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1988: BCRA Caves & Caving report
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<center><font size=-1>CTS 89.1793: BCRA Caves & Caving 45 (Autumn 1989) pp 8-11 [ISSN 0142-1832]</font></center>
<h1>CUCC EXPEDITION 1988</h1>
<h3>Mark Dougherty</h3>
<p>This year's expedition to the old faithful Austria turned out to be the
largest on record. At the final count, 24 members took part, staying between
two and three weeks. About half of these were new to the delights and horrors
of Austria, having been swayed by stories of topless bathers, delicious
ice-creams and glorious sunshine while in an alcoholic haze at the annual
club dinner.
<p>At this point we feel that we should apologise for the lack of reports
over the last few years and hope that this will bring you up to date with our
activities in the area. 1987 proved a very poor year as far as new caves are
concerned, with 158, Donner und Blitzen Höhle being the only significant
find. This was explored to a depth of -130m where a tight rift stopped
progress, the passage could be seen to continue and widen beyond this
constriction. This was reinvestigated at the start of this year's expedition,
with hopes of passing the constriction, but resisted our hammering, a shame
as this had the potential for a higher entrance to the Stellerweg system,
therefore reclaiming the system from the Germans. Apart from much
prospecting, and pushing some odd leads in 113, a large amount of time was
spent surface surveying in collaboration with the Austrians to locate known
caves to fixed points set by the Austrians using Laser Range Finders.
<p>This year's Expedition started off with the usual race across Austria by
various forms of transport, ranging from the Land Rover, 'Rover', the work
horse of the party, carrying all the tackle plus 4 drivers which were
squeezed into the remaining holes, with the more affluent members travelling
by car, inter-rail or jet, resulting in everyone arriving at Hilde's at
various unearthly hours, but being unable to beat last year's record of 12
hours from Austria to Calais.
<p>The first day saw everyone soaking up the sun and swimming in the nearby
lake whilst consuming vast amounts of beer. Once everyone had recovered from
the travelling and the effects of alcohol, a posse was mounted, with
instructions to search for virgin holes in the inhospitable wastes of the
Totes Gebirge (that's after the new recruits had been shown what to look
for). This resulted in two promising leads, both emitting a strong draught. A
site was also proposed for a camp, being relatively sheltered from the wind
and having running water, a rare commodity on the plateau. This later formed
camp 1.
<p>A new day dawned with everyone keen to descend their new finds, even
though the weather had turned for the worst. So vazst amounts of food,
camping gear, tackle and rope were carried up onto the plateau, resulting in
the setting up of camp 1. At the end of the day both caves were still going
strong, both with undescended pitches.
<p>The following day saw the discovery of 161, later to be named
Kaninchenhöhle (after the snow rabbit's skeleton found along Adrian's
route). This proved to be the cave we had all been hoping for, with a 37m
entrance pitch situated on a prominent ridge between the Hinter and Vord.
Schwarzmoos Kgl, giving a depth potential of over 1km before hitting the
known water table. This entrance pitch landed in a boulder chamber with two
ways on. The most obvious being a clean washed shaft, whihc was subsequently
descended but unfortunately narrowed to a too tight stream canyon. A way off
is known just before the canyon, which would involve crawling under a very
large boulder supported on loose rubble. At the time no one seemed prepared
to risk this, but it is thought to continue. After this disappointing start,
attention was diverted to the other known way on 'Adrian's route' (after the
rope). This entered a small phreatic tube, which opened out into a small
chamber. This is where the rabbit skeletons were found showing how close we
were to the surface even after descending the 40m entrance pitch. The most
obvious route leads to a short pitch with a drip (very rare in this cave)
followed by a 45m free hanging pitch in a large rift.
<p>This news was brought to us by the day's pushing party whilst exchanging
details with the German/French group also working in this area. Last year
this group broke into the Stellerweg system originally explored by CUCC to a
depth of -971m. This has since been linked to the Eishöhle. The extent
of the full system is as yet not known to us as the Germans [actually
French, Webeditor] are very secretive about their finds. They were shouting
out 'copyright', 'copyright' as Mike produced a piece of tracing paper and
proceded to trace their survey.
<p>The 40m pitch landed on a very loose boulder ramp leading to yet another
47.5m pitch in an inclined rift. This proved most difficult to rig as the
rock was very shattered and there were few good naturals. This was eventually
rigged, landing in a passage covered with large boulders. This continued
until it petered out into a sand filled crawl with no way on, giving another
disappointing end.
<p>This left one other possible route, an eyehole spotted whilst descedning
the second pitch (on the original route). This proved to be the key to a very
complicated system, found after a week of continuous exploration. The eyehole
formed a traverse along a ledge on an inclined rift (undescended) leading to
an ascending boulder slope in a large chamber. At the top of the slope, a
pitch on the right hand side ('Skull Pitch' due to its shape), so far
undescended but thought to join up with the main route further down. The
boulder slope ends in a 20m pitch landing on a very loose boulder slope
'Hanging Death' leading to a further pitch which spirals round and lands in a
small chamber with a canyon type passage leading off. This continues to a
hole in the floor which had to be hammered out to gain access (still
inaccessible to the larger members of the club). It is hoped to bypass this
squeeze and the hanging death pitch by finding an alternative route via the
skull pitch or by traversing over the hanging death pitch. The squeeze occurs
at the top of an 8.5m pitch dropping into a large phreatic passage with many
possible ways on.
<p>A decision was made to explore the two main routes on simultaneously (Left
Hand Route, Right Hand Route) so optimising time and manpower.
<h4>Right Hand Route</h4>
<p>This formed a descending phreatic tube about 5m in height, with a clean
floor. This continues along with small drops, requiring ladders or hand lines
to aid progress. This eventually leads to a chamber with holes in the floor
(as yet unexplored) with the phreatic tube continuing over them. This leads
to another chamber with a very bold step over a hole in the floor (Over the
Rainbow). The area is characterised by huge rock pinnacles and rock sheets
due to extremem weathering, and having a thin coating of moon milk. The
passage continues with the roof gaining height all along as you descend down
huge boulder ramps, with avens and routes leading off all along. This ends at
a 32m pitch into a vast open space, forming the main chamber. TO give some
idea of size, during the exploration of this chamber, the party got lost and
it took ages for them to refind their rope, also resulting in the discovery
of yet anohter chamber via a huge boulder choke known as 'Star Wars'
containing huge blocks of rock ('Tower Blocks'). This is as far as the resent
survey goes due to lack of time, but the way on is still wide open with
another large phreatic level leading off, plus many other leads.
<h4>Left Hand Route</h4>
<p>The Left Hand Route starts off as an inclined rift, but soon opens out
into a stooping sized passage with holes in the floor. This continues to a
large chamber (Arrow Chamber) with two possible pitches to descend. It is
thought that these two shafts are linked and so the one giving the cleanest
hang and having the least loose boulders was descended. Our thoughts were
verified as we landed on a boulder pile and climbed through an eye hole to
the sight of a huge shaft (first seen in Arrow CHamber) that we had entered
three quarters of the way down. This series of shafts continue down via a
broken shaft to the top of a huge clean pitch formed by a phreatic uplift,
now known as the 'Niflheim' (a realm of darkness and mist where hell lies
within). This got its name due to its univiting nature and a vibrating boom
as a huge boulder was dropped. This shaft has so far only been descended via
a superb free hanging pitch to a rock bridge (Bird's Eye) with a 4 second
drop still to be descended.
<p>Apart from all the caving and walking, numerous tourist trips were taken
to Hallstatt, and to the summer Bobsleigh run, giving a welcome break. Vast
amounts of beer (totalling 0.5 metric ton) were consumed, as well as many
kilos of muesli. The obligatory arguments between the vegetarians and
carnivores continued again this year, as well as many hours spent drinking
and reminiscing in the potato hut kindly lent to us by Hilde.
<h4>Next Year</h4>
<p>The incentive to return to Austria in 1989 is great, with the four second
drop on the Left Hand Route, the large phreatic passage on the Right Hand
Route. As well as these leads it is hoped to find an alternate route to that
of the Death's Door pitch and the squeeze. Possible routes are that of the
Skull pitch, bottom of the second pitch under large boulder, or by traversing
over the pitch before Death's Door.
<p>There are no known caves nearby and so the chance of a major new system
like Stellerweg is great, and who knows, a possible link, and a depth well
over 1km. It is interesting to note that the phreatic levels in 161 and the
other known systems in the area all occur at approximately the same level.
<p>As well as the continued exploration of this system it is also hoped to
further explore 164 found in the first week, but exploration was hindered by
the high rainfall experienced this year.
<p>We wish to thank the Sports Council for their most generous grant, and
also to Hilde the landlady for putting up with us for the three weeks. But
most of all to the Austrian caving group for their hospitality, which we hope
to repay by arranging an exchange visit during 1989.
<hr />
<!-- LINKS -->
<ul id="links">
<li>1988 Expedition info:
<li><a href="index.htm">Index</a> (more detail than in this list)</li>
<li><a href="log.htm">Logbook</a></li>
<li>Cambridge Underground Expo Report:
<li><a href="report.htm">Austria 1988</a> expedition report</li>
<li><a href="cavegd.htm">161 Description</a> to date (ie. 1988)</li>
<li><a href="164.htm">1623/164</a> exploration</li>
<li><a href="rover.htm">A Rover's return</a></li>
<li><a href="to1989.htm">And so to 1989</a> work for 1989 expo to date</li>
<li><a href="../../pubs.htm#pubs1988">Index</a> to all publications</li>
<li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expeditions intro page</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home Page</a></li>