CUCC 97-07 <WK7> 1/S -

Altitude: c 1810-1820 m
Location: Converted from GPS: E 36338 N (52)82260 H? or E 36385 N (52)82234 H?
Averaged from GPS: E 36370 N (52)82269 H?
From route to 139 E of VSK, take big shelf which leads to a series of holes (CUCC 96 WK7 to WK10) and eventually to Steinschlagschacht (136).

VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between 97-07 and the 97-08 group of entrances)

Marking: CUCC metal tag placed 1997

Descent through narrow rift and choked bouldery leads (after 10m) to an undescended pitch (20m ?). Draught stops and starts with a period of about 30 seconds (on the day of discovery), but when active, it was inwards.

Exploration: Incomplete, started CUCC 1996 (Wookey)