University of Bristol Speleological Society

The UBSS is the oldest of the existing British University caving clubs. Most famous for its work in the caves of County Clare, and also much involved in Mendip caving, the UBSS also venture further afield.

Steve Perry (once dubbed "the fittest man on Mendip") was a CUCC member with UBSS connections, who was on the 1977 expedition. Other UBSS members first joined CUCC's Austria expedition as guests in 1980, and UBSS was a "guest club" on the CUCC expedition in both 1981 and 1982, after which their involvement declined. The work done by UBSS members was written up in the prestigious Proceedings of UBSS.

Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 16(1) (1981) pp 5-10, An introduction to Austrian karst, Steve Perry
Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 16(1) (1981) pp 11-20, A description of some caves..., Julian Griffiths
Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 16(2) (Nov 1982) pp 77-83, The Stellerweghöhle system, Totes Gebirge, Austria, Rich Barker et al

Unknown to CUCC a few UBSS members staged independent expeditions to an area north of the plateau. There were three trips (1989, 1990 and 1992). Very much to CUCCs embarassment, in 1989, when an "English group camped on Augst-Eck" were found by the helicopter during Becka's rescue. This did not help an already delicate political situation.

Approximately 30 sites were explored and described. These have been numbered as BS1 to BS30. The most significant find was BS17, Organhöhle, with a surveyed length of 850 m and depth of 303 m. The full accounts of these expeditions can be found in the following two papers:

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Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 19(2) (1992) pp 251-264, U.B.S.S. Totes Gebirge Expeditions 1989 &; 1990 [Austria], Drewery,P.D., Harries,D.B., and Martyn,C.S.C.
Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 19(3) (1993) pp 347-358, U.B.S.S. Totes Gebirge Expedition 1992 [Austria]., Drewery,P.D., Harries,D.B., and Martyn,C.S.C.

Somewhat lighter accounts can be found within the following UBSS Newsletters.

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Volume 5 No. 3 Winter 1989 pp5-8. Must I Go Up That Mountain Again.
Volume 6 No. 3 Winter 1990 pp18-23 and front cover. Another Brick in the Wall.