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<title>CUCC Expo member: Tina White</title>
<p><img align=left src="../i/tinaw.jpg" width=183 height=209
hspace=20 vspace=10> 
<b>Tina White</b> (CUCC 1984-).<br>Expedition 1985 (working in
<a href="../../smkridge/41/off41.htm#ent142">142</a>,
<a href="../../smkridge/41/144.htm">144</a> and
<a href="../../smkridge/152.htm">152</a>, all in the Stellerweg area),
1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1996, 1999 (like most people, occupied most of the
time in <a href="../../smkridge/161/top.htm">Kaninchenh&ouml;hle</a>).<br>

A tireless campaigner for more women on expeditions, and the most faithful
female expeditioner on the records (even came out twice one year, having
to nip back to the UK for an interview).

<p>Photo taken in 1623/147<br clear=all>

<hr><font size=-1>Photo &copy; Jeremy Rodgers, 1988</font>
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