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CUCC 1976/B8 (1623/197) location
<img src="../i/b8locn.jpg" width=1001 height=500>
<p>Photomontage view southeast across the plateau towards Vorderer
Schwarzmooskogel (the peak left of centre) and Schwarzmoossattel "The col".
B8 (1623/197) is the most obvious of a number of entrances explored in 1976,
and is marked on this photomontage below the scarp, just right of centre.
Along the same scarp right on the right hand edge of the picture is the
entrance shaft of Glitterstompf (1623/190, formerly "B9"). Top Camp is just
hidden from view at the top right of the picture.

<br><font size=-1>Photos &copy; Andy Waddington, 1996</font>
<!-- montage of two shots from video at 12bpp -->
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