<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Only put one entrance in this file --> <!-- This file is generated by troggle on July 21, 2024, 10:11 p.m. UTC using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html --> <!-- If you edit this file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git, make sure you update the database by doing a full data import. If you edit it using the online form though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically --> <!-- See http://expo.survex.com/handbook/survey/caveentryfields.html for current details on filling in this form --> <!-- there is 1 required field: slug. The entrance will not appear without that. --> <!-- ALWAYS use ü for u+Umlaut and ö for o+umlaut eg Höhle for Hohle and Glück for Gluck--> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on July 21, 2024, 10:11 p.m. UTC using the form documented at <a href="/handbook/survey/ententry.html">handbook/survey/ententry.html</a> <br> <entrance> <non_public>False</non_public> <slug>1623-208</slug> <!-- one entrance and one slug per entrance_data file --> <name></name> <entrance_description></entrance_description> <explorers></explorers> <location_description>100m W of the waterhole at (upper) top camp. 65m N of 90. 16m N of <a href="../207/207.html">207</a>. <p>On the path along the bottom of the Bauning wall. The geolocated photograph of the tag is 12m away from the survey point 1623.p208</location_description> <lastvisit></lastvisit> <approach>From Top Camp (upper site) walk along "crapper" shelf, following path. After 80m where path goes down to next shelf, climb 3m step ahead. 208 is to the right (and <a href="../207/207.html">207</a> to the left). The lower entrance is accessible from below the step.<p> Surface survey location sketch in not KH 1996 p 3, area map: NotKH book pp68-69</p></approach> <underground_description></underground_description> <photo></p><table class="imgtable"> <tr> <td><a href="208a.jpg"><img src="208a_small.jpg" /></a></td> <td><a href="208b.jpg"><img src="208b_small.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr class="caption"> <td>Upper (A) entrance</td><td>Lower (B) entrance</td></tr> </table> <p>Photos © Dave Loeffler 2005 <hr> <a href='/1623/208/l/208.html'><img src='/1623/208/t/208.jpg' /></a> This is at <pre> GPSLatitude - 47 40 46.0 (47.679444) GPSLongitude - 13 48 12.86 (13.803572) GPSTimeStamp - 8 4 55 GPSDateStamp - 2024:07:21 </pre> i.e. taken 10:04:55 Austrian TZ <p>Photos © Philip Sargent 2024</photo> <!-- marking options: P = Paint, P? = Paint (?), T = Tag, T? = Tag (?), R = Retagged, S = Spit, S? = Spit (?), U = Unmarked, ? = Unknown" --> <marking>T</marking> <marking_comment>"+" (on cliff between entrances). Tag spit by upper entrance.</marking_comment> <!-- findability options: ? = To be confirmed ..., S = Surveyed, L = Lost, R = Refindable" --> <findability>S</findability> <findability_description></findability_description> <alt></alt> <lat_wgs84></lat_wgs84> <long_wgs84></long_wgs84> <tag_station></tag_station> <other_station>1623.p208</other_station> <other_description>from surface survey in 1996.</other_description> <bearings>B.Nase 161°, VSK (obvious point = Nipple ?) 104°, HSK (leftmost top) 054°, Schönberg 346°, Wildkogel (L&R ends of obvious summit ridge) 007-011°</bearings> <!-- this is now read-only and not editable on the forms--> </entrance> </body> </html>