<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <html lang=en> <head> <title> 1623:192 </title> </head> <body> <center><table border=0 width=100%> <tr><th align=left><font size=+2>192</font></th> <th align=center><font size=+2>Schwa schacht 192</font></th> <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S -</font></th></tr> </table></center> <p><b>Altitude:</b> c1755m<br> <b>Location:</b> 1623/161c 200°<br> About 100m NNE from <a href="161/france.htm">161c</a>, and a few metres higher. Two cairns, one either side of entrance, which is marked with the number. <p>About a 15m shaft with a large rift at the bottom. Probably doesn't go but can't be sure. Rift c 10m long, on 50-230° with deepest point to SW. Descended to -10m on ladder, but can't see round corner to left (SE) below. Existing spit found near top, but previously unmarked. <p><b>Exploration:</b> Unknown, and CUCC 1995 (unfinished) <!-- ref: Kate 95.07.26 S94p42 --> <hr> <!-- LINKS --> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="index.htm#192">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../indxal.htm">Full Index</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br> <img alt=">" src="../../icons/lists/0.png"> <a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a> </body> </html>