Troggle is the software which runs the the expo cave survey data management and website. It is not the only thing running on the expo server.
This is the folder structure of the repo :expoweb: which is also the root of the website. Note that the webserver (apache) presents many more apparent folders, such as expofiles, than there are folders because that's what it and troggle do.
In the list below only the handbook folder has been expanded. The years folder includes
42 subfolders from 1976 to 2019.
The handbook illustrates the i/t/l idiom whereby an image file (i) is displayed with a paragraph of text as an HTML file (l) and there is a thumbnail image (t) which is included in another document, e.g. see the photographic guide to the walk from the toll road car park.
The expoweb repo contains all the HTML files and basic CSS files. The troggle repo contains the HTML templates, CSS and some javscript for the troggle report pages generated dynamically. There are also javascript packages installed directly on the operating system which are used by some expoweb pages: CaveScript for showing 3D views of cave centreline data and openlayers for geographic mapping integration. These javascript packages are only documented in the configuration instructions, see below.
The server configuration scripts are in troggle/debian/serversetup and are also documented with notes in troggle/README.txt. It is intended that the full documentation will be copied here in due course and that fully automated server setup scripts will be developed
The folder structure on the server is as shown below. It is all
in the user folder for the user expo i.e. in
expofiles contains ~40GB of files which are published by the webserver but which are not parsed by troggle. 28GB of these are photographs in /expofiles/photos/ and there are over 4GB of scanned images of surveys in /expofiles/surveyscans/. There is a cleaned, complete copy of the documentation for the tunnelX cave plan drawing package in /expofiles/tunnelwiki/.
The server runs it's hourly, daily and weekly scripts using the anacron system. In ~expo/config/cron/ on the server, there are expo.hourly and expo.daily scripts and these are launched at the appropriate times by the server root from /etc/crontab.
Installed independently of troggle simply with apt install xapian-omega and
then configured into the troggle-generated menus in css/main2.css. The function is
connected with an apache configuration
ScriptAlias /search /usr/lib/cgi-bin/omega/omega
in ~expo/config/apache/expo.conf.
Installed by Wookey in May 2020.
This is a perl script, and server by the webserver using the configuraiotn
in ~expo/config/apache/expo.conf.
#bank of expo
#current expedition
ScriptAlias /boe /home/expo/boe/boc/
<Directory /home/expo/boe/boc>
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
SetHandler cgi-script
Options +ExecCGI
Require all granted