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<center><table border=0 width=100%>
<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>50</font></th>
<th align=center lang="de"><font size=+2>Ahnenschacht</font></th>
<th align=right><font size=+2>3/S/T</font></th></tr>
<p><b>Altitude</b>: 1890m<br>
<span lang="de">Frigoschacht</span> 1875m (enters at -130m at
<span lang="de">Sinterterrasse)</span><br>
<b>Location</b>: NW of <span lang="de">Wehrkogel</span> on the
<span lang="de">Schönberg.</span> Marked and named on OAV map sheet
<h3>Entrance series</h3>
<p>The entrance is in a small shakehole situated on the ridge separating
<span lang="de">Feuertal</span> and <span lang="de">Hintergras.</span> The
cave starts with four pitches (p14, p11, p5 and p11) which drop onto a slope
formed of big boulders (rope desirable). After this, another series of small
pitches (p9, p7, p6, p4, p10, p18, p11) from which is reached the
<span lang="de">Sinterterrasse</span> at -141m.
<p>From this point, one has left the zone of small pitches and started a
series of pitches which in reality are part of a single shaft down to -400m.
<p>Indeed, if you had an unfortunate accident on the
<span lang="de">Sinterterrasse,</span> you would fall all the way to -400m.
These pitches are usually wet, especially after rain... Here is the list of
pitches: p25, <span lang="de">Schuppenstufe</span> 30, p10,
<span lang="de">Sicherungsstufe</span> 32,
<span lang="de">Schachtgabel</span> 48, a 10m ramp, <span lang="de">Josef
Schacht</span> 100m. On the <span lang="de">Josef Schacht,</span> a pendulum
6m from the top enables one to reach the entry to the Horizontal network.
Descending the <span lang="de">Josef Schacht</span> a little further, after a
6.5m and a 10m pitch, access can be gained to a wide canyon, active in the
bottom, and which ends in a fissure. This canyon is fossil in the upper level
and certainly presents possibilities for continuation.
<h3>Lateral development from <span lang="de">Josef Schacht</span></h3>
<p>After one has crossed the "doorway" and a short squeeze, one
enters the network proper. At this point is a passage covered in rather
special formations. The first junction gives access to a network ...
[unfortunately there are lines missing in my photocopy of
<span lang="fr">Spéalp</span> 1]
<h3>The Vegetable Garden</h3>
<p>This fossil system, which has not been fully travelled through, contains
numerous possibilities. It is reached by three principal access routes: the
pitch already mentioned; a descending fissure a little before the Belgica;
and a sloping passage with formations in the Mammoth pitch chamber. The
system is composed of a big chamber with numerous passages and junctions; it
is very poorly known and no doubt houses many surprises. Continuing along
the passage, one passes a step of 4m to find a junction, to the left at
which lies the bivouac.
<h3>Belgica system</h3>
<p>Directly after the bivouac, there is a 10m pitch, and at the bottom, a new
junction: downhill the Belgica passage, of fairly small dimensions, which
leads, after traversing past three holes, to a descent of an 8m and a 17m
pitch and to the squeezes passed by our French colleagues.
<p>Uphill, discovered by D.Motte and PIE, in the course of the expedition in
1974, is the <span lang="fr">Galerie de Francs Comtois.</span> This is a
large ascending fossil passage interspersed with traverses, dips and pitches.
It reascends to -90m. At -150m, a 20m pitch reaches the <span
<p>A little before the 20m pitch, a short descending canyon passage avoids
the 20m pitch and the series of squeezes following it. The <span
lang="fr">Résomega</span> is an alternately ascending and descending
passage, very chaotic, interspersed with several junctions and pitches which
leads to the <span lang="fr">Balcon du Visionnaire,</span> offering several
possibilities. A 60m pitch gives onto another 60m pitch which is undescended.
There is another big pitch in excess of 100m and an unfinished ascending
passage. A little before, a 10m pitch allows one to reach a passage
interspersed with 3 junctions and 7 exits ! This shows the level of
complexity which we ran into.
<p>It was also at the <span lang="fr">Balcon du Visionnaire</span> that an
accident occurred in 1975, which terminated exploration in that year.
<p>Back in the Horizontal network, and after passing a little bouldery climb
an inlet is encountered, named The Bath. The passage continues a little
longer, to end in a pitch. [ exploration incomplete ]
<p>The following junction has been named Mammoth Junction because the
passage to the right leads onto the pitch of the same name. It is necessary
to exercise great care and attention not to slip hereabouts, because a fall
would drop you into same.
<p>The Mammoth Pitch, Para-pitch and probably the Negus pitch, form part of
the same system (see survey) which is composed of a 146m pitch, a 10m
pitch and a narrow canyon interspersed with several cascades leading finally
to a 35m pitch giving onto the sump at -612m. The Para-pitch, p106, is
followed by pitches of 5, 10 and 50m and drops via the latter into the
Mammoth Canyon.
<p>The Negus pitch, which is undescended, should also drop into the same
canyon. Several other small pitches and active streamways should also rejoin
this system.
<p>The depth of 612m should be treated cautiously because the method of
survey used (based on the height of a man) is fairly imprecise. The bottom
could be anywhere between -580m and -630m. The shortage of time prevented us
from redoing our survey. [The depth quoted in <span lang="fr">Atlas des
Grandes Gouffres</span> is -607m, which is shown as the bottom of this
system. However, a Belgian survey shows the Yodl system (which is supposed to
end at -607m) to be somewhere else entirely, so it is rather unclear which
survey is wrong.]
<p>Turning left, the Zipfer passage is followed for 150m before reaching an
important junction: to the left Chimneys passage, to the right Draughting
<h3>Chimneys Passage</h3>
<p>This is very large with a constant slope, interrupted in the middle by a
squeeze and a couple of drops. The <span lang="de">Schnaps</span> pitch (40m
with an unexplored, narrow canyon) is avoided by traversing to reach a 25m
pitch in which you must pendulum 5m from the bottom in order to reach a
chamber in which is met a small stream. Climbing up a little opposite, a
short upper passage rejoins the stream by a 20m pitch. In the chamber, the
descent of a 10m pitch allows the stream to be followed to a squeeze beyond
which one can hear the grumble of a large river ? A place to go back to.
<h3>Draughting passage</h3>
<p>This is fossil, and tight in places, and allows exploration of a very
complex network which intersects itself in various places and which could
hold very great surprises, since its exploration has only been sketchily
outlined. The exit from this passage is in an area of boulders where two
possibilities exist:
<p><b>To the left</b>: a tight passage has been forced on a slope to
<span lang="de">Kitschacht</span> (Tackle Bag Shaft) a magnificent 50m drop,
very wide and completely free hanging. At its base, several possibilities. A
tight active canyon which can be bypassed by a fossil passage, broken by an
earthy drop of 3m to a huge 15m pitch leading to a sump at -360m.
<p>A drop of a few metres gives access to a huge fossil passage (10
× 5m). The floor of this is cut by a deep canyon which has not
been explored. After a hundred metres or so the passage ends at a vast wet
pitch. Climbing over a big boulder on the right gives access to another pitch
<p>Just after the base of <span lang="de">Kitschacht,</span> a passage of 80m
makes a connection with the system of the
<span lang="fr">Décollement</span> pitch at the bottom of the 40m
shaft. A canyon leaving the junction passage can be followed for more than
300m, and exits, in several places, into the side of the big fossil passage,
just before the pitch upwards.
<p><b>To the right</b>: The <span lang="fr">Décollement</span> pitch,
with, at its base, a sloping chamber full of boulders. To the left a very
deep ascending canyon is unexplored. In the bottom is the
<span lang="fr">Méandre Emeri,</span> so called because the formations
are orientated in the direction of progress and of the draught. This rejoins
a wide pitch with an inlet. After this 15m pitch is a short canyon and a damp
40m pitch. At the bottom, a huge descending passage suddenly turns almost
vertical. This is the Toboggan, needing 20m of rope (a very spectacular
passage). At this level one again cuts a new streamway. The passage
continues, then contracts, and chokes at -385m.
<h3>Extensions to the Belgica system (various Belgians, June/July 1977)</h3>
<p><b>After the Bivouac</b>: a 10m pitch, then turn left into a small
passage, ignore three pitches to the side, then descend pitches of 8 and 13m
to arrive at some easy squeezes on the left. After this, a climb of 5m and a
42m pitch. Stops in a sand blockage at -410m.
<p>Over the 13m pitch a small passage goes to several climbs in a fossil
series. There is a 25m pitch and two 10m pitches ending in several very
tight chimneys.
<h3>Yodl system (explored GSAB, August 1977)</h3>
<p>From the entrance, after 70m down <span lang="de">Josef schacht,</span>
climb down 7m over a large block and descend about 12m in the bottom of a
meander. Progress is then in the meander, with a short climb in a fault on
the left and a 120m pitch, in sections of 22m and 100m. Beyond is a tight
canyon with a 20m pitch to a sump at -607m (the last part of the 100m pitch
is wet).
<p><span lang="fr">Atlas des Grands Gouffres du Monde</span> 1979 says that
the original -395m route goes on to c-470m (unsurveyed) and there are also
routes ending at -385m and -386m.
<b>Exploration</b>: Discovered by Upper Austrians in 1856.<br>
The point -320m was reached by them in 1958.<br>
In 1967 and 1968 the <a href="../../others/bec/index.htm">Bristol Exploration
Club</a> reached -395m, the Horizontal network, with a length of 1 km, was
In 1972, 73, 74 and 75, the GSAB <span lang="fr">"Les Gours"</span> explored
and discovered over 5km of passage and about 1500m of pitches. This got them
to -612m. We note also the participation, in 1974, of three clubs from
Eastern France: <span lang="fr">S.C.Vesoul, G.S.Clerval &
S.S.Daules.</span> In 1975 CARSS joined a mini-expedition in July and
likewise, CASEO in August.<br>
A GSAB expedition in August 1977 connected a new entrance
<span lang="de">(Frigoschacht)</span> at -130m, surveyed the Vegetable Garden
and explored the new areas Yodl and KGB.
<p><b>References :</b>
<dt>78.2012<dd><cite>(GSAB) <span lang="fr">Spéalp</span>
1 (June 1977) pp 33-49</cite>, <b>Totes Gebirge :
<span lang="fr">Description des principaux gouffres de la
zone ouest du massif</span></b>,
<span lang="fr">Jean Claude Hans & Etienne Degrave</span><br>
<a href="../../others/gsab/en/782012.htm#117">English Translation</a><br>
<a href="../../others/gsab/fr/782012.htm#117" lang="fr">En Français</a>
<dt>79.1855<dd><cite>(GSAB) <span lang="fr">Spéalp</span> 3 (Oct.
1978) pp 44-45, survey</cite>, <b lang="de">Ahnenschacht 77/78</b>, Jean
Pierre Braun<br>
<a href="../../others/gsab/en/791855.htm">English Translation</a><br>
<a href="../../others/gsab/fr/791855.htm" lang="fr">En Français</a>
<p>The above description was translated from the references by Andy
Waddington and Jill Gates.
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