (task planning) - <a href="https://kanboard.org/">kanboard.org</a>. Wookey did this in 2022.
<li><a href="#boe">boe</a> (bank of expo - not troggle)
<li><a href="#cgit">cgit</a> (live webpage showing git status of repos) - <a href="https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about/">qit.zx2c4.com/cgit</a>
<li>bins (used to regenerate the photo albums)
<li>packaged javascript
<li>Makefile (obsolete?)
<li><a href="#runserver">Running a test Troggle server</a>
<b> * These are essential</b> to make troggle work at all.
<p>The server configuration scripts are in the file <var>troggle/debian/serversetup</var> and are also
documented with notes in <var>troggle/README.txt</var>. It is intended that the full documentation will
be copied here in due course.
<p>It is hoped that we will develop fully automated server setup scripts (such as are used by CUYC for their Django system)
<li>to create a development server running locally on a personal machine
<li>to install the master system following a new operating system install on the public server
<p>The folder structure on the server is as shown below. It is all
in the user folder for the user <var>expo</var> i.e. in
<code><textarea id="folders" rows="30" cols="40">
├── boe
│   └── ...
├── cuccfiles
│   └── ...
├── loser (repo)
│   ├── caves
│   ├── caves-1623
│   ├── caves-1624
│   ├── caves-1626
│   ├── caves-1627
│   ├── docs
│   ├── fixedpts
│   ├── gpx
│   ├── kataster
│   ├── qms
│   ├── routes
│   ├── surface
│   └── template
├── drawings (repo)
│   ├── 107
│   ├── 161
│   ├── 2010-03
│   ├── 2011-01
│   ├── 2014-ms-14
│   ├── 2014-neo-01
│   ├── 2014-sd-01
│   ├── 2015-mf-06 Purple Lupin Cave
│   ├── 2017-cucc-23
│   ├── 2017-cucc-24
│   ├── 2017-cucc-28
│   ├── 2017-gmh
│   ├── 2017-pw-01
│   ├── 204
│   ├── 234
│   ├── 264-and-258
│   ├── minorCavesNear204
│   ├── oldframes
│   ├── oldframes2016
│   ├── styles
│   └── therion
├── expoweb (repo)
│ └── [see above]
├── troggle (repo)
│   ├── core
│   ├── debian
│   ├── docker
│   ├── docsEtc
│   ├── export
│   ├── flatpages
│   ├── helper
│   ├── imagekit
│   ├── media
│   ├── parsers
│   ├── profiles
│   ├── templates
│   └── wiki
├── static
│ └── ...
├── repositories
│   ├── cvs
│   ├── git
│   └── hg
├── expofiles
│ └── ...
├── expofiles-private
│ └── ...
└── webphotos
└── ...</textarea></code>
<h4 id="expofiles">expofiles</a></h3>
<p><var>expofiles</var> contains ~40GB of files which are published by the webserver but which are not parsed by troggle. 28GB of these are photographs in <var>/expofiles/photos/</var> and there are over 4GB of scanned images of surveys in <var>/expofiles/surveyscans/</var>. There is a cleaned, complete copy of the documentation for the <var>tunnelX</var> cave plan drawing package in <var>/expofiles/tunnelwiki/</var>.
<code><textarea id="folders" rows="30" cols="40">
├── accounts
│   ├── 2016
│   ├── 2017
│   ├── misery
│   └── policy
├── aerial_photos
├── defaults
├── documents
│   ├── 2014kataster_applications
│   ├── 2020-expo-planning
│   ├── DistoX
│   ├── GPF
│   ├── SAP
│   ├── austria-1984
│   ├── bierbook
│   ├── cave_science_articles
│   ├── excursions2018
│   ├── grants
│   ├── hardware
│   ├── proc.ubss
│   ├── surveying
│   ├── troggle
│   ├── tshirts
│   └── website-link-checks
├── geotiffsurveys
│   └── qgis-examples
├── geotiffsurveys_backup
│   └── qgis-examples
├── gpslogs
│   ├── 2017
│   ├── 2018
│   ├── 2019
│   ├── OpenStreetMap
│   └── essentials
├── location_maps
├── photos
│   ├── 1978
│   ├── 1981
│   ├── 1982
│   ├── 1983
│   ├── 1997
│   ├── 1999
│   ├── 2004
│   ├── 2005
│   ├── 2007
│   ├── 2008
│   ├── 2009
│   ├── 2010
│   ├── 2011
│   ├── 2012
│   ├── 2013
│   ├── 2014
│   ├── 2015
│   ├── 2016
│   ├── 2017
│   ├── 2018
│   ├── 2019
│   ├── OriginalPhotoCD-png
│   ├── WinklerChapterPhotos
│   └── kletteratlas
├── presentations
│   ├── CroatiaTrip2019
│   ├── HiddenEarth
│   ├── SpeleoAustria
│   ├── location_maps
│   ├── misc_2018-2019
│   └── test3js
├── qgis_projects
├── qgis_resources
│   ├── centreline-data
│   ├── country_borders
│   └── terrain
├── rigging_topos
│   ├── 107
│   ├── 204
│   ├── 258
│   ├── 264
│   ├── 76
│   ├── rigging-guides-found-in-hut-2019
│   └── rigging_topos2017-18
├── surveys
│   ├── 107
│   ├── 148
│   ├── 161
│   ├── 1987-02
│   ├── 2004-01
│   ├── 2004-03
│   ├── 2007-71
│   ├── 204
│   ├── 234
│   ├── 258
│   ├── 258_and_264
│   ├── 264
│   ├── 267
│   ├── 271
│   ├── 40
│   ├── 76
│   ├── drafts
│   ├── junk
│   ├── minisurveys2012
│   ├── minisurveys2014
│   ├── minisurveys2016
│   ├── minisurveys2017
│   ├── minisurveys2018
│   ├── overview
│   ├── smkhs
│   └── tunnocks
├── surveyscans
│   ├── 1975
│   ├── 1983
│   ├── 1984
│   ├── 1989LUSS
│   ├── 1989surveybook
│   ├── 1991surveybook
│   ├── 1992-94Surveybookkh
│   ├── 1994
│   ├── 1995-96kh
│   ├── 1996-1999NotKHbook
│   ├── 1997-99kh
│   ├── 1999
│   ├── 2000
│   ├── 2001
│   ├── 2002
│   ├── 2003
│   ├── 2004
│   ├── 2005
│   ├── 2006
│   ├── 2007
│   ├── 2008
│   ├── 2009
│   ├── 2010
│   ├── 2011
│   ├── 2012
│   ├── 2013
│   ├── 2014
│   ├── 2015
│   ├── 2016
│   ├── 2017
│   ├── 2018
│   ├── 2019
│   ├── 2021
│   └── 90Surveybookkh
├── terrain
├── training-info
├── tunnelwiki
│   ├── pdf
│   ├── skins
│   ├── training-info
│   ├── uploads
│   └── wiki
├── uploads
├── video
│   ├── 2004
│   ├── 2007
│   ├── 2009
│   ├── 2010
│   ├── 2011
│   ├── 2012
│   ├── 2013
│   ├── 2014
│   ├── 2016
│   ├── 2017
│   ├── 2018
│   └── 2019
└── writeups
├── 1992
├── 1993
├── 1994
├── 1999
├── 2000
├── 2003
├── 2007
├── 2008
├── 2009
├── 2010
├── 2011
├── 2012
├── 2013
├── 2014
├── 2015
├── 2016
├── 2017
├── 2018
├── 2019
└── 2021</textarea></code>
<h3 id="js">Javascript</a></h3>
There are javascript packages installed directly on the operating system on the server, i.e. in<br>
which are used by some <var>expoweb</var> pages:
<li><var>CaveScript</var> for showing 3D views of cave centreline data,
<li><var>CodeMirror</var> for syntax-colouring survex files
<li><var>openlayers</var> for geographic mapping integration, for out slippy map showing paths and entrances at <a href="/map/map.html">/map/map.html</a>
<li><var>leaflets</var> and experimental mapping test (only on /map/index-leaflet.html )
These javascript packages are not documented but some are mentioned in <a href="troglaptop.html">the soft dev laptop</a> configuration.
<p>Currently installed on the server (October 2021) are the following javascript packages which are <em>not used at all by troggle or any of the expo website</em>:
<p>Presumably these are used by something else hosted on the server ? Anyway, if you are setting up a new troggle sever you don't need them.
<h3 id="xapian">Search: xapian</h3>
<p>Installed independently of troggle simply with <var>apt install xapian-omega</var> and
then configured into the troggle-generated menus in <var>css/main2.css</var>.
You can see it at the bottom of the top-left menu on this page and on nearly all pages of the handbook.
The function is
connected with an apache configuration
<code>ScriptAlias /search /usr/lib/cgi-bin/omega/omega</code> in <var>~expo/config/apache/expo.conf</var>.
Installed by Wookey in May 2020.
<h3 id="kanboard">Planning: kanboard</h3>
<p>This is installed on the server and accessed at <a href="/kanboard"><var>/kanboard</var></a> It is an open source
equivalent of the Trello kanban card task planning system. The 2022 expo uses
<a href="https://trello.com/b/WddB62HI/expo-jobs">Trello itself</a> (separate login required) but we intend to move to our own kanboard
from 2023.
<h3 id="boe">boe</h3>
<p>This is a perl script, and served by the webserver using the url apache configuration<pre><code>#bank of expo
#current expedition
ScriptAlias /boe /home/expo/boe/boc/boc.pl
&lt;Directory /home/expo/boe/boc&gt;
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
SetHandler cgi-script
Options +ExecCGI
Require all granted
&lt;/Directory&gt;</code></pre> in <var>~expo/config/apache/expo.conf</var>.
<p>Handbook documentation for its use is at <a href="../bankofexpo.html">The Bank of Expo</a>.
<h3 id="cgit">cgit - web interface to server git repos</h3>
<p>This is a compiled executable written in C which, like boe, is installed as an Apache CGI redirection.
The installation instructions are at <a href="https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/tree/README">https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/tree/README</a>
but we use the Debian package <a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/cgit">https://packages.debian.org/stable/cgit</a>.
<h3>cron - automatically run tasks to schedule</h3>
<p>This is currently disabled in Feb. 2022. If you need anything that would be done frequently (e.g. bins) you currently have to run it manually.
<p>The server runs it's hourly, daily and weekly scripts using the anacron system. In
<var>~expo/config/cron/</var> on the server, there are <var>expo.hourly</var>
and <var>expo.daily</var> scripts and these are (or should be) launched at the appropriate times by
the server root from <var>/etc/crontab</var>. This is not obviously working on the server at present.
<h3 id="runserver">Running a test Troggle server</h3>
For high volume use, Troggle should be run using a web server like apache.
However, a quick way to get started is to use the development server built into Django.
This is limited though: directory redirection needs apache so CodeMirror and CaveView won't work as the url /javascript/ will not exist.
To do this, run
$ python manage.py runserver 8000 -v 3
from the troggle directory. This runs it on port 8000 so you see the website
at http://localhost:8000/
gunicorn also works. This runs with 9 workers (suitable for a 4-core processor,
-w takes n+1 where n is the number of cores of your processor):
$ gunicorn --reload -w 9 -b :8000 wsgi
<hr />
Return to: <a href="trogdesign.html">Troggle design and future implementations</a><br />
Return to: <a href="trogintro.html">Troggle intro</a><br />
Troggle index:
<a href="trogindex.html">Index of all troggle documents</a><br />
<hr />