CUCC Expo Prospecting Handbook

Missing, but marked, caves

The following caves are marked with their identifying numbers, but there is no documentation of where they actually are.

CUCC #1623/info
81 No. in red (1977)
This has been seen many times, but not sure it can be reliably found
84 No. in red (1977)
Located wrt 83, which is hard to find. apparently going, but tight
92 Believed no. in red
Not seen since 1977 despite several concerted searches. Below Bräuningscharte
111 No. in red
Near 98
112 No. in red
50m from 111
137 Believed marked (may have been seen 1996)
Same area as 135 & 136
CUCC 1990/11181 90/11 in red
BN 165° HSK 074° BS 194° BZ 216°
CUCC 1990/1590/15 in red changed to "185", but this number was already used - needs finding, renumbering and surveying to.
CUCC 1990/??187 Marked "CUCC 90"
BN 246° - Up ridge to HSK from 161a entrance
192 Numbered by Kate Janossy, 1995.
Entrance 161c 200°
About 100m from 161c, but not same as 191
CUCC 1976 B10 No. in red (1976) persistent reports of this being seen, but not by those doing the documentation :-(

In the table (and the cave descriptions), bearings are quoted with a series of standard abbreviations for landmarks, which gives a good indication of which ones are most useful.