#get .3d file contents using survex parser # Is this in any way related to the data incaves-tabular.html by Radost ?? >&2 echo "Processing: $1" summary=$(cavern "./$1/$1.svx" -o "./$1/$1.3d") contents=`dump3d -d ./$1/$1.3d` if [[ "$2" = "--verbose" ]]; then echo "Processing file: ./$1/$1.3d" fi #find most recent leg lastdate=$(echo "$contents" | grep ^LINE | rev | cut -f1 -d " " | rev | grep [1234567890.-] | sort | tail -n1) if [[ "$2" = "--verbose" ]]; then echo "Cave last visited on: $lastdate" fi #find all legs done most recently lastlegs=$(echo "$contents" | grep ^LINE | grep "$lastdate") #find last survey full name lastsurvey=$(echo "$lastlegs" | grep -o '\[.*\]' | sort | uniq | tr -d "[" | tr -d "]" | tail -n1) #find last survey name lastsurvey=$(echo "$lastsurvey" | rev | cut -f1 -d "." | rev) #find deepest point of most revent survey lastdepth=$(echo "$lastlegs" | cut -f4 -d " " | tr -d "m" | sort -n | tail -n1) #find file containing last survey lastfile="./"$(grep -ril "begin ****$lastsurvey" "$1" | tail -n1) #display results if [[ "$2" = "--verbose" ]]; then echo "Last visit on survey name:" echo "$lastsurvey" echo "Located in the file:" echo "$lastfile" fi #find team members of last survey visitors=$(cat "$lastfile" | grep team | cut -f2- -d " " | tr "\n" "\t") #find total length from summary leng=$(echo "$summary" | grep "Total length of survey legs" | tr -s " " |cut -f7 -d " ") #find vertical span from summary vert=$(echo "$summary" | grep "Vertical range" | cut -f4 -d " ") #renaming cavename="$1" cavedepth="$vert" cavelength="$leng" lastdate="$lastdate" lastdepth="$lastdepth" lastpeople="$visitors" lastfile="$lastfile" #output if [[ "$2" == "--table" ]]; then echo "<tr>" echo "<td>$cavename</td>" echo "<td>$cavedepth</td>" echo "<td>$cavelength</td>" echo "<td>$lastdate</td>" echo "<td>$lastpeople</td>" echo "<td>$lastdepth</td>" echo "<td>$lastfile</td>" echo "</tr>" else echo "Last surveyed leg on:" echo "Date, Survex file, Depth" echo "$lastdate $lastdepth $lastfile" echo "Last visited by:" echo "$lastpeople" echo "Total length:" echo "$cavelength" echo "Total depth:" echo "$cavedepth" echo "" echo "" fi