#!/usr/bin/python import sys, string, re total = 0 pics = 0 allyears = 0 output = "" lines = sys.stdin.readlines() allyears = len(lines[0].split(','))-7 for r in lines[1:-1]: cells = r.split(",") (name, didntcave, guest, vfho, mug) = cells[:5] years = cells[5:-1] expos = cells[-1] if(didntcave!='1' and name != 'Rover Richardson'): total +=1 if mug: pics +=1 output += '
Being a pretty much complete list of all the personnel on %d CUCC expeditions (there was no expo in 1986). Names for the current year (as updated before departure) are always subject to revision in the light of reality ! People sometimes get missed out because no-one has told me their surnames :-(
Qualification for inclusion involves some active contribution to the expedition such as going underground, surface surveying or sherpa-ing, or diving for resurgences. Years marked in red indicate some certainty that the person didn't go underground that year. Persons marked in red are thought to have never been underground on expo and are therefore likely to vanish from future editions. Note that diving in Altausseer See for the resurgence has been counted as underground:- it certainly counts as effort expended in the pursuit of speleology!
In the table, a section mark (§) indicates someone who was an individual guest of CUCC or of a CUCC member, or who was a member of UBSS when they were present as a guest club in 1981 and 1982. I don't guarantee to have got all such people correctly marked. Similarly, the currency symbol (¤) marks those who are (or were) individual members of the local Austrian group Verein für Höhlenkunde im Obersteier. A smiley or face icon indicates a link to a mugshot (and brief notes) in our Rogues' Gallery - at present a few of these are still just raw jpegs with no html (and therefore no links), so we recommend opening them in a new window to save using the back button. Just one of the listed members is a vehicle - no prizes for guessing which one without looking at the photos :-)
The table doesn't include the local cavers who have caved with us at various
times. These include particularly Karl Gaisberger, Gunter Graf, Sepp
Steinberger and Robert Seebacher .
%d people have taken part in expo altogether (not counting non-combatants or vehicles(!)), of whom %d have their pictures on the site so far.
Outside-expo caving has started, with Becka Lawson, Julian Todd and Wookey joining various Arge trips in recent years. However, the much talked-about winter expedition/holiday has still not happened, though there is still a lot to be said for it. With draughts reversed in the cold, top entrances should be more obvious and skiing would make a nice change from sitting watching the rain. Some entrances would inevitably be blocked by snow but others seem to remain open all winter.