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<table border=0 width=100%>
<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>59 </font></th>
<th align=center><font size=+2>Bruchshutth&ouml;hle</font></th>
<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T+</font></th></tr>


<b>Alt:</b> 1680m 
<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee on map. Text says W Hochangerlift (presumed to be the ski lift which runs from near the Loser H&uuml;tte towards Loser Fenster) on Gschirr, which is itself unnamed on the map. Current surmise is that the map location is correct, that the cave is actually east of the lift, and that Gschirr is the ridge running down from Loser Fenster to the Bergrestaurant. However the map symbol implies that this is a shaft, and this location is actually unlikely for a shaft...
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