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<title>Totes Gebirge: groups</title>
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<h1>Groups known to have worked in <span lang="de-at" xml:lang=
"de-at">Totes Gebirge</span> caves</h1>
<p>As well as local cavers (who were very few in number in the
early years), many cavers from outside Austria have worked in the
<span lang="de-at" xml:lang="de-at">Totes Gebirge</span>. Those
who have been to the western massif (1623 and 1626) are listed
here. Following the links will lead to a description of the group
and a list of all the publications about the area (with their
reference number from Current Titles in Speleology). This is
under research, and is very far from complete. However, some
articles are here in the archive, in the original language, and a
very few are here in english translation. Where these exist, you
can follow links to them.</p>
<p>A few groups are still active and have their own web pages -
you can follow links to these from here, or there is a page
specifically for <a href="../links.htm">links to web sites</a>
which includes other relevant organisations too.</p>
<h4>Local Austrian Groups</h4>
<li><span lang="de-at" xml:lang=
"de-at">Höhlenforschervereinigung Altaussee</span> (up to
<li><span lang="de-at" xml:lang="de-at">Sektion Ausseerland
(des Landesvereines für Höhlenkunde in
Steiermark)</span> (up to early 80's?)</li>
<li><span lang="de-at" xml:lang="de-at">Vereines für
Höhlenkunde in OberSteier (VfHO)</span>:
This is the group who are responsible for the kataster in our
area, and which several CUCC members have also joined. There
are two articles about diving in Liägerhöhle (1623/1)
in <a href="obsteier/dive1.htm" lang="de-at" xml:lang=
"de-at">1985</a> and <a href="obsteier/dive2.htm" lang="de-at"
xml:lang="de-at">1988</a>, on the site. Also from their journal
is the German translation of CUCC's <a href=
"../years/1996/bcra-d.htm" lang="de" xml:lang="de">1996
<li><span lang="de-at" xml:lang="de-at">Landesverein für
Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich (LVHO)</span>:
This is the group responsible for exploration of the <b lang=
"de-at" xml:lang="de-at">Raucherkarhöhle</b>, and for the
kataster in nearby area 1626.</li>
<h4>Other Austrian Groups and individuals</h4>
<li><span lang="de-at" xml:lang="de-at">Edith
<h4>British Groups</h4>
<li><a href="bec/index.htm">BEC</a>: Bristol Exploration Club
[1967, 1968, 1969] (<a href=
"http://web.ukonline.co.uk/john/">Home page</a>)</li>
<li><a href="../../index.htm">CUCC</a>: Cambridge University
Caving Club [1976-]</li>
<li><a href="ubss/index.htm">UBSS</a>: University of Bristol
Speleological Society [with CUCC 1981, 1982, independently in
1989, 1990 ?]</li>
<li><a href="luss/index.htm">LUSS</a>: Lancaster University
Speleological Society [1987-89] (<a href=
<li><a href="ulsa/index.htm">ULSA</a>: University of Leeds
Speleological Association [Tauplitz, 1985 (or 86?)] (<a href=
<h4>Belgian Groups</h4>
<li><span lang="fr-be" xml:lang="fr-be">CASE HA (Club
d'Archaeologie, de Spéléologie et d'Escalade de
Huy Andenne)</span> [1972,1973]</li>
<li><span lang="fr-be" xml:lang="fr-be"><a href=
"gsab/index.htm" lang="en" xml:lang="en">GSAB</a>: Groupe
Spéléo Alpin Belge</span>
[1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978]<br />
(people of other club affiliations out with GSAB in 1977,
CASEO, SSSPA, GSREDAN, ES GEODE, SC Calcaires, similarly GIPS,
SCUCL in 1978)</li>
<li>CASEO 1975</li>
<h4>French Groups</h4>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">G.S.Clerval</span>, now
<span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">G.S.Clerval - Baume les
Dames</span> (<a href="gscb/index.htm">GSCB</a>) 1974, 75, 77,
83-87, 88-90?, 91-...</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">S.C. Vesoul</span>,</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">G.S. Doubs</span>,</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">S.S. Daules</span> (all in 1974)</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">A.C. Toulon</span>,</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">S.C. Toulon</span>,</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">Lou Darboun</span>,</li>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">Spéléo
Ragaie</span> (all in 1976, 77?)</li>
<h4>not quite sure, French or Belgian ?</h4>
<li><span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">CARSS 1975, 1978 (Centre
d'Activité et Récherches Subaquatique et
<h4>German Groups and individuals</h4>
<li><span lang="de" xml:lang="de">Vereines für
Höhlenkunde in München e.V.</span> 1983 and others.
The site contains one article from this group which is CTS ref.
<a lang="de" href="muenchen/de/841642.htm" xml:lang=
"de">84.1642</a>, also now included in <a href=
"muenchen/en/841642.htm">English translation.</a></li>
<li>A group from <span lang="de" xml:lang=
"de">Nürnberg</span> who worked with the above, but also
worked independently - they have some survey data we need
<li><span lang="de" xml:lang="de"><a href=
"http://arge.itvd.uni-stuttgart.de/" lang="de" xml:lang=
"de">Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höhle und Karst Grabenstetten
<li><span lang="de" xml:lang="de">Vred Vischer</span> 1980
(worked/s with above)</li>
<li><span lang="pl" xml:lang="pl">Speleo Krakow</span><br />
An article in a Polish journal has misled the authors of the
English version of the world deep caves atlas into thinking
that Poles worked with CUCC. In fact, the article was
commissioned by <span lang="pl" xml:lang="pl">Krzysztof
Kleszynski</span> who had done a lot of work in the Salzburg
area. It was written by Andy Waddington, covering 1976-79 (and
particularly the exploration of <span lang="de-at" xml:lang=
"de-at">Eislufthöhle</span>), and concerns only work done
by CUCC. It appeared in the Polish journal purely as part of an
effort to give some context to other reports about Austria.
Andy never got a copy (but then he can't read the Polish
translation anyway). The <a href=
"../years/1979/811412.htm">english original</a> is published in
these pages for the first time !</li>
<h4>Italian, Hungarian, Slovak ...</h4>
<li>We think there may have been some...</li>
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<li><a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro
<li><a href="../indxal.htm">Full Index</a></li>
<li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a></li>