This file is generated by troggle on Oct. 10, 2023, 6:37 p.m. UTC using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html
False 1623-2012-ns-03 Small entrance at very S end of escarpment. Crawl into passage over sharp rocks Julian Todd, Noel Snape In E facing escarpent at S end, near highest point of hill. Take german path N of tunnocks. Cross one "valley" running roughly E-W. After ascending out of valley on cairned route, follow level section around several large shakjeholes/broken shafts. Turn right where the bunder thins (near the end of the hill). Upon reaching the edge of the escarpemt facing E from the top of this hill, follow it to the S end and the cave should be at the end, hidden by a boulder until you are upon it. sharp floored crawl t/ent.jpeg T cucc 2012-ns-03 S Co-ords in UTM, need converting 1885 0411650 5233408 1623.p2012-ns-03