We have an online form you can use from any web browser to upload a load of files to your folder on the server for the current year of the expedition.
This is restricted to upload photos into the server's photo area for just the current year's expedition. There is a sub-form on the page for you to create a folder if there is not already one with your name on it.
Your own photo folder is named like this: YourName. It is a simplified, anglicized version of your name. It should have no spaces, accents. hyphens, apostrophes or underline characters. When creating a new folder using the form, the form will prevent you using nonalphabetic characters.
(You cannot create sub-folders. All your photos go into the same folder.)
Please, please rename the filenames of the photos intelligently to e.g. "big-hole-near-path-to-fgh.jpg", or "2018-ad-07-entrance3.jpg" rather than "DSC31415926.jpg" or whatever your camera app produces.
Please use lower-case for all the filenames of photogrpahs.
Please don't upload lots of near-duplicate photos: cull them first to just the good ones.
Complete beginners can also put all their files into their own folder within the folder /home/expo/expofiles/uploads/ on the expo laptop and ask a more experienced user to upload them.
If you want to use your photos in a blog (see Using uploaded photos in blogs) tell an experienced user which and they will copy a lower-resolution version to the appropriate place.
That's it, you're done.