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Kaninchenhöhle system: Lost World tour
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<h1>Kaninchenhöhle Picture gallery<br>
Wheelchair Access and the Lost World</h1>
All these pictures are linked to appropriate pages of the cave description,
but are also gathered together here for a visual tour of the
<a href="offtri.htm#wheelca">Wheelchair Access</a> series leading to the
<a href="offtri.htm#lworld">Lost World</a>. Clicking on an image will take
you to a bigger version with descriptive caption and links back to web pages
relevant to that picture.
<p><a name="wap" href="l/dh2-33.htm"><img alt="Photo - 45k" width=150
height=200 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-33.jpg"></a>
<a name="dh231" href="l/dh2-31.htm"><img alt="Photo - 25k" width=150
height=150 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-31.jpg"></a><br>
<b>Wheelchair Access</b> starts unpromisingly with a pitch and a very obscure
little thrutch.
<p><a name="kzr" href="l/dh2-22.htm"><img alt="Photo - 33k" width=147
height=200 hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-22.jpg"></a><br>
Beyond the Ramp is another thrutch down the awkward <b>Kein Zimmer Rift</b>
<p><a name="5mp" href="l/dh2-18.htm"><img alt="Photo - 45k" width=150
height=200 hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-18.jpg"></a><br>
Opening out, a final 5m pitch drops into the <b>Lost World</b>
<p><a name="ptera" href="l/dh1-21.htm"><img alt="Photo - 30k" width=200
height=150 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh1-21.jpg"></a>
<a name="bvlake" href="l/dh1-29.htm"><img alt="Photo - 28k" width=188
height=125 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh1-29.jpg"></a><br>
Upstream passes through <b>Pteramacsuit Chamber</b> to reach the
<b>Bourneville Lake</b>
<p><a name="bcf" href="l/dh2-03.htm"><img alt="Photo - 20k" width=150
height=150 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-03.jpg"></a>
<a name="fulw" href="l/dh2-14.htm"><img alt="Photo - 20k" width=225
height=150 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-14.jpg"></a><br>
Water from avens has eroded the "Bourneville" mud floor to produce a way
through to another section of downstream passage to a final choke.
<p><a name="dlw" href="l/dh1-03.htm"><img alt="Photo - 41k" width=150
height=150 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh1-03.jpg"></a>
<a href="l/dh1-18.htm"><img alt="Photo - 35k" width=200 height=134
align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh1-18.jpg"></a>
<a href="l/dh1-17.htm"><img alt="Photo - 60k" width=150 height=150
align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh1-17.jpg"></a><br>
Downstream Lost World starts with a fine old phreatic tube...
<p><a name="fdlw" href="l/dh1-13.htm"><img alt="Photo - 28k" width=150
height=150 align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh1-13.jpg"></a>
... and ends in a large chamber with much collapse.
<h4><a href="pixrh.htm">The Right Hand Route - from 161a</a><br>
<a href="pixsf.htm">The "new" (1995-7) cave from 161d</a><br>
The <a href="pixss.htm">Steinschlagschacht</a> (1623/136) route
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<b>More Pictures:</b><br>
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<a href="../../gallery/ents.htm">Entrance</a> portraits<br>
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<a href="../../gallery/surf.htm">Surface</a> routes and views<br>
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<a href="../../gallery/low.htm">Base camp and non-caving</a> activities<br>
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<a href="top.htm">Kaninchenhöhle</a> Cave Description - Overview<br>
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