<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>CUCC Expedition Handbook: Expo Leaders' Guide</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2> <h1>Expedition Leadership</h1> <p>This is far from a complete checklist, as no recent leaders have stepped forward to write the guide. However, it is a series of notes outlining some expo jobs and giving a vague timetable. It will be as useful if someone says "this is complete tosh" and writes a better one, as if it actually provides some help!</p> <h3>Expo Committee</h3> <p>In order to make sure that various necessary jobs get done, it is always best to assign tasks to specific people, since otherwise everyone thinks that someone else will be doing it. Define responsibilities early!</p> <dl> <dt>Leader</dt> <dd>Overall coordinator and motivator.</dd> <dt>Treasurer</dt> <dd>Collects deposits to fund gear-buying. Keep track of accounts and sends out expo bills in the autumn. Provides expo tallies book.</dd> <dt>Sponsorship</dt> <dd>If you are going to pursue sponsorship, start early (you will be competing with many similar groups and most potential sponsors will be more impressed by an air of efficient organisation than one of last minute desperation).</dd> <dt>Equipment</dt> <dd>This covers more than just rope and hangers. Will need to liaise closely with sponsorship officer and club Tackle Master.</dd> <dt>Transport</dt> <dd>The logistics of getting 20 or so cavers and half a tonne of miscellaneous gear out to Austria, on a shoestring budget with a limited number of cars, are daunting. Whoever does this probably ought to be a driver themselves, so they know what's involved.</dd> <dt>Project officers</dt> <dd>If there is a special project which has its own special needs (radios, aerial photos or whatever), it may be best to have one person specifically responsible.</dd> <dt>Consultants</dt> <dd>Previous expo members can help a great deal, even if they are not going. Don't be afraid to ask questions, solicit suggestions, or ask for help with equipment or training. Keeping older members involved will also make it more likely that they will return to expo in the future. This is particularly useful in view of the amount of information which is still not written down adequately, like where to find cave XYZ etc.</dd> </dl> <h3>Vital jobs</h3> <p>Every expedition depends on the work of previous expos. The first priority is to make sure that all the work of last year's expo is finished. This means trips written up in logbook, survey data into the survey book, question mark lists made up (both new questions marks added and ones dealt with removed to the "done" list). Each piece of survey drawing and each missing passage description or rigging guide should be assigned to a specific person so you know whom to hassle. This should be the job of last year's expo committee, of course (especially as this work needs to be started well before the next expo starts to become organised), but the current year's leadership needs to check that everything has been done as soon as they start organising.</p> <h4><a name="lastyear">Have we finished?</a></h4> <ul> <li>All survey data from field notes to survey book</li> <li>Survey book photocopied for security - copies to librarian and webmaster.</li> <li>Logbook typed in.</li> <li>Passage descriptions written</li> <li>Question mark lists compiled</li> <li>Full surveys drawn up</li> <li>List of Equipment left in Austria up to date</li> <li>If sponsors asked for reports on their products or photos of them in use: get them done promptly, before the main report</li> <li>Report written for Sponsors</li> <li>Report written for Descent/Speleology (basically same report but a rather different emphasis)</li> <li>Filled in forms for new cave numbers given (or sent) to Robert TWC.</li> </ul> <h4>Preparing for the next expo</h4> <ul> <li>Get some people interested ! Don't intimidate your novices by making them think that expo is compulsory and hard, but do hold it up as one of the main aims of the club and well worth getting competent for. A few expo pictures in any squash presentation are always worth while.</li> <li>Start motivating your core of experienced cavers by New Year - you will need to start assigning jobs to people by then, and an idea of the size of the expedition is essential when looking for sponsorship or applying for grants.</li> <li>Establish some goals. Last year's members will know whether there are major projects to do or lots of smaller ones, or just prospecting. Knowing the main goals establishes the style of the expedition. Its no use hoping to tackle promising leads far from an entrance with a small expo of relative novices, nor can you keep a large crew of hard cavers happy with B-leads near the entrance. The potential personnel help to define the goals and vice-versa.</li> <li>A budget ! If you have some goals, you can estimate what gear is needed, and therefore how much you will need to buy it. Having clear accounts from previous expo treasurers will help.</li> <li>Get an idea of numbers - get a deposit off people to provide a float. First deposit should be refundable on cancellation so you can get some finance without forcing people to commit. You are looking for the experienced cavers at this stage, but you should be able to make a guess at how many new expo-goers you will get from the general state of the club.</li> </ul> <h4>Once you have an idea of the size and style of expo</h4> <ul> <li>Get grant applications in early - keep copies of all correspondence so that you know what has actually been applied for! <ul> <li>Ghar Parau / Sports Council: the main grant to expo as a whole</li> <li>College travel grants: motivate individuals to apply, make sure deadlines aren't missed</li> <li>Alex Pitcher Award: any motivated new expo-goer can apply for this award (admin by Ghar Parau committee). Usually a job for whichever of this year's novices seems the keenest: if this individual then does not actually go, we have to return the money (obviously), and our chances of getting it in future years decrease sharply.</li> <li>Other grants, bursaries, awards etc.: always keep a look-out for new sources of cash - perhaps for some unique piece of gear that this year's expo will need, or maybe some existing scheme has a different emphasis this year and caving might qualify.</li> </ul></li> <li>Start pursuing sponsorship. The first step is to work out what equipment and supplies the expedition needs. It is always best to approach a sponsor for some specific item rather than a generic plea for help. If you can convince them that you think their particular piece of gear or food is the best the expo could get, all the better.</li> <li>Other equipment: make sure you know what gear we have, and what we need. Some stuff will have been left in Austria, and there should be a list. Some stuff will have been binned (rope, especially) and will need replacing. New members will probably need new personal gear for expo (tents, for example). Get contract price lists for people like Field and Trek or Cotswold. Bigger orders tend to get bigger discounts, so coordination helps everyone save money.</li> <li>Survey gear may need servicing. Books, pencils etc. need replacing. Remember to buy envelopes for saving loose sheets of field notes.</li> </ul> <h4>Getting people committed</h4> <p>By Easter you should have broken the back of the administration, but you will still be surrounded by people who haven't decided / haven't paid. Organising transport is one of the biggest nightmares and the sooner you know who is going and when, the easier this gets. Getting a second (non- refundable) deposit off people helps to tie them down.</p> <ul> <li>Names, dates, deposits, commitments. Names for expo caving insurance.</li> <li>Find the best ferry/tunnel deals. This may mean booking in advance, so where possible do so.</li> <li>Tell the Austrians when we are coming. Make sure we have permission for top camp. Have any serious political developments occurred since last year?</li> <li>Tell Hilde and Karin when we are coming.</li> <li>Make sure people are competent. This is mainly for new people, as those who have been before will know what to expect. SRT training sessions (or some good serious trips), surveying practice on the surface or underground in the UK.</li> <li>Motivate people to read the website so that they know what is being talked about and might form their own ideas of which projects will interest them most.</li> <li>A pre-expo Yorkshire meet (and summer dinner) with exCS so your novices have met the old lags before expo.</li> </ul> <h4>Last minute</h4> <p>There should be nothing left to the last minute (ho ho !). But unless you are an amazing organiser with unbelievably cooperative expo members of exceptional competence and self-reliance, there will be a panic for the last couple of weeks at least.</p> <ul> <li>Passports ! Yes, people do forget them. You need them to get out of the UK, after which they are (mostly) superfluous.</li> <li>Expo computer - up to date with all the documentation and survey data.</li> <li>Expo handbook - printed versions of the various how-to-do-it guides and the list of known and missing entrances. A list of projects with an idea of the work involved in each might also be useful (based on the expo goals file and various QM lists).</li> <li>Next of Kin ("the death-list"), contact numbers for parents or whatever. Usually resides in the:</li> <li>Bier book, which should be properly produced and bound; if it falls to bits and has to be reconstructed from the sweepings of the potato hut floor, the expo treasurer's job will be almost completely impossible.</li> <li>Remember to book good weather for the full five weeks - this gets forgotten nearly every year :-)</li> </ul> <h4>On Expo</h4> <p>Have fun, don't push so hard that it gets dangerous, the caves will still be there next year.</p> <ul> <li>Call-out book - make sure everyone uses it, and notes actual TU after trip (zero if trip failed to happen).</li> <li>Log Book - get people to write trips up as soon as possible. If passage names are decided later, go back and write them in, as it makes the log a lot more usable. Standards of logbook writing have been a little poor lately; there are certain repeat offenders who should be strongly encouraged to write stuff in.</li> <li>Survey calibration - make sure people do it, or at least record which instruments they used.</li> <li>Survey book - as soon as surveyors are at base camp, get this written up - don't let anyone go home without writing up their survey!!!</li> <li>Photos - make sure some are taken, preferably underground in new finds. If sponsors asked for photos, take <b>relevant</b> ones, eg. photos of their products <b>in use</b>. Don't be stingy with film on this - two or three photos of all the sponsorship stuff together is <b>not</b> adequate.</li> </ul> <h4>Before going home</h4> <ul> <li>DERIG !! - sorry folks, but this is essential :-)</li> <li>OK, some fixed ropes may be left in. Make sure you know what has been left (when left, age; length; diameter and type of rope, what is it belayed to). This info needs to be used to update the <a href="../fixaid.htm">Fixed Aids</a> list. Remember to record any fixed aids which were derigged, too!</li> <li>New Caves or old ones documented - fill in forms and give to Robert (or leave at Staud'nwirt for him - don't bring them home!) to get kataster number. Keep copies to bring back to UK.</li> </ul> <h4>Back in the UK</h4> <p>It's easy to relax when you get home, and then meet up at the BCRA conference in a state of panic because there are no slides, no-one to do the talk, no surveys etc. Timescales are short and expo members are dotted around the country. Not everyone will come to BCRA. But the quality of the talk affects the size of next year's expo grant since the people who administer the cash will all be there and good impressions do count.</p> <ul> <li>Photos - make sure they are developed promptly and that whoever is doing the BCRA talk gets them <b>in advance</b>.</li> <li>BCRA talk - ensure person who is doing it is briefed about things that went on when he/she wasn't present on expo.</li> <li>Surveys - should have been processed in Austria. Get surveys of significant new finds drawn up. Go through the survey books and produce a Question Mark list while things are still fresh in memory (unlike 1998 expo).</li> <li>Sponsors - keep sponsors interested if you want stuff next year. Send a preliminary report and any photos of their products (especially if they specifically asked for any). Make sure the webmaster has a list of sponsors so the relevant web page is up to date (unlike 1998 expo).</li> <li>Archive everything with CUCC Librarian and Webmasters. Latter, in particular, want copies of all files changed or added on expo machine, copies of Log Book, Call-out Book, TU tally from the beer book, KH and not-KH survey books (preferably after QM numbers written in but before BCRA), Top Camp log book (if there was one) and any cave description forms given to the Austrian Cavers to get new kataster numbers.</li> <li>Go back to <a href="#lastyear">"Have we finished ?"</a> and start again ....</li> </ul> <hr /> <ul id="links"> <li><a href="index.htm">Expedition Handbook</a> <ul> <li><a href="survey/index.htm">Surveying guide</a> – Overview</li> <li><a href="look4.htm">Prospecting guide</a> – Overview</li> <li><a href="rescue.htm">Rescue guide</a></li> <li><a href="rigit.htm">Rigging guide</a></li> <li><a href="photo.htm">Photography guide</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="../infodx.htm">Index to info/topics pages</a></li> <li><a href="../indxal.htm">Full Index to area 1623</a> <ul> <li><a href="../areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li> <li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a></li> </ul> </body> </html>