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<title>Handbook Troggle Intro</title>
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<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
<h1>Troggle - Maintenance Manuals</h1>
<p>Troggle is the software which runs the the expo cave survey data management and website. 

<p>If you are looking for how to manage or correct cave survey data then this is not the right place. You want the 
<a href="../computing/manual.html"><em>Data</em> Maintenance</a> manual.

<p>This part of the handbook is intended for people maintaining the troggle <em>software</em>:
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1155986.The_Tricky_Troggle">
<img  border="1" class="onright" width="150px" src='tricky-troggle.jpg' alt='git logo'/></a>
<li><a href="../computing/newyear.html">Annual tasks</a>: preparing for next year, finishing last year.
<li><a href="../computing/regular.html">Regular tasks</a>: housekeeping as surveys are digitised.
<li><a href="trogimport.html">Reimporting data</a>: reloading the database from scratch.
<li><a href="trogdocm.html">Maintain troggle</a> itself. The code is public on repository <a href="../computing/repos.html">:troggle:</a>
<li><a href="scriptsother.html">Other scripts</a> - photos, folk, wallets - not integral parts of troggle.
<li><a href="trogarch.html">Troggle and database</a> architecture: how it all fits together 
<li><a href="trogdesign.html">Design decisions</a> inc. troggle replacement e.g. new systems for <a href="menudesign.html">website menus</a>

<li><a href="trogdjango.html">Troggle and django</a> - Upgrading to later django versions

<li><a href="trognotes.html">Programmers' guide</a> - and index to other documentation
<p>Troggle is completely unlike any other django installation: it has a database, but the database is rebuilt from files every time it starts. 
<p>Most of the data entry into troggle happens during or just after the expedition: i.e. once a year.

><p>but do also scan 
<li><a href="trogindex.html">Index of all troggle documents</a> - list of everything you can do with troggle.

<p>* "Troggle eats just one very big meal a year."

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Go on to: <a href="trogarch.html">Troggle architecture</a><br />
Return to: <a href="trogintro.html">Troggle intro</a><br />
Troggle index: 
<a href="trogindex.html">Index of all troggle documents</a><br />
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