<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Only put one entrance in this file --> <!-- This file is generated by troggle on Oct. 11, 2023, 10:08 p.m. UTC using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html --> <!-- If you edit this file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git, make sure you update the database by doing a full data import. If you edit it using the online form though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically --> <!-- See http://expo.survex.com/handbook/survey/caveentryfields.html for current details on filling in this form --> <!-- there is 1 required field: slug. The entrance will not appear without that. --> <!-- ALWAYS use ü for u+Umlaut and ö for o+umlaut eg Höhle for Hohle and Glück for Gluck--> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on Oct. 11, 2023, 10:08 p.m. UTC using the form documented at <a href="/handbook/survey/ententry.html">handbook/survey/ententry.html</a> <br> <entrance> <non_public>False</non_public> <!-- <slug> ignored, not needed. Now using filename --> <!-- <slug> ignored, not needed. Now using filename --> <name></name> <entrance_description></entrance_description> <explorers></explorers> <map_description></map_description> <location_description>700m north of Schwarzmoossattel.<br> 1623.gps00.93_01b and <br> 1623.gps00.93_01a<br> were attached to this entrance but they are now defunct survey stations.</location_description> <lastvisit></lastvisit> <approach>From <a href="164.htm">164</a>, avoid <a href="189.htm">189</a> (easiest 15m to its right over a small ridge, but OK immediately on its right edge), then go roughly NNW (a few cairns - 1996 vintage orange paint has completely faded). This leads up onto the right edge of a ridge (the main part of which is deep Lärchen), passing right of the OAV ski marker pole. This is an easy walk above a short (climbable) cliff looking down onto <a href="210.htm">210</a>. When this easy walk is interrupted by a step down, head leftish over a series of limestone steps to reach a descent into a large broken area (near <a href="173.htm">173</a>). Climb steeply left up boulders to a large cairn, then along a sloping limestone shelf. Shortly ahead is an abrupt headwall, below which is the shaft of <b>Lost Rucksack Cave</b> (given temporary number CUCC 1993 01). The area could also be reached (with more difficulty) from the "central" plateau area towards <a href="76/76.html">76</a>, and also via the "Geologists' walk" which passes much further left via <a href="171/171.html">171</a> and <a href="172.htm">172.</a></approach> <underground_description></underground_description> <photo></p><div class="centre"><a href="../1623/others/l/lrh.htm"><img alt="Photo of 1993 descent" src="../1623/others/t/lrh.jpg" width="123" height="169" /></a><p>Adam Cooper descending to place a bolt below the lip in 1993</p></div><p></photo> <!-- marking options: P = Paint, P? = Paint (?), T = Tag, T? = Tag (?), R = Retagged, S = Spit, S? = Spit (?), U = Unmarked, ? = Unknown" --> <marking>T</marking> <marking_comment>M6 stud with alloy tag giving kataster number on flat rock NE of shaft.</marking_comment> <!-- findability options: ? = To be confirmed ..., S = Surveyed, L = Lost, R = Refindable" --> <findability>S</findability> <findability_description></findability_description> <alt></alt> <northing></northing> <easting></easting> <lat_wgs84></lat_wgs84> <long_wgs84></long_wgs84> <tag_station>1623.t200</tag_station> <exact_station></exact_station> <other_station></other_station> <other_description>post selective availability GPS</other_description> <bearings></bearings> <url></url> </entrance> </body> </html>