<!-- Only put one entrance in this file -->
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<location_description>The cave is situated on a flattish area of limestone uphill from the row of Eish&ouml;hle entrances that lead to Schneevulcanhalle. </location_description>
<photo></p><div class="centre"><a href="236entlarge.jpg"><img alt="236 photo" src="236entsmall.jpg" /></a><p>Photo of 236 entrance</p><a href="236entcloseuplarge.jpg"><img alt="236 photo" src="236entcloseupsmall.jpg" /></a><p>Close up photo of 236 entrance</p></div><p></photo>
<!-- marking options: P  = Paint,
                      P? = Paint (?),
                      T  = Tag,
                      T? = Tag (?),
                      R  = Retagged,
                      S  = Spit,
                      S? = Spit (?),
                      U  = Unmarked,
                      ?  = Unknown" -->
<marking_comment>Alloy tag "1623/232" placed 2002-08-09. Number realised to be in error 2004, needs correcting</marking_comment>
<!-- findability options: ? = To be confirmed ...,
                          S = Surveyed,
                          L = Lost,
                          R = Refindable" -->