This file is generated by troggle on Nov. 5, 2023, 1:09 p.m. UTC using the form documented at the form documented at handbook/survey/caveentry.html
True 1626-120 Feuertalsystem 1626 4/T/S x 120 1626-120a a 1626-120b b 1626-120c c 1626-120d d

caves-1626/120/120.svx From the Quelli entrance, pitches p8, p19, p83, p33, p24, p17, p5, p33, p24, p9, p33, p27, p103 lead to -400m. Here one reaches a vast passage going up and downhill. The downstream passage emerges at the top of an 84m pitch. Below this a winding canyon interspersed with small pitches gives onto a 15m pitch and the end of exploration in 1976 at -708m.

The lower entrances lead by large phreatic passages to pitches which drop into a further large horizontal level which undulates between -410m and -500m. At -497m, this links to the main vertical system from Quelli. Using these lower ways in, exploration reached a sump at -913m in 1977. Following the large phreatic level away from Quelli goes for about a kilometre before breaking into the side of a colossal shaft at -414m. This is a 211m pitch to a choke at -625m. There is a possible way on across this shaft, which is, however, 20m in diameter.

(GSAB) Spéalp 1 (June 1977) pp 33-49, Totes Gebirge: Description des principaux gouffres de la zone ouest du massif, Jean Claude Hans & Etienne Degrave
English Translation
En Français
(GSAB) Spéalp 2 (1978) pp 66-67, survey, Feuertalsystem, Jean Claude Hans
En Français

The description is translated mainly from these references by Andy Waddington and Jill Gates.
