2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00
2011-07-10 15:23:35 +01:00

Bierbook source attached. Edit bierbook.tex then make to build a pdf.

Things to edit in bierbook.tex:

* There are about 3 commands near the top that need to be changed to
reflect the people going to expo

* Personal details are about half way through the file.

* The dates for the weather pages

* There were complaints about the seshtable so this might need to be
rethought. A rigid format was adopted last year which people didn't
like, maybe just leave some blankish pages for seshes instead

* The treasurer details and revision date

* Maybe leave a few more pages for quotes and fewer for In Austria
Jollies (or remove the In Austria Jollies section completely depending
on how you're doing it)