Click on a sub-heading to hide and reveal the individual to-do items. If a heading is in italics, then there are hidden items.
Printing this page uses a much smaller font. Complain to a nerd if you don't like this behaviour.
Edit this page by clicking on the big blue button. It uses the same "Edit this page" function that you may have used before.But that is not working yet. Please do not try as that will currently delete all the Javascript that makes the hide/reveal functions work.
Edit this page using the pull/edit/commit/push version control mechanism.
Taken from file on ::expoweb::/TODO
Add missing images to logbooks
2000, 2008, 2009, 2011
fix corrupted image in 2001 log
2011 logbook:
type up via-ferrate & bolt-testing writeups (In paper book, not in scan or HTML)
200? logbook:
Type up "list of GPS locations still to type"
2019 Logbook
transcribe the rest of those blog entries into expoweb/years/2019/logbook.html
copy the photos from the UKCaving blog into expofiles/photos/2019// -- in fact many of those photos are already there
edit in the links to those photos in the right place in 2019/logbook.html
Document this to-do list thing
explain how clicking works
Wallets and new-cave
Explain (in the wallets process) how to view the surveys
online so that (1) you can see an example of how to do your new one,
and (2) so that you can check that you have done it properly when you
have finished.
Explain how to link a new cave into the other caves in
troggle filesystem
Explain how to add photos with the correct URL format to sub-HTML files attached to New Caves
Troggle architecture
Handbook: complete the new troggle architecture documentaiton. For future system maintainers
Copy the .wiki material into the documentation somewhere
explain where the image files are referenced from: svx, tunnel/therion, and
Write code to extract info about wallets form svx files
use to VALIDATE exitsing contents.json files - produce DISCREPANCY report & fix
2019 surveyscans
edit all the content.json
try to autocomplete the content.json by parsing .svx files
Put personal names into canonical form
2014 contents.json
parse all the svx files to extract people, dates & svx references
Better import error messages
REPORT if import surveyscan file failure
Why are so many surveyscan foolder missing after import?
WHY are total lengths of surveyed cave different between expo server and WSL server for 2019 and a few other years only ?
2019 - blog photos
copy & plumb-in the blog photos for the already-copied blog text
Past logbooks - missing images?
Which previous years HTML logbooks are missing images extracted from scanned PDF copies of the logbooks?
data model: unfilled fields?
'cave' of location field missing on nearly all logbook entroies. Missing from logbook templates. Where is this used and how can we fill it it in? Is it useful?
imagemagick convert
Not working for PDFs on current version of xubuntu ! Fix & document. Also not working on WSL ubuntu.
Expo Server
document directory structure
as per Julian's GitHub list - then close that issue
do we need a cron job or has the group membership fix fixed it ? either way, document it.
We need two of these: 1.for expo systems work (troggle & scripts) - the current priority as we have nowhere currently that Wookey is willing to use
2.for survey data progress/issues (though troggle itself can be used for some of this if cleaned up a bit)
Try to automate simple functions in javascript
to control this document
in-place (tick, delete) instead of using the
tinymce HTML editor in Django
Maybe restructure whole page as JSON and use
javascript editor to create (edit), re-order and demote items.
if using tinymcs, use the INLINE mode.
Implement comments on an issue, mimicking GitHub issues wiki
Use javascript to skip over the _edit page and submit changes
direct to server when updating. Needs direct POST and include the javascript in the posted content.
checkboxes so that items can be ticked (which also does strike-through)
promotion/demotion options?
bin icon to delete an item? Better to have an archive process.
Local WSL server
Why is it using recuced-capability tinymce, a paths problem ?
Italics management
Hide ALL DD if any Heading clicked.
Put DL into italics when *any* DD is hidden
Tackle Store Records
No authoritative list of where the expo paper records are!
FIND where all the wallet binders are, and the logbooks.
Buy A4 plastic boxes for filing cabinet for logbooks getting damp there.