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Introducing survey data
software required: gedit, aven, cavern, (tunnel)
1. in gedit, introduce survey measurements in a new *.svx file
identify which points link to former surveys (contained in the same folder for the same cave sector, good descriptions of the points help very much!), you can see the central line of the system using aven for *.3d files
aven filename.3d
2. indicate to 'export' the matching points in both svx files (in the new one and in the old one if it is not indicated yet)
3. in the main svx file (the one for the whole cave area) add the 'include' and the 'equate'
4. transform the filename.svx file into a 3d file (make sure it gives no error
cavern filename
(4bis. add the new bit to the main 3d file, by doing cavern cavesectorfilename)
5. open the newly created 3d file in aven
6. print the plan (regular print, selecting an apppropriate scale)
7. create the extended elevation 3d drawing (the one to draw the vertical, not a simple elevation line which could show overlapping legs)
extend filename.3d
8. open the newly created filename_extend.3d file in aven, and print
9. draw the cave by hand over the central line
10. scan the drawing and digitize in tunnel
================TEMPLATE FOR INDIVIDUAL SVX======================================
*begin sandpit3
; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave: Steinbruckenhöhle, 1623/204
*title "Sand Pit 3"
*date 2011.07.29
*team Insts Fernando Abarquero
*team Notes Aiora Zabala
*team Pics
*team Tape Kathryn Hopkins
*instrument unknown
; Calibration: clino +23 -24, compass 154 334,
; ref.: 2011 #23
; ====== stations refindable to link to other surveys: ======
*export X
*calibrate tape +0.1 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
;from to tape compass clino ; remarks
1 X 2.55 335 -13 ;
2 1 1.80 305 -08 ;
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
;name L R U D description
X - - - - old station (number 25 in sandpit.svx)
1 0.80 0.00 2.00 4.00 Red Paint, Red wall on top
2 0.00 0.30 1.00 3.50 RP, left wall
*end sandpit3
================TEMPLATE FOR AREA SVX============================================
*begin trunk
*title "Trunk route from No Pain No Gain through to Treeumphant Passage and beyond"
; -- 2011 --
*include sandpit3
*equate sandpit3.X sandpit.25
*end trunk