<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>CUCC Expo member: Dave Loeffler</title> </head> <body> <p><img align=left src="../i/davel.jpg" width=163 height=216 align=left hspace=20 vspace=10> <b>Dave Loeffler</b> (Trinity 2001-, Secretary 2002-3, Tacklemaster 2003-4, Expo leader 2003)<br> Expedition 2002, 2003 - during the <a href="../../smkridge/204/204.shtml">Steinbrückenhöhle</a> years. Involved in the exploration of <a href="../../smkridge/204/swings.shtml">Gaffered to the Walls</a> in 2002, and of <a href="../../smkridge/204/ariston.shtml">Razordance</a> in 2003. Prone to talking about himself in the third person.<p> Photo taken in the Aven de Noël, Ardeche, France.<br clear=all> <hr><font size=-1>Photo © David Loeffler, 2003</font> <!-- PhotoCD scan, from a rather poor-quality disposable. --> <hr> <!-- LINKS --> <img alt=">" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png"> Back to table of <a href="../index.htm">expo members</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png"> Back to <a href="../../index.htm">Expedition Intro page</a><br> <img alt="--->" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png"> <a href="../../infodx.htm"><b>Index</b> to Expo</a> information pages<br> <img alt=">" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png"> Back to <a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a> </body> </html>