A work in progress.
It used to be quite simple - software equivalents existed for Windows for everything we needed. The new (since Spring 2018) requirement to make ssh keys obligatory has simply added an extra step for most things, but has made one thing (rsync) really quite hard to get working.
Anytihng to
Linux people like to use hard-links: where there is really only one file, but it is referred to by different names. The ones you are most likely to come across are that what looks like /home/expo/expoweb is really just a link to /home/expo/repositories/hg/expoweb, and that expoweb/essentials.gpx is a link to /home/expo/expofiles/gpslogs/essentials/essentials2019.gpx
The core problem is integrating the PuTTy key management software (pagent.exe) with a terminal window.
WSL: the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The first release of this didn't do the ssh key exchange process easily. The 2019 WSL2 release includes a complete Linux kernel. If you want to use this, then please do - and then write the handbook documentation too. But beware that it has two different modes which behave differently.