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False 1623-186 Near Schwarzmooskogel just before top camp, 50m higher than path and on opposite hillside, where path by Bräuning Nase meets fault running up the mountain.

1994 log shows location (note that the arrow labelled "approx north" is very approx, as it is actually roughly east):

Sketch map (5k PNG)

Following the route depicted, if you reach a sandy depression, you have gone too far.

Lower entranceUpper entrance
Approach routeView of lower Kratzer valley
and Bräuning Alm area

Photos © Olly Betts 2006

Missing images:
i/186approach.jpg T This was numbered 185 at the entrance, but this was fixed in 1997, and a metal tag "CUCC 186" bolted on. S 1623.p186 (1994 bearings Bräuning Zinken 284.5°, Loser 235°)