This file is generated by troggle on July 10, 2024, 7:06 p.m. UTC using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html
False 1623-2018-MS-01 2018-MS-01 Lost - due to garbage GPS numbers Becka's phone GPS 33+ 410730 5274320 Alt 1698m Accuracy 4m
Shinwell 2023-07-12: "this fix is miles off, so commenting out in gps/gps18.svx So this is effectly lost, though refindable, except that it is near 2018-ms-02, 03, 04" [in fact this is a fix of the bier tent, but with a different altitude] Entrance photo found, with GPS EXIF. So it is found.
2018-07-18 logbook entry 2018-07-18 T tag hammered into crack near to placed spit S 1623.p2018-ms-01