/* cavestats.c */ /* Print statistics on a cave */ /* Copyright (C) 2004 David Loeffler * Based on 3dtopos.c by Olly Betts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "cmdline.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "filename.h" #include "img.h" #include "message.h" #include "osalloc.h" int cmp_station(const void *a, const void *b); static const struct option long_opts[] = { /* const char *name; int has_arg (0 no_argument, 1 required_*, 2 optional_*); int *flag; int val; */ {"survey", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, HLP_HELP}, {"version", no_argument, 0, HLP_VERSION}, {"compact", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; #define short_opts "s:c" static struct help_msg help[] = { /* <-- */ {HLP_ENCODELONG(0), /*only load the sub-survey with this prefix*/199, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }; typedef struct { const char *name; img_point pt; } station; static station basept; static int separator; int cmp_station(const void *a, const void *b) { img_point pta, ptb; double crossprod; pta = ((const station *)a)->pt; ptb = ((const station *)b)->pt; if(pta.x == basept.pt.x && pta.y == basept.pt.y) return -1; if(ptb.x == basept.pt.x && ptb.y == basept.pt.y) return 1; /* These two lines mean that the basepoint should compare as being before everything. Otherwise somewhat unpredictable behaviour occurs! */ crossprod = (pta.x - basept.pt.x)*(ptb.y - basept.pt.y) - (pta.y - basept.pt.y)*(ptb.x - basept.pt.x); if(crossprod > 0) return 1; if(crossprod < 0) return -1; else return 0; } static station *stns; static OSSIZE_T c_stns = 0; static station *hull; static OSSIZE_T c_hull = 0; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *fnm; img *pimg; int result; OSSIZE_T c_labels = 0; OSSIZE_T c_totlabel = 0; char *p, *p_end; const char *survey = NULL; bool compact_output = 0; double totlen = 0, planlen = 0; img_point lastpt; int num_legs = 0; msg_init(argv); cmdline_set_syntax_message(/*3D_FILE*/217, 0, NULL); /* TRANSLATE */ cmdline_init(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL, help, 1, 1); while (1) { int opt = cmdline_getopt(); if (opt == EOF) break; if (opt == 's') survey = optarg; if (opt == 'c') compact_output = 1; } fnm = argv[optind++]; pimg = img_open_survey(fnm, survey); if (!pimg) fatalerror(img_error(), fnm); separator = pimg->separator; /* Output headings line */ if (!compact_output) printf("Statistics for %s (prefix %s)\n", fnm, survey); do { img_point pt; result = img_read_item(pimg, &pt); switch (result) { case img_LINE: if(!pimg->flags) { planlen += sqrt((pt.x - lastpt.x)*(pt.x - lastpt.x) + (pt.y - lastpt.y)*(pt.y - lastpt.y)); totlen += sqrt((pt.x - lastpt.x)*(pt.x - lastpt.x) + (pt.y - lastpt.y)*(pt.y - lastpt.y) + (pt.z - lastpt.z)*(pt.z - lastpt.z)); } num_legs++; case img_MOVE: lastpt = pt; break; case img_LABEL: if(pimg->flags & img_SFLAG_UNDERGROUND) { c_labels++; c_totlabel += strlen(pimg->label) + 1; } break; case img_BAD: img_close(pimg); fatalerror(img_error(), fnm); } } while (result != img_STOP); /* + 1 to allow for reading coordinates of legs after the last label */ stns = osmalloc(ossizeof(station) * (c_labels + 1)); p = osmalloc(c_totlabel); p_end = p + c_totlabel; img_rewind(pimg); do { result = img_read_item(pimg, &(stns[c_stns].pt)); switch (result) { case img_LINE: case img_MOVE: break; case img_LABEL: if (!(pimg->flags & img_SFLAG_UNDERGROUND)) break; if (c_stns < c_labels) { OSSIZE_T len = strlen(pimg->label) + 1; if (p + len <= p_end) { memcpy(p, pimg->label, len); stns[c_stns++].name = p; p += len; break; } } /* FALLTHRU */ case img_BAD: img_close(pimg); fatalerror(/*Bad 3d image file `%s'*/106, fnm); } } while (result != img_STOP); if (c_stns != c_labels || p != p_end) { img_close(pimg); fatalerror(/*Bad 3d image file `%s'*/106, fnm); } img_close(pimg); if (c_stns == 0) { printf("No survey data!\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } station wmost, nmost, emost, smost, umost, lmost; wmost = emost = nmost = smost = umost = lmost = stns[0]; { OSSIZE_T i; for(i = 0; i < c_stns; i++) { if(stns[i].pt.x < wmost.pt.x) wmost = stns[i]; if(stns[i].pt.x > emost.pt.x) emost = stns[i]; if(stns[i].pt.y > nmost.pt.y) nmost = stns[i]; if(stns[i].pt.y < smost.pt.y) smost = stns[i]; if(stns[i].pt.z > umost.pt.z) umost = stns[i]; if(stns[i].pt.z < lmost.pt.z) lmost = stns[i]; } } basept = wmost; /* any extreme point will do */ qsort(stns, c_stns, sizeof(station), cmp_station); /* Now, having sorted the stations, any duplicate stations caused by *equates will appear consecutive. */ { OSSIZE_T i; int real_stn_count = 1; for(i = 1; i < c_stns; i++) if(stns[i].pt.x != stns[i-1].pt.x || stns[i].pt.y != stns[i-1].pt.y || stns[i].pt.z != stns[i-1].pt.z) real_stn_count++; if (!compact_output) { printf((real_stn_count == 1 ? msg(172) : msg(173)), real_stn_count); printf((num_legs == 1 ? msg(174) : msg(175)), num_legs); putnl(); //printf((num_legs - real_stn_count == 0 ? msg(138) : msg(139)), num_legs - real_stn_count + 1); // Can't do this, as we don't know the number of connected components } } if (!compact_output) { printf("Total length of survey legs = %.2fm\n", totlen); printf(msg(133), planlen); putnl(); printf(msg(135), (umost.pt.z - lmost.pt.z)); printf(umost.name); printf(msg(136), umost.pt.z); printf(lmost.name); printf(msg(137), lmost.pt.z); putnl(); printf(msg(148), (nmost.pt.y - smost.pt.y)); printf(nmost.name); printf(msg(136), nmost.pt.y); printf(smost.name); printf(msg(137), smost.pt.y); putnl(); printf(msg(149), (emost.pt.x - wmost.pt.x)); printf(emost.name); printf(msg(136), emost.pt.x); printf(wmost.name); printf(msg(137), wmost.pt.x); putnl(); } if(c_stns == 1) { if (!compact_output) printf("Horizontal extent = 0.00m (from %s to %s)\n", stns[0].name, stns[0].name); else printf("0.00\t0.00\t0.00\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(c_stns == 2) { if (!compact_output) printf("Horizontal extent = %.2fm (from %s to %s)\n", planlen, stns[0].name, stns[1].name); else printf("%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f", totlen, umost.pt.z-lmost.pt.z, planlen); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Noddy equivalent of a stack... c_hull = 3; hull = osmalloc(ossizeof(station) * c_stns); hull[0] = stns[0]; hull[1] = stns[1]; hull[2] = stns[2]; OSSIZE_T i = 3; while(i < c_stns) { double sa; sa = (hull[c_hull - 1].pt.x - stns[i].pt.x)*(hull[c_hull - 2].pt.y - stns[i].pt.y) - (hull[c_hull - 2].pt.x - stns[i].pt.x)*(hull[c_hull - 1].pt.y - stns[i].pt.y); if(sa > 0) { hull[c_hull++] = stns[i++]; } else { c_hull--; } } { OSSIZE_T j; station s1, s2; double d, e, r; s1 = s2 = hull[0]; r = 0; j = 0; d = 0; for(i = 0; i < c_hull; i++) { d = sqrt((hull[j % c_hull].pt.x - hull[i].pt.x)*(hull[j % c_hull].pt.x - hull[i].pt.x) + (hull[j % c_hull].pt.y - hull[i].pt.y)*(hull[j % c_hull].pt.y - hull[i].pt.y)); while((e = sqrt((hull[(j+1) % c_hull].pt.x - hull[i].pt.x)*(hull[(j+1) % c_hull].pt.x - hull[i].pt.x) + (hull[(j+1) % c_hull].pt.y - hull[i].pt.y)*(hull[(j+1) % c_hull].pt.y - hull[i].pt.y))) >= d) { j++; d = e; } if(d > r) { r = d; s1 = hull[i]; s2 = hull[j % c_hull]; } } if (!compact_output) printf("Horizontal extent = %.2fm (from %s to %s)\n", r, s1.name, s2.name); else printf("%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", totlen, umost.pt.z - lmost.pt.z, r); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }