<HTML lang=en><HEAD><TITLE>1623:204</TITLE> <!--#include virtual="../../css/main.css"--> </head> <BODY> <DIV align=center> <CENTER> <TABLE border=0 width="100%"> <TR> <TH align=left width="30%"><FONT size=+2>204</font><br><font size=+1>(CUCC 1999/03)</FONT></TH> <TH lang=de><h1>Steinbrückenhöhle</h1></TH> <TH align=right width="30%"><FONT size=+2>4/S x</FONT></TH></TR> <TR> </TABLE></CENTER></DIV> <p><table> <tr><td><B>Extent:</B></td><td colspan=4>Length 4.7km, depth 368m.</td></tr> <tr><td><b>Location:</B></td> <td><b>204a</b></td><td>36697E</td><td>(52)83700N</td><td>1812m altitude</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><b>204b</b></td><td>36688E</td><td>(52)83713N</td><td>1810m altitude</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><b>204c</b></td><td>36666E</td><td>(52)83905N</td><td>1836m altitude</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><b>204d</b></td><td>36451E</td><td>(52)83882N</td><td>1773m altitude</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><b>204e</b></td><td>36618E</td><td>(52)83860N</td><td>1817m altitude</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><b>204f</b></td><td>36627E</td><td>(52)83873N</td><td>1821m altitude</td></tr> </table> <P>The cave is situated on the west side of the col between the <SPAN lang=de-at>Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel</SPAN> and <SPAN lang=de-at>Nieder Augst-Eck</SPAN>. It is currently one of the main areas of exploration for CUCC. <P><B>Access route:</B>The route from Top Camp used since 1999 (probably near optimal) is a cairned path via <SPAN lang=de>Wolfhöhle</SPAN> (<A href="../../plateau/145.htm">1623/145</A>) and Laser Point 5, then up to the top of the bare patch of white limestone visible from Top Camp, passing <A href="195.htm">195</A> and <A href="196.htm">196.</A> The path used in 2001 then skirts around the contours to arrive directly opposite the stone bridge after which the cave was named (in previous years a route slightly higher up towards the Hinter was used). Alternatively, the cave may be approached from the summit of HSK - probably the optimal route if you are coming from any of the <A href="../161/top.htm">161</A> entrances. <P><B>Marking:</B>Tags on both 204a and 204b entrances. <h2>Description</h2> <p><ul> <li><a href="entrance.shtml">Entrance and The Near End passages</a> <li><a href="midlevel.shtml">Mid-level passages (including Wolpertinger Way)</a> <li><a href="nopain.shtml">No Pain No Gain through to the Colonnade</a> <li><a href="treeumphant.shtml">Trunk way through Treeumphant Passage to Cave Tree Chamber and beyond</a> <li><a href="swings.shtml">Swings and Roundabouts area</a> <li><a href="pleasuredome.shtml">Pleasuredome area</a> <li><a href="ariston.shtml">Deep routes via the Ariston Series</a> </ul> <h2>Exploration and surveys</h2> <p>A revised survey, including the areas explored on the 2001 expedition, is currently in preparation and will be available in time for the 2002 expedition. <p>The question mark list (not yet updated with 2001 question marks) is available <a href="qm.shtml">here</a>. <p><b>On-line surveys:</b> <ul> <li><a href="surveys/plan.png">Plan, pre-2001 Expo</a> [71k; approx 2300x3300 pixels, monochrome] <li><a href="surveys/elevation.png">Elevation, pre-2001 Expo</a> [22k; approx 1900x2200 pixels, monochrome] </ul> <P><B>Exploration history:</b> <ul> <li>CUCC 1999 to length 1365m, depth 226m <li>CUCC 2000 to 2.5km, depth 368m <li>CUCC 2001 to 4.7km, depth 368m </ul> <p><HR> <!-- LINKS --> <p><ul> <li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Home page</a> <li><a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</A> by cave</a> <li><a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</A> <li><a href="../index.htm#204"><SPAN lang=de-at>Schwarzmooskogel</SPAN> ridge area index</A> </ul> </BODY> </HTML>