<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"> <html lang=en> <head> <title>CUCC Expedition Handbook - locations unknown</title> </head> <body> <h3>MISSING BUT MARKED</h3> <table border><caption align=top> <b>Caves believed to be marked, but location uncertain</b></caption> <tr><th>CUCC #</th><th>1623/</th><th>info</th></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../plateau/81.htm">81</a> </td><td>No. in red (1977)<br> This has been seen many times, but not sure it can be reliably found </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../plateau/84.htm">84</a> </td><td>No. in red (1977)<br> Located wrt 83, which is hard to find. apparently going, but tight </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../plateau/92.htm">92</a> </td><td>Believed no. in red<br> Not seen since 1977 despite several concerted searches. Below Bräuningscharte</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../plateau/111.htm">111</a> </td><td>No. in red<br> Near <a href="../plateau/98.htm">98</a></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../plateau/112.htm">112</a> </td><td>No. in red<br> 50m from 111</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../smkridge/137.htm">137</a> </td><td>Believed marked (may have been seen 1996)<br> Same area as <a href="../smkridge/135.htm">135</a> & <a href="../smkridge/161/136.htm">136</a></td></tr> <tr><td>CUCC 1990/11</td><td><a href="../plateau/181.htm">181</a> </td><td>90/11 in red<br> BN 165° HSK 074° BS 194° BZ 216°</td></tr> <tr><td>CUCC 1990/15</td><td></td><td>90/15 in red changed to "185", but this number was already used - needs finding, renumbering and surveying to. </td></tr> <tr><td>CUCC 1990/??</td><td><a href="../smkridge/187.htm">187</a> </td><td>Marked "CUCC 90"<br> BN 246° - Up ridge to HSK from 161a entrance</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="../smkridge/192.htm">192</a> </td><td>Numbered by Kate Janossy, 1995.<br> Entrance 161c 200°<br> About 100m from 161c, but not same as 191</td></tr> <tr><td>CUCC 1976 <a href="../plateau/b10.htm">B10</a> </td><td></td><td>No. in red (1976) persistent reports of this being seen, but not by those doing the documentation :-(</td></tr> </table> <p>In the table (and the cave descriptions), bearings are quoted with a series of standard <a href="abbrev.htm">abbreviations for landmarks</a>, which gives a good indication of which ones are most useful. <hr> <!-- LINKS --> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="index.htm">Expedition Handbook</a> - Intro<br> <img alt="--->" src="../../icons/lists/1.png"> <a href="look4.htm">Back to Prospecting Guide</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../infodx.htm">Index to info/topics pages</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../indxal.htm">Full Index to area 1623</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a><br> </body> </html>