Surface Survey - Stellerweg area
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<div class="centre"><img src="../images/ssvypl.jpg" width="486" height="487" alt="" /></div>
<p>Pete Lancaster surface surveying on the SE slopes of the Vorderer
Schwarzmooskogel, above the Stellerwegh&ouml;hle system.</p>

<p class="caption">Photo &copy; Chas. Butcher, 1983. lookfutile.svx</p>
<!-- Photo 195, Photo-CD 6121 1651 2353 img 35 -->
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<ul id="links">
<li>Expedition Handbook: <a href="../handbook/survey/index.htm">Surveying Guide</a>
<li>Expo Handbook, Surveying: <a href="../handbook/survey/ontop.htm">Surface Surveys</a></li>
<li><a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
<li><a href="../areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a>
<li><a href="../smkridge.html">SE V.Schwarzmoos area</a> description</li>
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