Troggle is the software which runs the the expo cave survey data management and website.
For earlier history see Website history.
Because Nadia asked nicely, we now have a rename form for uploaded files in wallets. This year we also have a 'create wallet' form.
In the potato hut the blue netbook crashed horribly during expo and although Mark Shinwell coaxed it back to life, repreated fsck means that it needs to be retired before next year. The netbook was running Wookey's carefully curated drivers for the replacement USB-WiFi antenna which restored reasonable internet access in the hut this year.
Too late for expo, but we now have a logbook entry creation and editing form running in a webpage. Hopefully this will reverse the trend in recent years for many fewer people writing up trips in the logbook and many fewer trip records in general. The whiteboard at topcamp is a wonderful thing, but it gets erased so we no longer have a callout book permanent record of trips.
During the early days of expo a generic "edit text files online" capability was finalised. This is so that we can
The online logbook data entry (typing entries instead of writing them in longhand) has been a great success and was used intensively during the 2024 expedition. Many, many glitches were discovered and fixed during expo. James Waite still manages to crash it when nobody else does and we don't know why.
The HTML files holding the cave and entrance data and descriptions (e.g. expoweb/cave_data/1623-231.html and expoweb/entrance_data/1623-231d.html etc. ) now omit the field for the cave identifier ('caveslug') or the entrance identifier ('slug'): these are now read directly from the filenames. This prevents pointless duplications, which always get out of step when a cave is renamed.
We have greatly simplified setting up separate 'development' and 'server mimic' environments on troggle development laptops, and also vastly simplified their initial configuration. This is because we are now using a new tool uv. This should make 'on-boarding' new programmers easier.