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synced 2025-03-27 20:52:00 +00:00
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110 lines
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# Checks that *ref in .svx files link to valid surveyscans folders
# Assumes that svx-refs has been generated.
# usage:
# cd /loser/
# ./check-refs.sh
# 2020-04-05 Philip Sargent
# Does not check whether move than one svx file points at the same wallet (might be real)
# Does not check whether more than one wallet json points to the same svx file (an error)
function ltrim(s) { sub(/^[ \t\r\n]+/, "", s); return s } # remove leading whitespace
function rtrim(s) { sub(/[ \t\r\n]+$/, "", s); return s } # remove trailing whitespace
function trim(s) { return rtrim(ltrim(s)); }
walltag = "[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]#X?[0-9][0-9]"
ss ="/home/expo/expofiles/surveyscans/"
ssurl ="expofiles/surveyscans/"
svxurl ="survexfile/"
$2 ~ walltag {
svxfile = $1
urlsvxfile = svxurl svxfile
year = substr($2,0,4)
wallet = $2
walldir = year "/" wallet
path = ss year "/" wallet
json = path "/contents.json"
urljson = ssurl year "/" year "%23" substr(wallet,6,length(wallet)) "/contents.json"
#printf("%s :: ", wallet)
included =""
if ($NF ~ "INCLUDE") {
included = "(*includes " $(NF-1) " )"
if (system("test -d " path)!=0) {
printf("Missing WALLET %s <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n", walldir, urlsvxfile, svxfile) > "svx-refs.tmp"
print "mkdir ", path > "svx-refs.tmp"
} else if (system("test -f " json)!=0) {
print "Missing JSON ", walldir, $1 > "svx-refs.tmp"
print "cp -p " ss "template.json ", json > "svx-refs.tmp"
} else if (system("test -s " json)!=0) {
print "Zerolength JSON ", walldir, $1 > "svx-refs.tmp"
# copy an empty template into it
print "cp -p " ss "template.json ", json > "svx-refs.tmp"
} else if (system("grep \"survex file\" " json ">> grep.txt")!=0 ) {
print "CORRUPT json - missing survex file line",walldir, $1 > "svx-refs.tmp"
} else {
# Now scan the content.json file and look for the reference to the svx file
for (k in jline ) delete jline[k]
while (getline line <json > 0) {
n=gsub(/\"/,"",line) # " syntax colouring bad in VS code for awk
i += 1
if (line ~ /survex file/) {
n = split(line,arr,":")
jsonsvx = trim(arr[n])
n=gsub(/,$/,"",jsonsvx) # if it is the last field then no comma
urljsonsvx = svxurl jsonsvx
#printf("[%s] {%s} ",jsonsvx, urljsonsvx)
if (jsonsvx == "") {
print "UNSET json ", walldir, $1 > "svx-refs.tmp"
printf("sed -i '/survex file/ s;\"\";\"%s\";' %s\n",svxfile, json) > "svx-refs.tmp"
printf("%s :: ", wallet)
printf("UNSET - json field blank\nsvx :%s:\n",svxfile)
#break # behaves like next not break
} else if (jsonsvx == svxfile ) {
printf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> :: ", urljson,wallet) > "ok.tmp"
printf("OK - svx filenames match - <a href='%s'>%s</a>\n",urljsonsvx,jsonsvx) > "ok.tmp"
#break # behaves like next not break
} else {
printf("%s :: ", wallet)
printf("MISMATCH <a href='%s'>%s</a> <-svx <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> %s\nMISMATCH <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> json-> <a href='%s'>%s</a>\n",urljson,wallet,urlsvxfile,svxfile,included,urljson,wallet,urljsonsvx,jsonsvx) > "svx-refs.tmp"
#break # behaves like next not break
if (result =="survexline") {
printf("%s + FAILTOSET ", wallet)
} else {
# printf("%s + SET =%s= ", wallet, result)
} else {
# This wasn't the right line, read the next one..
} # end of look going through a json file, result should be ok, mismatch or unset
if (result=="working") {
# as expected if there are lines after the survex line in the json file
} else if (result=="survexline") {
# the last line in the json was the survex line but failed to set to ok, mismatch or unset
printf("%s :: FAILTOSET %s\n", wallet, jsonsvx)
#system("cat " json)
#for (i in jline ) printf("%s %s\n",i,jline[i])
} else {
printf("%s :: BIZARRE\n", wallet)
#printf("%s :: BIZZARE should not get here\n", wallet) > "svx-refs.tmp"
#system("cat " json)
#for (i in jline ) printf("%s %s\n",i,jline[i])
} # end of test for missing or empty path or json file
} # end of test for matching a wallet tag