<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>1626:LA11</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <table id="cavepage"> <tr><th id="kat_no">LA11</th><th id="name">Lungehöhle</th><th id="status">2/S +</th></tr> </table> <p><b>Altitude</b>: 1839m</p> <p><b>Location</b>: 13° 50' 22" E, 47° 42' 26" N<br /> 150m due south of Roß Kogel summit - to north of a snowfield. In a depression 90m due East of <a href="la12.htm">Sternloch</a> and the Rock Shelter.</p> <p>A large rift gives an awkward 7m ladder climb down into a chamber leading to a boulder slope. Climb down in a rift for 8m (narrow at top) until a loose slope leads down to a 7m pitch where a small dry inlet enters. The pitch leads onto a rocking boulder wedged in a narrow rift and a tight squeeze down, <b>The Jaws</b>, forms the head of the next 16m pitch and the start of <b>Deep Throat Series</b>.</p> <p>The pitch lands in a small chamber with a short walking rift exit. Pitches of 14m, 8m and 10m follow in rapid succession. At the foot of the 10m pitch, a smooth, oval squeeze, <b>The Cnut</b> (spelling mistake), opens onto <b>The Womb</b>. This is a fine pitch of 41m in a spacious shaft, landing in a chamber 12m x 10m with a floor of large boulders of dubious stability.</p> <p>A rift to one side is a loose and narrow pitch of 17m to a ledge and much nicer drop of 10m. A large rift, <b>The Large Intestine</b>, follows. Initially traversed on wide ledges, this soon narrows to a crawl along the rift at roof level. A 14m pitch descends to the foot of the rift and a short section of sharp, suit-ripping rift leads to a chamber with an inlet up to one side. The suit ripping rift can be bypassed by a pendulum, but the rope left for this is now hanging inaccessible, so the original manoevre would need to be repeated.</p> <p>The exit from the chamber is too tight, but a 12m pitch up reaches a muddy solution tube at roof level, originally reached by an exposed traverse from a point halfway down the previous pitch. A slippery climb up and a short flat-out crawl, <b>The Small Intestine</b>, leads to the head of a constricted pitch of 10m to a wider section of the rift. After a few metres, a pit in the floor necessitates a climb down, then back up of 5m. At this point, a traverse follows the roof of the rift while the floor cuts down sharply. A pair of 13m deep holes are crossed by fairly exposed traverses, and further traversing reaches the next pitch <b>Fantasy</b>, in a shaft which is initially about 15m in diameter.</p> <p>A drop of 46m, broken by ledges covered in loose boulders, lands on a large sloping ledge at a junction with a much larger shaft. The rubble needs caution, as much of the rest of the pitch is in the firing line.</p> <p>The next section is 58m with two deviations, close to a wall down which some water falls. The opposite wall is some 20-30m away, and to either side, no walls are visible. Below this section, a narrow saddle of rock splits the shaft, the left hand route (facing the water) being taken. A further 27m lands on an enormous (20m x 30m) flat ledge right across the shaft, with pitches continuing both sides.</p> <p>The right hand (facing the water) shaft is the continuation of the route avoided at the rock saddle. A steep, muddy slope leads onto a 41m pitch and, below this, a climb over a muddy boulder pile leads onto a steep ramp (rope required) descending 15m into <b>The Dream Machine</b>. This is a massive passage 30m wide leading through boulders the size of houses. After about 100m, a boulder pile with a large central boulder is reached. Beyond, the passage can be seen to continue, but scaling equipment will be required to reach it.</p> <p>From the 30m x 20m ledge, the left hand shaft is undescended, but rock tests indicate a similar depth to the right hand shaft, ie. about 50m.</p> <p>At the end of 1988, the depth is 354m with excellent potential.</p> <p>Stopped at -375m, no further details at present.</p> <p><b>Exploration</b>: <a href="../others/luss/index.htm">LUSS</a> 1987-9</p> <p><b>References :</b></p> <dl> <dt>87.1514</dt><dd><cite>Austria Reconnaissance Expedition 1987, Lancaster University Speleological Society</cite></dd> <dt>89.1866</dt><dd><cite>Dead Mountains Expedition 1988, L.U.S.S.</cite> 24pp illus.</dd> </dl> <hr /> <ul id="links"> <li><a href="index.htm#la11">Index</a> and overview of 1626.</li> <li><a href="../others/luss/index.htm">LUSS</a> explorations</li> <li><a href="../indxal.htm">Full Index to 1623</a></li> <li><a href="../areas.htm">1623 Area/Subarea description</a></li> <li><a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li> <li><a href="../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a></li> </ul> </body> </html>