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<title>CUCC Expo member: Ben van Millingen</title>
<p><img align=left src="../i/benvm.jpg" width=132 height=135
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<b>Ben van Millingen</b>,
Queens' 1976-79 (Tacklemaster 1978-79).<br>
Expedition 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983.<br>
Explored <a href="../../plateau/107.htm">Gemseh&ouml;hle</a> (1623/107) in
1978, <a href="../../plateau/76.htm">Eislufth&ouml;hle</a> (1623/76) in 1979
and worked in the <a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">Stellerwegsystem</a>
(1623/41) and <a href="../../smkridge/87.htm">1623/87</a> in 1980.
<a href="../../plateau/145.htm">Wolfh&ouml;hle</a> (1623/145) was the main
venue in 1983.<br>
Photo taken in Hall of the Greene King in Eislufth&ouml;hle.

<hr><font size=-1>Photo &copy; Andy Waddington, 1979</font>
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