<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <!-- Only put one cave in this file --> <!-- If you edit this file, make sure you update the website database --> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <cave> <non_public>True</non_public> <caveslug>1626-55</caveslug> <official_name>Raucherkarhöhle</official_name> <area>1626</area> <kataster_code>4/T/S/E x</kataster_code> <kataster_number>55</kataster_number> <unofficial_number></unofficial_number> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55a</entranceslug> <letter>a</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55b</entranceslug> <letter>b</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55c</entranceslug> <letter>c</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55d</entranceslug> <letter>d</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55e</entranceslug> <letter>e</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55f</entranceslug> <letter>f</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55g</entranceslug> <letter>g</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55h</entranceslug> <letter>h</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55i</entranceslug> <letter>i</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55k</entranceslug> <letter>k</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55l</entranceslug> <letter>l</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55m</entranceslug> <letter>m</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55n</entranceslug> <letter>n</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55o</entranceslug> <letter>o</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55p</entranceslug> <letter>p</letter> </entrance> <entrance> <entranceslug>1626-55q</entranceslug> <letter>q</letter> </entrance> <explorers></p><ul><li>Under the aegis of LVHK <span lang="de">Oberösterreich,</span> 1961-present,</li><li>Austrian National expedition took place in 1965,</li><li>Both LVHK <span lang="de">Oberösterreich</span> and LVHK <span lang="de">Steiermark</span> worked together in 1973.</li></ul><p></explorers> <underground_description>The labyrinthine system contains several levels of development, mostly southwards towards <a href="5.htm"><span lang="de">Nagelsteghöhle</span></a> (the probable resurgence at 850m). The current deepest point (a sump) has been reached by systematically traversing over pitches of 40 to 90m.</underground_description> <equipment></equipment> <references></p><dl><dt>78.2012</dt><dd><cite>(GSAB) <span lang="fr">Spéalp</span> 1 (June 1977) pp 33-49</cite>, <b>Totes Gebirge: <span lang="fr">Description des principaux gouffres de la zone ouest du massif</span></b>, <span lang="fr">Jean Claude Hans & Etienne Degrave</span><br /><a href="../../others/gsab/en/782012.htm#id55">English Translation</a><br /><a href="../../others/gsab/fr/782012.htm#id55" lang="fr">En Français</a></dd></dl><p>The description is translated mainly from reference 78.2012 by Andy Waddington and Jill Gates, with additional info on dates/lengths as cited.</references> <survey></survey> <kataster_status></kataster_status> <underground_centre_line></underground_centre_line> <notes></p><p>More information on this cave, by those exploring it, can be found on the <b lang="de-at">Landesverein für Höhlenkunde in Oberosterreich</b> site, with text available in both <a href="http://alpha.aec.at/cave/cave.html">English</a> and <a href="http://alpha.aec.at/cave/index.html" lang="de-at">German</a> and with a number of excellent photos.</p><ul><li>The cave had been surveyed to 6000m long and -216m by 1965. An Austrian National expedition in 1965 reached -530m.</li><li>A sump in the <span lang="de">Hinterland</span> at -538m was reached in 1966, when the length was over 10.3 km.</li><li>In 1970, <span lang="de">Großen Rundgange</span> and <span lang="de">Ischler Esteiler</span> brought the length up to 16.3 km.</li><li>In October 1973, the <span lang="de">Dunkler Grund</span> area led to -718m, (-723m in some sources) at which time the length was 18km.</li><li>In 1975 the system was connected to the nearby <span lang="de">Planer-Eishöhle.</span></li><li>The length in January 1976 was 19052m and in December 1977, 20155.5m.</li><li><span lang="de">Sektion Ausseerland</span> journal gave 23900 m in July 1980.</li><li><span lang="fr-be">Spéleo Flash</span> number 128 gives 16 entrances and a length over 30km.</li><li><span lang="de">Die Höhle</span> 1986(3) gives 747m, 40km, which is about the same as LVHK <span lang="de">Steiermark</span> Journal for 1984, which states length 40.2km, depth 746m as at the end of 1984.</li><li>The World Deep/Long caves list (end 1995) from Bob Gulden of the NSS Geo² Long and Deep caves committee gives 70km and 725m, quoting BCRA Caves & Caving number 44, p 47 as its source (Summer 89).</li></ul><p></notes> <length></length> <depth></depth> <extent></extent> <survex_file></survex_file> <description_file>1626/55.htm</description_file> <url>1626/55.htm</url> </cave> </body> </html>