This file is generated by troggle using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html
False 1623-1 At the foot of a gully cutting the southwestern end of Steller, a major cliff band SE of the Loser - Bräuning area. A couple of hundred metres north of the Youth Hostel at the NE corner of Altausseer See.

Map: 28.1 cm E, 15.4 cm N, sheet 15/1 Alpine Club 1:25000 map If you follow the lakeside path (shortest approach from Altaussee on north side of lake) there is a junction where the path to Hochklapfsattel departs. A short way west of (ie. before) this junction is a bridge over a normally dry stream bed. Follow the stream bed up for a short way until it splits, then follow the apparently smaller branch to the right (east). Scramble up rocks to the East Entrance. This is marked on the Alpine Club 1:25000 map.

Although the Altitude given is 812m, it doesn't seem that high, and 812m is exactly 100m above lake level, which is a little suspicious. If you accept instead the phrase "climb 70m higher" in the original kataster description, the altitude comes out about 780 to 785m, which puts the final sump at almost exactly the level of the lake. [this supposition seems to be completely confirmed by the 2015 survey.]

EntranceView from entrance towards AltausseeEntrance in 2006 after 9 days' straight rain

Photos © Mark Shinwell 2005 (1,2) + Dave Loeffler 2006 (3). P S East Entrance 812m West entrance 809m 1623.p1 post selective availability GPS