<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4//EN"> <html lang=en> <head> <title> CUCC's place in the Austrian Deep and Long caves </title> </head> <body> <h2>Austrian Deep and Long caves</h2> <p>This information is extracted from the World Deep and Long caves <a href="http://www.pipeline.com/~caverbob/home.html">lists</a> maintained by Bob Gulden of the NSS Geo² committee; hence although only Austrian caves are listed, the sequence number is a world ranking. <p>This extract from the lists will go out of date very quickly. It was last synched on 2003-01-22. Check the original list if you want to be up to date. <h4>Deep caves</h4> <pre> 3 Lamprechtsofen Vogelshacht Weg Schacht Salzburg 1632.0 50000 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 20 Cosanostraloch-Berger-Platteneck Hohlesystem Salzburg 1291.0 30076 A.Klimchouk List 06/02 </p> 29 Schwer-hohlensystem (Batmanhole) Salzburg 1219.0 6101 Mark Minton - NSS News V42N10P313-314 10/84 </p> 32 Dachstein-Mammuthohle Oberosterreich 1199.0 57583 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 38 Jubilaumsschacht Salzburg 1173.0 2380 Pawel Jedrzejczak 06/85 </p> 53 Schneeloch Salzburg 1101.0 4200 Atlas Des Grands Gouffres Du Monde 1986 </p> 55 Jagerbrunntro-Hohlensystem Salzburg 1078.0 28026 Atlas Des Grands Gouffres Du Monde 1986 </p> 61 Dof-Sonnenleiter-Hohlensystem Totes Gebirge 1042.0 16334 Robert Seebacher e-mail 11/01 </p> 62 Schwarzmooskogelhöhlensystem: <a href="smkridge/161/top.htm">Kaninchenhöhle</a> (1623/161), <a href="smkridge/142.htm">1623/142</a>, <a href="noinfo/smkridge/40.htm">Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle</a> (1623/40), <a href="noinfo/smkridge/88.htm">Lärchenschacht</a> (1623/88), Steiermark 54008 1030 Robert Winkler e-mail 08/02 </p> <a href="smkridge/41.htm">Stellerweghöhle</a> (1623/41), <a href="smkridge/115.htm">Schnellzughöhle</a> (1623/115), <a href="smkridge/144.htm">1623/144</a>, <a href="smkridge/78.htm">Schwabenschacht</a> (1623/78) 63 Herbsthohle-Grieshessel (Maanderhohle) Salzburg 1029.0 0 Deep Cave List by Philippe Drouin 02/01 </p> 70 Hedwig Hohle (Bleikogelhohle (P35)) Tennengebirge 1011.0 0 Darek Bartoszewski 1996 </p> 71 <a href="years/1976/report.htm#hirlatz">Hirlatzhöhle</a> Oberosterreich 1009.0 86606 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 98 <a href="noinfo/1626/120.htm">Feuertalhöhlensystem</a> Oberosterreich 913.0 21000 Wiesinger Markus e-mail 04/97 </p> 101 Hochlecken-Grosshohle (GroBhohle) Oberosterreich 907.0 5460 Austria's long & deep caves web site 06/01 </p> 113 Wildbaderhohle Steiermark 874.0 1646 Atlas - Great Caves of the World 1989 </p> 115 <a href="noinfo/1626/117.htm">Trunkemboldschacht</a> Oberosterreich 859.0 0 Atlas - Great Caves of the World 1989 </p> 116 Gruberhornhohle Salzburg 854.0 6695 Atlas - Great Caves of the World 1989 </p> 119 Gipfelloch im Wieselst Salzburg 840.0 3000 Atlas - Great Caves of the World 1989 </p> 130 Burgunderschacht Oberosterreich 827.0 13663 Austria's longest caves web site 06/01 </p> 135 Grutredhohlensystem Salzburg 821.0 7015 Atlantis #1 1996 </p> 138 Schnee-Maria hohle Salzburg 817.0 5000 Jaskinie #6 1997 </p> 142 Kammerschartenhohle Salzburg 813.0 5500 Jasinie #6 1997 </p> 151 Cabrihohle Salzburg 801.0 4500 Austria's long & deep caves web site 06/01 </p> </pre> <hr> <h4>Long caves</h4> <pre> Cave Name Area Length Depth Reported Date 17 <a href="years/1976/report.htm#hirlatz">Hirlatzhöhle</a> Oberosterreich 86606 1009 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 18 <a href="noinfo/1626/55.htm">Raucherkarhöhle</a> (1626/55) Oberosterreich 78603 758 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 30 Dachstein-Mammuthöhle Oberosterreich 57583 1199 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 37 Schwarzmooskogelhöhlensystem: <a href="smkridge/161/top.htm">Kaninchenhöhle</a> (1623/161), <a href="smkridge/142.htm">1623/142</a>, <a href="noinfo/smkridge/40.htm">Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle</a> (1623/40), <a href="noinfo/smkridge/88.htm">Lärchenschacht</a> (1623/88), Steiermark 54008 1030 Robert Winkler e-mail 08/02 </p> <a href="smkridge/41.htm">Stellerweghöhle</a> (1623/41), <a href="smkridge/115.htm">Schnellzughöhle</a> (1623/115), <a href="smkridge/144.htm">1623/144</a>, <a href="smkridge/78.htm">Schwabenschacht</a> (1623/78) 44 Lamprechtsofen Vogelshacht Weg Schacht Salzburg 50000 1632 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 51 Kolkbluser-Monster-Höhlensystem Salzburg 44487 711 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 57 Eisriesenwelt Salzburg 42000 407 CIM No.6,7 J-A80 </p> 75 Tantalhöhle Salzburg 34166 435 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 95 Cosanostraloch-Berger-Platteneck Höhlesystem Salzburg 30076 1291 A.Klimchouk List 06/02 </p> 101 Jagerbrunntro-Höhlensystem Salzburg 28026 1078 Atlas Des Grands Gouffres Du Monde 1986 </p> 113 Otscher-Höhlensystem Nieberosterreich 26292 662 Descent N161P18 09/01 </p> 153 Frauenmauer-Langstein-Höhlensystem Steiermark 22000 595 Austria's longest caves web site 06/01 </p> 162 <a href="noinfo/1626/120.htm">Feuertalhöhlensystem</a> Oberosterreich 21000 913 Wiesinger Markus e-mail 04/97 </p> 225 Gamslocher-Kolowratsystem Salzburg 16500 570 Atlantis #1 1996 </p> 230 Dof-Sonnenleiter-Höhlensystem Totes Gebirge 16334 1042 Robert Seebacher e-mail 11/01 </p> 253 Altherrenlabyrinth ? 15000 Descent N159P19 05/01 </p> </pre> <hr> <!-- LINKS --> <img alt=">" src="../icons/lists/0.png"> Back to <a href="../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../icons/lists/0.png"> Back to <a href="index.htm">Expedition Intro page</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../icons/lists/0.png"> <b>Main Indices:</b><br> <img alt="--->" src="../icons/lists/1.png"> <a href="infodx.htm"><b>Index</b> to Expo</a> information pages<br> <img alt="--->" src="../icons/lists/1.png"> <a href="areas.htm">Description of CUCC's area</a> and split to subareas<br> <img alt="--->" src="../icons/lists/1.png"> Full <a href="indxal.htm">Index to cave descriptions</a> in area 1623<br> <img alt="--->" src="../icons/lists/1.png"> List of (links to) <a href="pubs.htm">published reports and logbooks</a> </body> </html>