%% %% CUCC Expo Bier Book %% \documentclass[a5paper,10pt]{bb} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage[left=13mm,right=15mm,top=8mm,bottom=20mm]{geometry} %\usepackage[left=15mm,right=5mm,top=-5mm,bottom=20mm]{geometry} \usepackage{palatino} \usepackage{grid} %\usepackage{graphpap} \usepackage{url} \setlength{\parskip}{1.5ex} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} %xunit=8pt,yunit=11pt \newcommand{\boxes}[1][35]{% \psgrid[gridlabelcolor=white,subgriddiv=1,xunit=19pt,yunit=17pt](0,0)(0,0)(#1,1)\vspace{0.3ex}} \setlength{\unitlength}{9.5pt} \newlength\boxheight \setlength{\boxheight}{\textheight-1cm} \newcommand{\tallya}{% \medskip \scalebox{1.2 1.2}{ %\parbox[c][\boxheight]{1.5cm}{ \parbox[c]{1.5cm}{ \small \setlength{\bigskipamount}{8.25pt} Aaron\bigskip\\ Becka\bigskip\\ Djuke\bigskip\\ Edvin\bigskip\\ Frank\bigskip\\ Jess\bigskip\\ Julian\bigskip\\ Kathryn\bigskip\\ Mark\bigskip\\ Martin G\bigskip\\ Martin J\bigskip\\ Natalie\bigskip\\ Nial\bigskip\\ Olly M\bigskip\\ Ollie S\bigskip\\ Pete\bigskip\\ Serena\bigskip\\ Steve\bigskip\\ Tony } \parbox[c]{\textwidth-5cm}{\graphpaper[1](0,0)(25,38)}}} \newcommand{\tallyb}{% \medskip \scalebox{1.2 1.2}{ %\parbox[c][\boxheight]{1.5cm}{ \parbox[c][]{1.5cm}{ \small \setlength{\bigskipamount}{8.25pt} Kathryn\bigskip\\ Mark D\bigskip\\ Mark S\bigskip\\ Martin\bigskip\\ Morven\bigskip\\ Nial\bigskip\\ Ollie S\bigskip\\ Olly B\bigskip\\ Pete\bigskip\\ Phil\bigskip\\ Richard\bigskip\\ Sarah\bigskip\\ Tony R\bigskip\\ Wookey\bigskip\\ \ldots\ldots\ldots\bigskip\\ \ldots\ldots\ldots\bigskip\\ \ldots\ldots\ldots\bigskip } \parbox[c]{\textwidth-5cm}{\graphpaper[1](0,0)(25,38)}}} \newcommand{\datetallyfirsta}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lll} & \vspace{2.2ex} \bf{18--24 Jul} \hspace{9.7em} & \bf{25--31 Jul}\\ {\bf Aaron} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Becka} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Djuke} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Edvin} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Frank} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Jess} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Julian} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Kathryn} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Mark} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Martin G} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Martin J} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Natalie} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Nial} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Olly M} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Ollie S} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Pete} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Serena} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Steve} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Tony} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ \end{tabularx} } \newcommand{\datetallyseconda}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lll} & \vspace{2.2ex} \bf{1--7 Aug} \hspace{9.7em} & \bf{8--14 Aug} \\ {\bf Aaron} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Becka} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Djuke} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Edvin} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Frank} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Jess} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Julian} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Kathryn} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Mark} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Martin G} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Martin J} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Natalie} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Nial} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Olly M} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Ollie S} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Pete} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Serena} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Steve} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ {\bf Tony} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\ \end{tabularx} } \newcommand{\transporttable}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|l|X} {\bf Method}&{\bf Left UK}&{\bf Arrived} &{\bf Notes}\\\hline \rule{0pt}{13cm} &&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\seshtable}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|X|l} {\bf Debtor(s)}&{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Cost} \\\hline \rule{0pt}{13cm} &&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\seshtabletwo}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|X|l} {\bf Debtor(s)}&{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Cost} \\\hline \rule{0pt}{16cm} &&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\inaustriatranstable}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|X|l} {\bf Driver}&{\bf Passengers}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Approx Dist} \\\hline \rule{0pt}{13cm} &&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\inaustriatranstabletwo}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|X|l} {\bf Driver}&{\bf Passengers}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Approx Dist} \\\hline \rule{0pt}{16cm} &&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\moneytable}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|X|l} {\bf Date}&{\bf Owed by}&{\bf Description} &{\bf Amount}\\\hline &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\ &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\ &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\ &&&\\&&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\moneytabletwo}{% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l|l|X|l} {\bf Date}&{\bf Owed by}&{\bf Description} &{\bf Amount}\\\hline &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\ &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\ &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\ &&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&&\\&&& \end{tabularx}} \newcommand{\money}[1]{\chapter{Money to be paid to #1} {\small Please enter each transaction only once in this book; either a positive credit to one account, or a negative debit to another. Record the currency for each entry.}\bigskip\\ \moneytable\newpage\moneytabletwo} \begin{document} \newfont{\gothic}{ygoth scaled \magstep5} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \ \vspace{3cm}\\ {\Large Cambridge University Caving Club}\bigskip\\ \vspace{5mm} {\Huge \bf Expo 2008}\\ \vspace{2cm} {\Huge \sc \gothic Bier Book}\\ \vspace{4cm} \fbox{\quad\parbox{9.5cm}{\begin{center}\large Outstanding Bier Book entries must reach \\ Kathryn Hopkins (\url{kh311@cam.ac.uk}) \\ by 14\textsuperscript{th} September at the very latest. \end{center}}\quad} \vfill \end{center} \newpage %\ \vspace{12cm}\\ %Revision 7: June 2007. \ \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \chapter{Bier Tally (1-50)} \tallya %tallyb \chapter{More Bier (51-100)} \setcounter{gridstart}{50} \tallya %tallyb %\chapter{More More Bier (101-150)} %\setcounter{gridstart}{100} %\tallya %tallyb \chapter{Limo Tally (1-50)} \setcounter{gridstart}{0} \tallya %tallyb \chapter{More Limo (51-100)} \setcounter{gridstart}{50} \tallya %tallyb %\chapter{Battery Tally (1-50)} % %{\bf /} = AA battery; {\bf +} = AAA battery % %\setcounter{gridstart}{0} % %\tallya %tallyb \chapter{Notable Farts} \setcounter{gridstart}{0} \tallya %tallyb \chapter{Number of Showers} \setcounter{gridstart}{0} \tallya %tallyb \chapter{Expo Transport} \transporttable \transporttable \chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 1 and 2)} {\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = Stone Bridge; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.} \datetallyfirsta %\datetallyfirstb \chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 3 and 4)} {\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = Stone Bridge; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.} \datetallyseconda %\datetallysecondb %\chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 5 and 6)} % %{\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = Stone Bridge; {\bf E} = Eislufthoehle; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.} % %\datetallythirda % %\datetallythirdb \chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 1 and 2)} \datetallyfirsta %\datetallyfirstb \chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 3 and 4)} \datetallyseconda %\datetallysecondb %\chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 5 and 6)} % %\datetallythirda % %\datetallythirdb \chapter{Expo Weather} \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|} \hline Fri 18\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Sat 19\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Sun 20\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Mon 21\textsuperscript{st} July & \\&\\\hline Tue 22\textsuperscript{nd} July & \\&\\\hline Wed 23\textsuperscript{rd} July & \\&\\\hline Thu 24\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline\hline Fri 25\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Sat 26\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Sun 27\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Mon 28\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Tue 29\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Wed 30\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline Thu 31\textsuperscript{st} July & \\&\\\hline \end{tabularx} \newpage \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|} \hline Fri 1\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline Sat 2\textsuperscript{nd} August & \\&\\\hline Sun 3\textsuperscript{rd} August & \\&\\\hline Mon 4\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Tue 5\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Wed 6\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Thu 7\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline Fri 8\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Sat 9\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Sun 10\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Mon 11\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Tue 12\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Wed 13\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Thu 14\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline Fri 15\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline Sat 16\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline \end{tabularx} \chapter{Toll Road Info} %\chapter{Seshes at Staud'n'Wirt} % %{\bf Please record who ordered what, to save time in deciphering receipts %the morning after.} %\newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ %\newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ %\seshtable % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo % %\seshtabletwo \chapter{In Austria Jollies} Please record details of all excursions over 10km.\\ \inaustriatranstable \inaustriatranstabletwo \inaustriatranstabletwo \inaustriatranstabletwo \chapter{Squashed Flies Page} \newpage \ \newpage \money{Aaron} \money{Becka} \money{Djuke} \money{Edvin} \money{Frank} \money{Jess} \money{Julian} \money{Kathryn} \money{Mark} \money{Martin G} \money{Martin J} \money{Natalie} \money{Nial} \money{Olly M} \money{Ollie S} \money{Pete} \money{Serena} \money{Steve} \money{Tony} \money{Expo Kitty} \money{\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots} \money{\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots} %\chapter{Contact Details and Medical Information} % %\section*{Aaron Curtis} % %Tulev\"{a}gen 5, Liding\"{o} 18132, SWEDEN. +468 767 5910.\\ %{\tt ac511@cam.ac.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Bert Curtis, address as above.\\ %{\tt curtisbs@state.gov}, {\tt bertedits@gmail.com} % %\fbox{ % \begin{minipage}{17em} % {\bf Possible mild allergy to sulpha drugs.}\\ % Suffers from nosebleeds. %\end{minipage}} % %\section*{Chantalle Mouwer} % %\vspace{24ex} % %\section*{David Loeffler} % %69 Harcourt Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 7RD. 0117 942 7516.\\ %{\tt david.loeffler@imperial.ac.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Liz \& Tom Loeffler, address as above.\\ %{\tt liz.loeffler@bris.ac.uk}, {\tt tom.loeffler@bris.ac.uk}. % %\newpage\ % %\section*{Jennifer Black} % %18 Vicar Road, Anfield, Liverpool, L6 0BW, UK. 0151 2224508.\\ %{\tt jenny@liverpool.ac.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Hilary \& Bob Black, 17 Viking Way, Corby, Northants, NN18 %9DN. 01536 743108.\\ %{\tt family\_black@hotmail.com} % %\fbox{ % \begin{minipage}{23em} % {\bf Suffers from asthma.}\\ % Medication: Ventolin inhaler, Flixotide 250 inhaler,\\ % Singular (Montelukast) 10mg %\end{minipage}} % %\section*{John Billings} % %Queens' College, Cambridge, CB3 9ET. 07814 950547.\\ %{\tt John.Billings@cl.cam.ac.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Anna \& Peter Billings, 28 St. George's Crescent, %Queen's Park, Chester, Cheshire, CH4 7AR. 01244 675225.\\ %{\tt anna.billings@zen.co.uk}, {\tt peter.billings@zen.co.uk} % %\section*{Mark Shinwell} % %48 Panton Street, Cambridge, CB2 1HS. 07725 234383.\\ {\tt mark@three-tuns.net} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Alan \& Chris Shinwell, The Tarns, Little Vigo, %Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6ES. 01252 875986. % %\fbox{ % \begin{minipage}{34em} % {\bf Occasional use of simeticone and/or mebeverine hydrochloride to treat % stress-induced abdominal cramps.} %\end{minipage}} % %\newpage % %\section*{Matthew Bent} % %135 Garstang Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 3EB. 01772 715854.\\ %{\tt matt\_bentuk@yahoo.co.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Robert Bent, address as above. % %\section*{Oliver Betts} % %18 Vicar Road, Liverpool, L6 0BW, UK. 0151 2224508.\\ %{\tt olly@survex.com} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Terry Betts (father), 24 Morgans Road, Hertford, %Herts, SG13 8BS. 01992 583643.\\ %{\tt terry@tjb-planning.co.uk} % %\fbox{\bf Possible penicillin allergy.} % %\section*{Peter Harley} % %27, Grosvenor Gardens, Billericay, Essex, CM12 0UF. 01277 625102.\\ %{\tt pjrh2@cam.ac.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Chris Harley, address as above.\\ %{\tt chris.harley@btinternet.com} % %\section*{Philip Underwood} % %16 Sycamore Road, Brookhouse, Lancaster, LA2 9PB. 0773 928 5952.\\ %{\tt phil@furbrain.org.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Betty Underwood, 25 Greetby Hill, Ormskirk, Lancashire, %L39 2DP. 01695 576229.\\ % %\fbox{ % \begin{minipage}{23em} % {\bf Suffers from asthma.}\\ % Can take all drugs including non-steroidals. % \end{minipage}} % %\section*{Sandeep Mavadia} % %32 Elmbridge Drive, Shirley, West Midlands, B90 4YP. 0121 745 8468.\\ %{\tt smavadia@gmail.com} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Kalpana Mavadia, address as above. % %\section*{Tomas Handford} % %45 Park Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 6EU. 0161 485 3693.\\ %{\tt tph32@cam.ac.uk} % %{\bf Next of kin:} Address as above. \chapter{Gear taken up to the Stone Bridge} \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage %\chapter{Gear taken up to the 76 Bivi} % %\newpage\ \newpage \chapter{Stuff NOT to be left in Austria} To be filled in at the end of the expedition. \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage \chapter{Stuff left in Austria} Please use the logbook as there is more space. \chapter{Expo Suggestions} \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \chapter{Quotes} \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage \ \newpage \appendix \chapter{Accounting Policy} \emph{May 2008} This policy is intended as a guide to how we intend to manage Expo costs and income. We (Ollie Stevens \& Kathryn Hopkins) reserve the right to alter the policy or make exceptions to it where the policy proves unworkable or conflicts with the aims listed below. The Expo Treasurer, Kathryn Hopkins (\url{kh311@cam.ac.uk}), will manage the finances. Any queries or complaints should in the first place be addressed directly to her. If you are dissatisfied, the sole other point of authority is Ollie Stevens (\url{oacs2@cam.ac.uk}), Expo Leader. By attending Expo you undertake to submit all claims for reimbursement by the 14th September. Claims submitted after this date may not be reimbursed. A bill, as agreed by Kathryn and Ollie, will be issued by 1st October, which you are expected to settle before 1st November. \section{Aims} \begin{itemize} \item To finance a successful 2008 expedition. \item To leave a float of \pounds600 for the 2009 expedition. \item To deliver Expo at an acceptable cost to participants. \item To generate transparent records. \item To split costs as fairly as is reasonably practicable. \end{itemize} \section{The Bierbook} Newcomers to Expo are introduced to the Bierbook. This venerable tome is used to record when money is spent, when the results of such spending are used and much other important information. Please acquaint yourself to the Bierbook when you get a chance and use it fastidiously. For example, upon removing a beer from the fridge, note it in your tally. A new addition introduced last year is the Seshbook. This can be taken away to record drinks or meal purchases. Note that `swaps' between participants can be made via the Bierbook. For example, the lending of cash. \section{Funding} Several thousand pounds of grant money has been awarded to Expo. The majority of this arises from bids made specifically for scientific equipment and will therefore be spent on these items. The rest will be used towards caving equipment expenses, such as the Expo rope order. Grant money will therefore subsidise caving aims. Those attending will be expected to make their share of purchases on behalf of Expo. Such purchases are noted in the Bierbook, so that payments between cavers can be arranged after Expo to ensure that everyone has paid their fair share. Please keep your receipts! You will be expected to submit these after Expo for all purchases over \pounds100 and you may be asked for receipts of under this boundary too. We cannot guarantee to reimburse expenses if receipts are not forthcoming. Some large purchases will need to be split between cavers, or paid for by Expo centrally. This central money arises from \pounds120 deposits. Large purchases expected include gear order(s), ferry crossings and the campsite. Deposit money is being used to cover gear, and some of the campsite fee. Attendees are asked to note that Expo does not guarantee to reimburse costs that have not first been agreed with the Expo Treasurer, even where this document lists a cost as reimbursable. In practice, all reasonable necessities will be reimbursed, but for payments of several hundred pounds and over, permission in advance is best sought. \section{Transport To \& From Expo} Cars can qualify as `serving Expo' for their outward journey and/or for their return journey. To achieve outward and/or return `serving Expo' status, the car will generally be transporting: \begin{itemize} \item Three or more Expo attendees (includes driver) for a significant portion of the journey(s). \item Or; two or more Expo attendees (includes driver), plus an appreciable quantity of communal equipment or others' personal equipment for a significant portion of the journey(s). \end{itemize} Cars that fail to meet these criteria may also be considered to be `serving expo' at the discretion of the expedition treasurer. For example, a car arriving late in expo may not be able to carry its full quota of expo gear, because most gear would already be in Austria by that time. Such a car may be considered to be serving expo if it carried only 2 people and a small amount of gear. Cars serving Expo will have all fuel and ferry costs reimbursed by Expo for that journey, so long as an acceptably direct route is taken. In addition, where the car is `serving Expo' both ways, Expo will pay for breakdown cover and insurance costs associated with taking the vehicle abroad. Where you buy yearly cover or there is some other complication, please contact Kathryn Hopkins to discuss how much will be reimbursed. Costs of expended equipment, such as single use headlamp deflectors, can also be charged to Expo. Where the car is `serving Expo' in one direction only, Expo will pay three fifths of the breakdown cover and insurance costs associated with taking the vehicle abroad and half of the ferry fare. Car owners are expected to deliver receipts in order to claim these costs. Where breakdown or other insurance is not purchased and something goes wrong, the car owner is responsible (organisationally and financially) for transporting passengers and Expo gear to the appropriate destinations. In addition, car owners are entitled to a \pounds25 wear-and-tear payment for each direction their car is ‘serving Expo’ over. No toll payments will be reimbursed, as car travellers do have the option of using cheaper roads. Expo attendees who are forced to fly from the UK because of lack of car space will also be reimbursed by expo for the price of their plane tickets. \section{Payments to Car Owners: Transport Within Austria} Where a journey is considered as `serving Expo' (this will generally involve transporting people for caving or doing a task on behalf of Expo as a whole), rather than being private, its fuel cost will be reimbursed. Where a toll road or car park is used and there is no practicable alternative, the toll or parking fee will also be reimbursed. In order to distinguish how much fuel is used `serving Expo' and how much fuel is used on other trips, please record `Jollies' in the appropriate Bierbook section and charge all fuel costs via the fuel buyer’s section. In addition, for each week in which journeys `serving Expo' are made, a \pounds5 wearand-tear payment will be made to the car owner. Some insurance and breakdown cover reimbursements may be made, even if the car is not serving Expo to or from Austria. \section{Contributions to Travel Expenses} The pooled transport to and from Expo will be billed across the Expo participants. The share assigned to each person will depend on his/her use of Expo transport to get his/her person and gear to Austria. Even those not using Expo pooled transport at all will pay a small share, owing to the need to transport communal gear to Austria. Those taking more than two Inglesport/Bernie's sized bags of personal gear via pooled transport may be charged an extra fee. Equipment being used for Expo’s stated cave science aims will be treated as communal rather than personal equipment. Please do not bring expendable things to Expo that could just as easily be bought there -- such as many food items. Reasonable transport costs within Austria will be pooled across all participants proportionally to the length of time they spend at Expo. Expo does not pay fines. \section{Contributions to Campsite Fees, Individual Excursions, Food} Many items such as campsite fees and excursions will be split directly according to the benefit attendees gained -- so there will be a rate for each night at base camp and the charge will be calculated from this and the number of nights you spent there. Please therefore note things like bier consumption in the Bierbook. Basic camping expenses, such as meals and bog roll, will be included in one overall bill that is split depending on the number of nights spent at Expo. This will be independent of whether time was spent at base or top camp. Communal equipment and miscellaneous items will be split similarly. The amount of caving done by an attendee has no bearing on the amount charged them. Note that only a basic level of nutrition is paid for by Expo and that `luxury' foods on top of this should be individually paid for. \section{Sponsorship in Kind} Where companies donate products to Expo, the products will either be `communal', `free-for-all personal' or `charged personal'. \begin{itemize} \item `Communal' items are shared by all and will be items such as surveying equipment. These items will remain under the ownership of Expo. \item `Free-for-all personal' items will be shared amongst all Expo attendees in some manner, fair or otherwise. A Tunnocks bar is an example of such an item. \item Expo will own `charged personal' items until they sold to attendees. Typical sales price will be 50\% of a UK price for that item and the revenue generated will be used to subsidise attendees based on the number of nights they spend at Expo. \end{itemize} A condition of making use of sponsored items is that you ensure photos are made available of the items in use, to be sent to our sponsors. In addition, you may be asked to write a short review of the item. \section{The Euro} Sterling/Euro conversions will be performed using an average of several attendees' credit card conversion rates covering the expo period. \section{Other} Expo does not pay any photographic costs, unless the Expo Leader specifically calls for the photography. For example, Expo may pay for photographs of equipment provided by sponsors. Copies of all such photographs must be provided to Expo and Expo has the right to reproduce these photographs. Expo carbide is provided for free to attendees, on condition that users dispose of spent carbide in a timely and environmentally sensitive manner. Individuals kindly allowing their stoves to be used communally may charge Expo for any replacement parts caused by the rigours of Expo use. Those using others' stoves are requested to be careful with them. Note that where something is paid for and its cost cannot after the event be split between attendees without disagreement (e.g. a heavy sesh), the cost will be left with the person who paid the bill. He or she is asked to settle such debts with other attendees outside of the Expo accounting system. \end{document}